Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Doug French’s Hen Island

What City of Rye Mayor Doug French and City Manager Scott Pickup will not tell the public, we will… Westchester County officials informed the City of Rye that New York State Laboratory test results from larva drawn from samples on Rye’s Hen Island indicate high concentrations of West Nile Virus (WNV) carrying mosquitoes being hatched …

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Author’s Corner – Apostle of Peace edited by Gary Galles

Laissez Faire Books’ Jeffrey Tucker talks with Dr. Gary Galles about the Laissez Faire Club release of Apostle of Peace, his edited work about the illustrious Leonard Read. This is the first non-biography to examine the intellectual legacy of this great man. Read Apostle of Peace when it is released today [2/22/13] by joining the …

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Union International Club startet mit Prof. Otmar Issing ins

Aus den aktuellen Schlagzeilen ist die Thematik des Zusammenbruch des Euro und einem Zerfall der Eurozone verschwunden. Aber an Brisanz hat das Thema nicht verloren, wie auf dem Neujahrsempfang des Union International Club zu spüren war. Der Euro und Europa – Herausforderungen in 2013, so das Thema.

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Otmar Issing: EZB-Politik verhängnisvoll – 2013 Schicksalsj

Der ehemalige Chefvolkswirt der EZB, Otmar Issing, hält – ungeachtet der jüngsten Beruhigung an den Finanzmärkten – an seiner Kritik an der EZB fest. 2013 bezeichnete Issing als Schicksalsjahr für den Euro.

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Commie Cowboys Author Ryan McMaken on the Wild West

Denver author Ryan McMaken sits down with host Jon Caldara to discuss his new book “Commie Cowboys: The Bourgeoise and the Nation-State in the Western Genre.”

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Libertarian and Austrian economic theory

Libertarian economic theories comprises Austrian economists and Free Market economists like Nozick, Narveson, Gathier, Caplan, Bryan Caplan, David Friedman and the Randian philosophy.

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Did Austrian Economists Get the Recovery Wrong?

Austrians got the recovery after the financial crisis wrong. Monetary expansion did not lead to hyperinflation and a collapse of central banks. Their mistake was that the Austrian principle of "too cheap money leads to wrong investments", is currently not valid. Due to high risk aversion after the financial crisis, firms do only only best projects. Austrian economists were right before the crisis, but after the crisis Keynesians and Germans with...

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Dimitri Speck – Aktueller Stand der Goldpreis-Manipulation (TEIL 4 von 5)

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Dimitri Speck – Aktueller Stand der Goldpreis-Manipulation (TEIL 3 von 5)

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Dimitri Speck – Aktueller Stand der Goldpreis-Manipulation (TEIL 2 von 5)

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Dimitri Speck – Aktueller Stand der Goldpreis-Manipulation (TEIL 1 von 5)

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Dimitri Speck – Aktueller Stand der Goldpreis-Manipulation (TEIL 5 von 5)

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Dimitri Speck über Intervention und Blasenbildung

Mehr Videos: Die Währungskrise, die Entwicklung des Goldpreises, Interventionen und Blasenbildung: Unter anderem darüber haben wir auf der Edelmetallmesse 2012 in München mit Dimitri Speck (Autor “Geheime Goldpolitik”) gesprochen. Produktion: Sven Hermann Consulting – Redaktion/Kamera/Schnitt: Sonja Hubl

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Doug French’s top 10 books on money

Episode 66: GoldMoney's Andy Duncan speaks to Doug French about his 10 favourite books written by Austrian school economists on the subject of money. Mr French is the senior editor at Laissez Faire Books ( and is a former President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, in Auburn, Alabama. Here are the 10 main books discussed: 10) Ethics of Money Production, by Guido Huelsmann 9) What Has Government Done to Our Money?, by Murray...

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Doug French’s top 10 books on money

Subscribe to our newsletter at Episode 66: GoldMoney’s Andy Duncan speaks to Doug French about his 10 favourite books written by Austrian school economists on the subject of money. Mr French is the senior editor at Laissez Faire Books ( and is a former President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, in Auburn, Alabama. …

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Dimitri Speck: Misstrauen in die Papierwährung besteht

Auch wenn sich die Schuldenkrise zuletzt deutlich entspannt hat, ist Buchautor Dimitri Speck (Geheime Goldpolitik) skeptisch, dass das Schlimmste schon vorüber ist: Es wurden ja praktisch noch gar keine Schulden abgebaut, so Speck. Das ist eine Aufgabe für mindestens eine Generation.

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Claudio Grass über Kauf und Lagerung von Gold

Mehr Videos: (Sven Hermann Consulting) Auf der IfAAM Financial Repression Tour 2012 in Kassel haben wir mit Claudio Grass (Geschäftsführer Global Gold) unter anderem darüber gesprochen, welche finanziellen Investitionen für die Bürger in Zukunft sinnvoll sein könnten sowie darüber, was bei Kauf und Lagerung von Edelmetallen zu beachten ist.

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What Is Walmart’s Crime? | by William L. Anderson

Audio version of the Mises Daily article for June 27, 2011. Written by William L. Anderson and read by Keith Hocker. Link to the text version of this audio presentation: * * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). This YouTube channel is in...

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An Empire of Debt Leading to a “Crack-up” in the Global Monetary System w/Bill Bonner!

check us out on Facebook Follow us @ Tweets by LaurenLyster Tweets by CoveringDelta Welcome to Capital Account. US President Obama returned to the campaign trail today, holding his first post-Sandy event. As we head into the last few days of the presidential race, we ask Bill Bonner, bestselling author and founder of Agora …

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Going Broke: The Ethics of Default | Doug French

Lecture presented by Doug French at the sixth annual conference of The Property and Freedom Society, held May 26-30, 2011 at the Hotel Karia Princess, Bodrum, Turkey. © 2011 The Property and Freedom Society. Video produced by Sean Gabb and uploaded to YouTube by LibertyInOurTime with the permission of Sean Gabb and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. …

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