Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Mooning the Elite

Dow up 269 points. Was that all there was? Is the “Brexit” scare over? We don’t know… but we’re going to take a pause today. Instead of trying to connect the new dots, we’re going to take a look at the old dots we’ve already strung together

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Money confuses and blurs economic relations

Money, generally accepted medium of exchange, acts as a veil that confuse and blurs economic relations. This is especially true when it comes to intertemporal considerations. Whilst probably the most important institution in a free market, money can be highly destructive when politicized.

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The Coming End of the “Third Way” System

We recently discussed the post-Brexit landscape with a friend (in fact, our editor), who bemoaned that “the EU is led by a drunkard”. Our immediate reaction to this was to exclaim: “That’s the best thing about the EU!”

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BofA: To Save Markets Central Banks Just Made Inequality And Populism Even Worse

There is a large dose of irony to the post-Brexit market response: while on one hand stocks have soared and as of today the S&P500 has already recouped more than half its post-Brexit losses (the SPX sank 5.7% peak-to-trough since the referendum and has since bounced 3.5%) an even sharper reaction has been observed in bonds.

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There Is Now A Staggering $11.7 Trillion In Negative Yielding Debt

It was not even a month ago when we last looked at the total amount of negative yielding debt around the globe, and were shocked to find that according to Fitch, for the first time in history (obviously), there was over $10 trillion in negative yielding debt. Fast forward 4 weeks later, and the grand total is now $1.3 trillion higher, or $11.7 trillion.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 29.06.2016 – Kein Umdenken bei der EU

Umdenken nach dem Brexit? Die EU-Kommission will das Freihandelsabkommen CETA an den Parlamenten vorbei durchwinken und entscheidet weiter zu Lasten der Bevölkerung der EU-Staaten. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Vive la Revolution! Brexit and a Dying Order

A Dying Order Last Thursday, the Brits said auf Wiedersehen and au revoir to the European Union. On Friday, the Dow sold off 611 points – a roughly 3.5% slump. What’s going on?

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South China Sea: Storm in an Indian Ocean Teacup

With global attention focused on BREXIT calamity, potentially more important questions are being overlooked, and especially in the South China Sea where storms are currently brewing between China and a range of littoral states for strategic control of territorial waters.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 27.06.2016 – Direkte Bürgerbeteiligung in der Kritik

Abwehrreaktionen gegen die Entscheidung des britischen Souveräns: Die direkte Bürgerbeteiligung steht nach dem Brexit-Votum in der Kritik. Muss das Volk vor sich selbst oder doch eher die Eliten vor dem Volk geschützt werden? Weitere Themen: – Nach Brexit-Votum: Märkte bleiben hochvolatil / Notfalltreffen der Notenbanken – George Soros sieht Ende der EU – Fed: Märkte …

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Jayant Bhandari – Deep Value And High Returns ! ! !

Proven and Probable provides insights on mining companies, junior miners, gold mining stocks, uranium, silver, platinum, zinc & copper mining stocks, silver and gold bullion in Canada, the US, Australia and beyond. Be Sure to Subscribe to Our Channel. Visit us for more: Jayant Bhandari, one of the financial world’s most sought after Institutional …

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Ryan McMaken: The Brexit Earthquake

Ryan McMaken, editor of, joins Jeff Deist to figure out what the shocking Brexit vote really means. Are secession movements and political decentralization always good for liberty? Why do some libertarians disagree? Why does the Left love centralized state power, when in fact progressives could enact their entire agenda here and now—if only in …

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Dirk Müller – Der Brexit kommt: Großbritannien wird die EU verlassen vom 24.06.2017. Sehen Sie den kompletten Tagesausblick auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & Delpixel /

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 23.06.2016 – Brexit Ja oder nein?

Weitere Themen: – Bis zu 96 Prozent der Staatsanleihen mit Negativ-Rendite – EZB-Ankauf von Unternehmensanleihen: Vorbeugende Maßnahme für den Notfall? – Einbruch der Exporte nach China – Bundeskanzlerin spicht sich für deutliche Erhöhung der Rüstungsausgaben aus – Anstehende Wirtschaftsdaten – Heute Abend 18 Uhr: Webinar des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds (mit Hinweisen zur Depot-Absicherung) …...

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Towards Freedom: Will The UK Write History?

Every freedom loving person on the planet has their eyes fixed on this referendum. A clear majority voting for Brexit and therefore for more decentralization, would show that the British realized they can break free from their self-imposed nonage, and reclaim individual liberty.

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The Fed Doomsday Device

Debt is just the flip side of credit. As debt goes bad, credit disappears. And then the system that created so much credit-money will go into reverse, destroying the nation’s money supply. The money supply (actually, the supply of ready credit) will shrink – suddenly and dramatically. And what should have been a minor, routine pullback in the economy will become a catastrophic panic.

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China the lender of last resort for many oil producers

Bawerk explains how China will be the lender of last resort of many oil producers. China might let collapse a smaller producer and become much smarter at covering its political bases across producer states to protect longer term sunk costs.

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Money Supply Arguments Are Flawed

It goes without question, among economists of the central planning mindset, that if a central bank can just set the right quantity of dollars, then the price level, GDP, unemployment, and everything else will be right at the Goldilocks Optimum. One such approach that has become popular in recent years is nominal GDP targeting.

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Janet Yellen’s $200-Trillion Debt Problem

More than $10 trillion of government bonds now trade at negative yields. And another $10 trillion or so worth of U.S. stocks trade well above their long-term average valuations. And there’s more than $200 trillion of debt in the world. All of this sits on the Fed’s financial applecart. Does Janet Yellen dare upset it?

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Gold and Brexit

The pain of negative yields and social chaos will be very long lasting and very good for gold. So, gold must go up, but Brexit is not one of the reasons why it should. This tells me that in the short term there will likely be a correction in the gold price, creating an opportunity to trade

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Contrasting Views of the Great Depression | Robert P. Murphy!~

Tôi đã tạo video này bằng Trình chỉnh sửa video của YouTube (

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