Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Trump oder Biden – wer übernimmt die USA und was bedeutet das für uns? (Mit Prognose)

Es ist die wichtigste Wahl seit langem manche sprechen sogar von einer Jahrhundertwahl. Wird Donald Trump im Weißen Haus bleiben oder wird er abgelöst durch Joe Biden. Im heutigen Video schauen wir uns beide Kandidaten an, die Bilanz von Trump und Marc wagt sogar eine Prognose wer gewinnen wird. Natürlich, wie immer, alles mit Daten und Fakten untermauert. Kapitel: 00:00 Start 01:00 Status Quo 08:26 Die Kandidaten 13:07 Trump Bilanz 19:20...

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CRISIS: More Government Spending And Debt Will Not Help

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Experteninterview mit Dimitri Speck – Gold 15.000 USD und BTC bei 0

Dimitri Speck hat sich auf Mustererkennung und auf die Entwicklung von Handelssystemen spezialisiert. Er ist Herausgeber und

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Understanding the Proper Meaning of “Equality”

Nowhere is the difference between the reasoning of the older liberalism and that of neoliberalism clearer and easier to demonstrate than in their treatment of the problem of equality. The liberals of the eighteenth century, guided by the ideas of natural law and of the Enlightenment, demanded for everyone equality of political and civil rights because they assumed that all men are equal.

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Populism Worked for the Pro-Freedom Party in the Past. Can It Work Again?

Although he was a scholar with degrees in mathematics and economics, Murray Rothbard was very much a fan of the American layman. Indeed, he was a populist both in temperament and in his political views. In a 1992 column outlining his populist strategy, Rothbard noted the importance of reaching out to the general public and especially to those groups that were most negatively impacted by state power.

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Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse

Claudio Grass (CG): This crisis has shaken a lot of industries and core functions of the global economy and international trade. How do you assess its impact on the most important part of the machine, the banking system? Do you see risks there that investors should be worrying about?

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No, the American Republic Was Not Founded on Slavery

The fact that some Americans supported slavery in the eighteenth century is not at all remarkable. Most of the world agreed with them. What is remarkable is that many of them sought to abolish slavery in the new republic. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: "No, the American Republic Was Not Founded on Slavery".

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Finanzexperte Dr. Markus Krall ist Volkswirt, Unternehmensberater und Autor. Seit September 2019 ist Krall Mitglied und Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH.

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Die CHANCE: Silber ist das Gold für Jedermann! (Interview Mark Valek)

Marc Friedrich im Interview mit Mark Valek, was ein Duo! Wie steht es um den Goldkurs und ist die momentane Pandemie dort widergespiegelt? Wie denkt Herr Valek über Gold, Silber, Bitcoin und auch Aktien? All dies beantworten wir heute in diesem Interview! In Gold We Trust-Report: Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: Finanzen: Webseite:...

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BOND DEFAULTS Deliver 99% LOSSES As Bankruptcies Soar

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RUINA y Propaganda: Los Presupuestos 2021

Lectura adicional: _______________________________________________________________________ Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales / Please subscribe to my channel and leave your comments below: ☑ Twitter -...

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Populism Worked for the Pro-Freedom Party in the Past. Can It Work Again?

Is it still possible to "rouse the masses of people against the elites that are looting them" in effective numbers? As late as 1992, Rothbard thought so. And he had historical examples on his side.

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BFI Special Report “On the Brink of a New Era – Are You Prepared?”

A “Swiss Conversation” with Frank R Suess, Founding Partner and Chairman of BFI Capital Group in Switzerland and Claudio Grass

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Dr. Markus Krall – MUT zur FREIHEIT

Der Sozialismus ist eine der im 19. Jahrhundert entstandenen drei großen politischen Ideologien neben dem Liberalismus und Konservatismus. Es gibt keine eindeutige Definition des Begriffs. Er umfasst eine breite Palette von politischen Ausrichtungen.

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No, the American Republic Was Not Founded on Slavery

Journalistic propaganda is a powerful instrument of indoctrination. Without evidence, foul ideas can easily penetrate mainstream discourse. For instance, recently it has become fashionable to posit that slavery is America’s original sin.

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COVID 19 DISASTER: New Lockdowns In Europe Will Devastate The Economy

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Was Rothbard a Populist?

Why did Murray Rothbard embrace populism and why did he think it could work to limit the power of the state? In short, Rothbard believed that a small elite had seized the power of the state to fleece and oppress the majority. Rothbard was in part basing his ideas on the historical narrative of the Democratic populists of the nineteenth century who formed the party of sound money, low taxes, and decentralized power. This laissez-faire party also...

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Das Ende naht: Wohlstand in Gefahr

Einen zweiten Lockdown wird die Wirtschaft nicht verkraften. Damit ist der Wohlstand für alle in Gefahr. Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Ökonom Thorsten Polleit. Buch: Unser Telegram Kanal: Instagram:

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“Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse.”

We’re less than two weeks away from the US election, and yet this sense of utter confusion, bitter political conflict, and economic uncertainty that has been ominously hovering over the nation, as well as the rest of the world, doesn’t seem to have subsided.

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On Foreign Policy, Trump Is Still the Lesser Evil

The Democrats, Liz Cheney, and the Never Trumpers still want endless wars, and they hate Trump's apparent lack of enthusiasm for embracing their dreams of empire. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: "On Foreign Policy, Trump Is Still the Lesser Evil".

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