Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Guided By Nonsense

  Seven Year Achievement   “Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.” — Lewis Carroll   See? It’s easy Janet! Just read the directions! Illustration credit: Walt Disney   U.S. consumers are at it again.  After a s...

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Dimitri Speck ueber Gold, Inflation, Negativzinsen und EZB-Anleihenkaeufe Auf der Mark Banco Anlegertagung Ende Mai 2016 in Hamburg haben wir mit Dimitri Speck über die aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um Euro und aktuelle Geldpolitik der Notenbank gesprochen. Auch die Verschuldungssituation weltweit, mögliche künftige Entwicklungen sowie mögliche Folgen für Anleger und Sparer sind Themen des Video-Interviews. Quelle:

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Grasping Parasites and Bernie the Underdog

The system changed in 1971, when President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. Since then, the powers that be no longer depended on Congress… or savers…or voters… to raise the funds they needed. What about Bernie Sanders?

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OPEC’s Game within a Game

The fact OPEC just agreed to agree on nothing in Vienna. What next? Lots of noise about collective output vs. country allocations.

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Räcker pengarna till ränta? | #079 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Monetärt mischmasch. Hur mycket guld behövs för att återinföra guldmyntfot? Ett gram till exempel. En av poddpladdrarna är för och den andre emot. Men vad skulle hända om någon köpte upp allt guld då? Ett flertal monetära myter avlivas rituellt. Även tips på hur man dubblar sina pengar. FACEBOOK: …

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Notes from ECB Press Conference

ECB press conference June 2 2016 Q; Risk to inflation balanced? April meeting, no conclusive evidence of second round effects, are they now? A; Additional stimulus beyond CSPP and TLTRO2 not necessary as we expect higher inflation. We do not see evid...

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 02.06.2016 – Brasilien: US-Rache an Dilma Rousseff?

Weitere Themen: – EZB-Pressekonferenz um 14:30 Uhr & Freihandelsabkommen EU-Mexiko: Ein neues Hintertürchen für die USA? – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Claudio Grass Interviews Felix Zulauf

Government Intervention is Making Things Worse. Claudio Grass, the CEO of Global Gold, has recently interviewed legendary Swiss fund manager Felix Zulauf.

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Arrant Star Trek Socialism

  Robotic Utopia In spite of the fact that Marx expressed nothing but disdain for his Utopian socialist predecessors such as Henri Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte, variants of Utopian socialism evidently live on. The latest iteration of the socialist d...

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On the Road to Panicville

  An Alert for the Global Posse of Liquidity Junkies In the summer of 2015 and again in December-February this year, global stock markets were rattled by weakness in the yuan’s exchange rate vs. the US dollar. Yuan weakness is widely held to exacerba...

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Economy “Improves”, Americans Get Poorer

  No Surprises BALTIMORE – We were not surprised by the big news last week. We saw it coming. Figures from the Conference Board research group revealed productivity sinking for the first time in three decades. We promised to explain why it was such a...

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The Stunning Idiocy of Steel Tariffs

  Victims of the Boom-Bust Cycle The world is drowning in steel – there is huge overcapacity in steel production worldwide. This is a direct result of the massive global credit expansion that has taken place over the past 15 years. Much of this capac...

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A Thank You to the Jackasses Running the Economy

  Rolling Back 200 Years of Growth BALTIMORE, Maryland – The press reported mixed financial news on Thursday. House sales, oil, unemployment figures… up, down… the news left investors puzzled.   Two of many symptoms of the much-bewailed “populist bac...

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Venezuela’s Gold Reserves Plunge To Lowest Ever As Maduro Repays Debt With Gold

Several months ago, as Venezuela's hyperinflating, imploding economy was spinning in freefall, leading to the dramatic episodes of total social collapse such as those profiled in "Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 ...

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How Elon Musk Helps Fools to Part Ways with Their Money

  Tesla Goes Fishing Tesla Motors is up to something remarkable.  But what it is, exactly, is unclear.  According to the Tesla Motors website, the company’s mission is: to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transport.   Tesla Model 3: t...

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The Power Elite: Bumbling Incompetents

Is there any smarter group of homo sapiens on the planet? Or in all of history? We’re talking about Fed economists, of course. Not only did they avoid another Great Depression by bold absurdity…giving the economy more of the one thing of which it clearly had too much – debt. They also carefully monitored the economy’s progress so as to avoid any backsliding into normalcy.

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If You Want To Make Money, Go To Scary Places: Jim Grant

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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Why Physical Cash Is Being Eliminated: Grant Williams

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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There Is Political Interference At The Fed: Former Fed Insider Danielle Dimartino Booth

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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China Is No Longer Imploding: Louis Gave

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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