Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

All this borrowing to consume is unsustainable and the bill is overdue

June has been an interesting month for gold, as geopolitical events, market fluctuations and developments on the monetary policy front fueled an exciting ride for the precious metal. As long-term investors with a strict focus on the big picture, short-term moves and speculative angles are largely irrelevant in and of themselves, but they do provide important signals that, without fail, confirm the strategic superiority of precious metals holdings...

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Gold is the secret knowledge of the financial universe

Every seasoned gold investor and every student of monetary history has likely stumbled upon various theories about institutional manipulation of the gold market. While it is true that rarely is there smoke without fire, it is still important to approach this matter rationally and form opinions based on sound evidence and solid research.

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Dirk Müller – “Golden Bullet”: Noch will Trump keinen Krieg mit dem Iran…

Auszug aus dem vom 26.06.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt handsigniert im Cashkurs*Shop: Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds – Anlegerkongress 2019 – Jetzt Tickets...

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Per Bylund: ACT!

Austrian Capital Theory (ACT) sounds arcane, academic, and complicated. In fact, it’s the key to modern organizational design, cutting edge business structures, and the high-response business models leading entrepreneurs deploy to win in today’s business environment. Hunter Hastings interviews Per Bylund. Show Notes: Austrian Capital Theory at Work (PDF): Economics For Entrepreneurs...

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Ronald Stöferle: Gold ist die perfekte Versicherung

Während der Goldpreis im Juni 2019 von einem Hoch zum anderen springt, hat ein anderer Indikator bereits sein Allzeithoch erreicht: Der Umfang des „In Gold We Trust“-Reports, der sich in den vergangenen Jahren zur Leitpublikation auf dem Edelmetallmarkt entwickelt hat, hat im Jahr 2019 einen Rekordumfang erreicht. Und Co-Autor Ronald Stöferle ist für die weitere …

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Episode 276: What Causes Poverty, and what Causes Prosperity w/ Per Bylund

58 Minutes Rated PG-13 Per Bylund returns to the show to explain why poverty is the default state, and how prosperity is the goal. He discusses the best ways to make prosperity happen and then answers some questions on what a truly free and open society would be like on a day to day basis. …

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Ronald Stöferle auf der Metallwoche: Das Interview zum In Gold We Trust Report 2019

Anders als Mainstream…: In der Einleitung zum diesjährigen “In Gold We Trust” – Report 2019, der bereits im 13. Jahr erscheint, findet sich ein Zitat des im Januar 2012 verstorbenen Nationalökonomen und freien Publiziten Roland Baader, welches aktueller denn je erscheint. Es lautet: „Gold ist ‚geronnenes‘ Vertrauen oder, wenn man so will, auch geronnenes …

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Interview mit Dr. THORSTEN POLLEIT: “ACHTUNG VOR DEM FIAT-GELD-SYSTEM”.Bitcoin&Austrian Economics.

Faktenreiches und transparentes Gespräch mit Dr. Thorsten Polleit über die wahren verwurzelten Ursachen unserer globalen Krisen, Leiden und Symptome im Rahmen der Hayek-Tage2019 in Wien: das in Kollusion mit den Regierungen obsessiv kontrollierte Zentralbanken-Fiat-Geld-System. "Thorsten Polleit kritisiert das ungedeckte Geldsystem (Fiat-Geldsystem), das ökonomisch und ethisch defekt ist. Er spricht sich für einen Währungswettbewerb, einen...

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Paul Tudor Jones Likes Gold

Gold is Paul Tudor Jones’ Favorite Trade Over the Coming 12-24 Months. In a recent Bloomberg interview, legendary trader and hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones was asked what areas of the markets currently offer the best opportunities in his opinion. His reply: “As a macro trader I think the best trade is going to be gold”.

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Jayant Bhandari – The Day Fiat Currency Became Worthless While Gold Was A Safe Haven

Jayant Bhandari of Anarcho Capital joins us again on SBTV as we revisit how the Indian rupee was demonetized on short notice from the government and the event's continuing repercussions on Indian citizens and the economy. Discussed in this interview: 02:44 Preserving wealth is a herculean task in India 04:55 Indians trust gold, not the rupee 07:54 Decline of India - a 'low-trust' society 10:28 Re-look at the 2016 demonetization of the Indian...

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Jayant Bhandari | Mining Company Management Must Focus on Creating Value on a Per Share Basis

Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. He was a Director on the board of Gold Canyon, a publicly-listed Canadian company, until its merger with another entity. Earlier, he worked for six years with US Global Investors (San Antonio, Texas), a boutique natural resource investment firm, and for one year with Casey...

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A Surprise Move in Gold

Traders and Analysts Caught Wrong-Footed. Over the past week gold and gold stocks have been on a tear. It is probably fair to say that most market participants were surprised by this development. Although sentiment on gold was not extremely bearish and several observers expected a bounce, to our knowledge no-one expected this.

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Bitcoin: What is the Best Day of the Week to Buy?

Shifting Patterns. In the last issue of Seasonal Insights I have discussed Bitcoin’s seasonal pattern in the course of a year. In this issue I will show an analysis of the returns of bitcoin on individual days of the week. It seems to me that Bitcoin is particularly interesting for this type of study: it exhibits spectacular price gains, it is a very new instrument and it is unregulated. Moreover, it trades around the clock, even on weekends.

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US Money Supply Growth and the Production Structure – Signs of an Aging Boom

Money Supply Growth Continues to Decelerate. Here is a brief update of recent developments in US true money supply growth as well as the trend in the ratio of industrial production of capital goods versus consumer goods (we use the latter as a proxy for the effects of credit expansion on the economy’s production structure).

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Dirk Müller – Irankonflikt: Schließung der Straße von Hormus käme USA zugute!

Auszug aus dem vom 24.05.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt handsigniert im Cashkurs*Shop: Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds – Anlegerkongress 2019 – Jetzt Tickets...

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In previous articles, we have outlined in great detail the many faults of the current monetary policy direction of major central banks and the large-scale economic impact of keeping interest rates artificially low. Among the worst offenders is the ECB, that is unapologetically persistent on continuing this exercise in absurdity that are negative interest rates.

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In Gold We Trust 2019 

The New Annual Gold Report from Incrementum is Here. We are happy to report that the new In Gold We Trust Report for 2019 has been released today (the download link can be found at the end of this post). Ronnie Stoeferle and Mark Valek of Incrementum and numerous guest authors once again bring you what has become the reference work for anyone interested in the gold market.

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Dirk Müller – “One World”: Darum ist den Eliten das Klima plötzlich so wichtig!

Auszug aus dem vom 24.05.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt handsigniert im Cashkurs*Shop: Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds – Anlegerkongress 2019 – Jetzt Tickets...

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Proposed Negative Rates Really Expose The Bond Market’s Appreciation For What Is Nothing More Than Magic Number Theory

By far, the biggest problem in Economics is that it has no sense of itself. There are no self-correction mechanisms embedded within the discipline to make it disciplined. Without having any objective goals from which to measure, the goal is itself. Nobel Prize winning economist Ronald Coase talked about this deficiency in his Nobel Lecture:

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Dirk Müller: Strache-Video offenbart die grundsätzlich herrschende Kleptokratie!

Auszug aus dem vom 20.05.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der neue Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt handsigniert im Cashkurs*Shop: Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds – Anlegerkongress 2019 – Jetzt...

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