Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Please, Sir, May I Work More Hours? | William L. Anderson

Lecture presented by William L. Anderson at the Ludwig von Mises Institute's "Brown Bag Seminar" series. Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama on October 30, 1996. * * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). This YouTube channel is in no way...

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The Firm and Strategic Factor Markets | Per Bylund

Lecture presented by Per Bylund at the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s annual Austrian Scholars Conference (Session on New Developments from the “Missouri School”); Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama; 10-12 March 2011. Playlist for complete 2011 Austrian Scholars Conference: Links to selected online resources on Austrian Economics: Human Action: A Treatise on...

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Otmar Issing Quotes

What was your favorite Otmar Issing quote? ‘Like’ and leave a comment below, then jump over to and make a list of your favorites, so you’ll never forget! We update our Twitter and Facebook with new quotes every few minutes, don’t miss out! | If you enjoyed these quotes, please LIKE, SHARE …

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Weimarer Reden 2012: Otmar Issing

Weimar, 11.03.12: Quo vadis Europa? fragen die Weimarer Reden 2012. Quo vadis Euro? Von Otmar Issing, Finanzökonom, Ex-Banker bei Bundesbank und Europäischer Zentralbank erhofften sich viele am Sonntag gerade darauf eine Antwort.

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Ronald Stöferle und Fabian Grummes sprechen über Gold und Silber

Abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter auf In diesem Podcast-Interview mit Fabian Grummes von der GoldMoney Foundation spricht der Goldexperte und Autor des Goldreports In Gold We Trust Roland-Peter Stöferle über den Goldpreis und warum er es als Risiko erachtt, kein Gold zu besitzen. Bei der richtigen Bewertung von Gold muss man es mit Blick auf …

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Otmar Issing – Über Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Gemeinschaftswährung | Made in Germany

Der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Otmar Issing war der erste Chefvolkswirt der Europäischen Zentralbank und gilt als Architekt der europäischen Geldpolitik. Wir fragen ihn, ob ihm gefällt, was aus dem Euro geworden ist.

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Bill Bonner et la Vera Valor

Bill Bonner, l’éditeur de Moneyweek et des Editions Agora, nous félicite pour le lancement de la Vera Valor. Et il en offre une à Simone Wapler, la responsable des Editions Agoras en France. Bill Bonner est aussi l’auteur du livre L’Empire des Dettes. Annonciateur dès 2006 de notre crise actuelle.

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Why Congress Must Stop the Fed’s Massive Pumping | by Frank Shostak

Audio version of the Mises Daily article for January 6, 2009. Written by Frank Shostak and read by Floy Lilley. Link to the text version of this audio presentation: * * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC …

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Marko Papic on Geopolitical and Financial Risks

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Marko Papic on Geopolitical and Financial Risks

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on Japanese Debt

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on Risk & Leverage

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on the GDP

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on the Debt Supercycle

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on the Endgame

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin, Paul McCulley, David Rosenberg, Martin Barnes, Louis-Vincent Gave on Economic Views

Go to for the entire panel discussion and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin, Marc Faber, Martin Barnes, Marko Papic, Jonathan Tepper Discuss End of QE2

Go to for the entire panel discussion and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Neil Howe on Four Keys for Decoding America’s Future

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Martin Barnes on Economic and Fiscal Outlook

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Louis-Vincent Gave on China and Emerging Market

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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