Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

RUINA – Pymes, Autónomos, Hostelería: Abandonados Por Decisión Política

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Title IX Will Become a Vehicle of More Injustice

President Joe Biden vowed to put a “quick end” to the Trump administration’s Title IX regulations and return to Obama-era ones at universities. If this happens, the sexual misconduct hearings will be deeply impacted.

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Sehen wir den Totalausfall in 2021?

Markus Krall spricht darüber, dass wenn Sie jemanden fragen müssen, um etwas zu produzieren, dann wissen Sie, dass die Gesellschaft vor dem Untergang steht. Und das ist unser Grundproblem, weil wir uns als freie Menschen in Abhängigkeit begeben haben. Wir befinden uns laut Markus Krall in einem System wo inkompetente Menschen, die niemals in Lage wären etwas zu produzieren, darüber bestimmen, was wir tun dürfen.

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Modern Society To Collapse, Survivors To Live Off Land (Without Tools Or Know-How)

The wild action in the markets and the economic devastation on Main Street may have the spotlight for now, but with the current trajectory we’re on, modern industrial technological civilization will shut down...

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Ernst Wolff, Markus Krall oder Robert Kiyosaki. Zeitschriften Time, The Economist. Thema Great Reset

Aktueller Preis vom Bitcoin. Empfehlung von mir zum Great Reset. Ernst Wolff (Experte über Geld), Dr. Markus Krall (Experte über Finanzen) oder Robert Kiyosaki (Millionär; seine Aussage zu Gold》Gold ist Geld Gottes)

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A Penchant for Controlling Others

We all want freedom for ourselves, but many people have doubts about the way others might use their own freedom. Under these conditions, the state is there to help. Get enough people to favor enough restriction, and the state is good to go, administering every aspect of life from its smallest to its largest detail.

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Impfchaos: In Deutschland dominiert mehr und mehr planwirtschaftliches Denken

Zwei mögliche Kanzlerkandidaten wetteifern darum, wer am lautesten nach einer Planwirtschaft ruft, die das Impfchaos beseitigen soll.

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Markus Krall – Ausbeutung und Umverteilung es wird alles übersteigen, was wir je gesehen haben!!!

⭐Ausbeutung und Umverteilung es wird alles übersteigen, was wir je gesehen haben, dr. Markus Krall!

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Investieren in Bitcoin – so gehts! (Anleitung)

Wie kannst du in Bitcoin investieren? Was ist ratsam? Über Börsen, Apps, ETFs oder in Form von Aktien? Welche Plattformen sind empfehlenswert? Was ist bei der Lagerung zu beachten? Auch Tesla Chef Elon Musk hat wohl in Bitcoin investiert. MicroStrategy kauft hingegen weiter Bitcoin hinzu auch bei Preisen von über 30.000 $. Indien hingegen will Bitcoin verbieten und eine eigene digitale Währung kreieren. - Bitcoin Wo seriös BITCOIN kaufen und...

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BIDEN’S ENERGY PLAN: Risk Of An Expensive Cost And Higher Bills

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Governments Grow in Size

The coronavirus has dominated all of our lives in recent months. Radical paths were taken by politicians in the form of lockdowns to contain the pandemic. But we should recognize that even if the coronavirus is a (major) challenge for us, we always have to keep a holistic view of world events.

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There’s Nothing Wrong with Short Selling

The recent GameStop short-squeeze drama has riveted financial markets. Given the historic unpopularity of short sellers (e.g., Holman Jenkins has written that “short-selling is…widely unpopular with everyone who has a stake in seeing stock prices go up”), the resulting heightened invective against them is not a surprise.

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Mn Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter

Seven Ways To Profit From Obama's Destruction Of America's Financial System. #Mn, #Gordon's, #Wealth, #Prism, #Letter

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Libertarianismo – Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard apresentou seu discurso na Convenção do Partido Libertário de Michigan, realizada em Southfield, Michigan, em maio de 1989. O trecho também inclui uma sessão de perguntas e respostas. Agradecimentos especiais a Bob Roddis por disponibilizar este vídeo.

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There Is No “Optimum” Growth Rate for the Money Supply

Most economists hold that a growing economy requires a growing money stock on the grounds that growth gives rise to a greater demand for money that must be accommodated. Failing to do so, it is maintained, will lead to a decline in the prices of goods and services, which in turn will destabilize the economy and lead to an economic recession or, even worse, depression.

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Wall Street Outsiders versus the Hedge Funds

The investment world was convulsed last week when at least one hedge fund (Melvin Capital) lost billions of dollars. The sudden, massive losses happened when a tidal wave of independent individual investors, spearheaded by posts on, triggered a short squeeze that torpedoed the hedge fund.

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#42 physisches Gold als “ultimative Liquidität” – Golden Times

Die Themen in diesem Degussa-Marktreport: Degussa-Chefvolkswirt Thorsten Polleit sieht physisches Gold als ultimative Liquidität. Was überhaupt ist unter Liquidität zu verstehen? Welche Erkenntnisse kann man aus der Haltedauer und den gehandelten Volumina ziehen?

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ESPAÑA 2020-21: Un Desastre Económico Sin Igual En Europa O La OCDE

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SILVER SQUEEZE: The Next Gamestop? Speculation or Fundamental?

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“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity”

A lot has been said and written about the impact of the Covid crisis on the global economy and on the prospects of a strong recovery in 2021. Especially since the start of the year, there seems to be a consensus among government officials, institutional leaders and mainstream market analysts and pundits, pointing to an extremely positive outlook.

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