Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

This Professor Hates the Austrian School. But He Clearly Doesn’t Know Much about It.

Rob Larson, who is a professor of economics at Tacoma Community College in Washington, does not agree with Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, and Friedman that the free market promotes freedom and prosperity and that socialism is the “road to serfdom.” That is an understatement, and you won’t find any understatements in this book. To the contrary, the book abounds in wild accusations.

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No, Inflation Is Not Good for You

According to the Marxists and their fellow travelers, inflation is good because it transfers wealth from creditors to debtors, and debtors are "the 99 percent." But inflation doesn't work that way.  

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MISERIA: Inflación y paro DISPARAN el índice de miseria al 20%

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Markieff Morris workouts with Mariano Sánchez and Andrew Moran in Las Vegas

Todo lo necesario para compensar el juego interior en @lakers complementando a figuras @keefmorris5.0 se ganó un espacio de respeto en equipos donde necesitan ser finos en oportunidades externas y en la zona ! Un jugador con excelente tiro ! Runners + floaters y entrando a jugar en la zona con personalidad en sus comportamientos tácticos ! Todo bajo timing y técnica . Días de progresión asistiendo a @miamihoopschool en Las Vegas ! Una continua...

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Erste Bank kippt. Katastrophe mit Ansage

#markuskrall #hoffnung #kommt #november2021 #2021

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What’s In Your Loan?

Opposing Monetary Directions “Real estate is the future of the monetary system,” declares a real estate bug. Does this make any sense? We would ask him this. “OK how will houses be borrowed and lent?” “Look at this housing bond,” he says, pointing to a bond denominated in dollars, with principal and interest paid in dollars. “What do you mean ‘housing’ bond’,” we ask, “it’s a bond denominated in dollars!” “Yes, but housing is the collateral.”...

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Housing Hubris: Can Home Prices Spiral upward Forever?

For the Wall Street sequel, the subtitle was Money Never Sleeps. But the Oliver Stone reprisal of Gordon Gecko was the stuff of 2010. In America, a decade plus ago, money slept. Now, it truly doesn’t, with cryptocurrency prices gyrating 24/7/365. This frantic activity has spread to other asset markets.

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CORONA – Insider spricht Klartext! (PCR, Inzidenzen, Impfungen)

Heute kommt es knallhart! Mit Prof. Dr. med. Paul Cullen (Molekularbiologe, Labor Mediziner und Internist) gehen wir ins Detail! Was ist Corona eigentlich, wie wirken PCR-Test und können diese als Beweis überhaupt genutzt werden? Sind Genesene besser gegen Corona gewappnet als Geimpfte? Und funktioniert überhaupt 2G so, wie es uns die Politik erzählt? All dies und noch mehr in einer unfassbar spannenden Folge "Marc spricht mit..."...

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Andrew Moran (20 November 2020)

Andrew Moran (Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina, US) “Elucidation of Energy and Charge Transport Mechanisms in Layered Perovskites with Nonlinear Action Spectroscopies” This video is for educational purposes only. No part of this video may be copied, reproduced or broadcasted without expliciet permission from the author. Adding this video to public channels is forbidden. If you like the video, do not hesitate to add a like!

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Markus Krall: Riskantes Investment! Markus Krall im Gespräch mit Bitcoin-Fan Marc Friedrich

#markuskrall #hoffnung #kommt #november2021 #2021

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Why Don’t Police Unions Protect Whistleblowers?

Sergeant Javier Esqueda of the Joliet Police Department in Illinois thought he was doing the right thing by leaking a video recorded from inside of a squad car that showed a black man, Eric Lurry, in medical distress from a drug overdose being slapped and having a police baton forced in his mouth. Lurry later died from the overdose.

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Cashkurs*Wunschanalysen: Activision Blizzard unter der Chartlupe

Mario nimmt Ihre Aktienwünsche unter die Lupe: Hier geht’s zum vollständigen Video mit weiteren Titeln: Im Video bespricht unser Experte die von der Community gewünschten Aktien am Chart. Heute: Activision Blizzard, Amazon, Fresenius und weitere spannende Werte wie Dropbox… Als Mitglied können Sie sich im Kommentarbereich auf Ihren Favoriten für die nächste Runde wünschen! Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich...

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BITTERE Realität! WIR laufen ins OFFENE MESSER!

Videoinhalte: Banken Deutschland, Sparkassen Deutschland, Wirtschaft Deutschland, Finanzen Deutschland , Geld Deutschland , Kapital Deutschland, Aktien Deutschland , Börse Deutschland , Immobilien Deutschland , Politik Deutschland , Medien Deutschland ,

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With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s Covid Deaths Remain Far below Europe and the US

Since the very beginning of the covid panic, the narrative has been this: implement severe lockdowns or your population will experience a bloodbath. Morgues will be overwhelmed, the death total toll will be astounding. On the other hand, we were assured those jurisdictions that do lock down would see only a fraction of the death toll. Then, once vaccines became available, the narrative was modified to "Get shots in arms and then covid will...

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Auswandern nach Paraguay – Erfahrungen eines Community-Mitgliedes

Auswanderer berichtet über Leben in Paraguay Infos zur Paraguay-Investorenreise: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Paraguay, Plan B, Auswandern und Freiheit Ich saß in einem gemütlichen Café in Asuncion vor meinem Macbook und schlürfte gemütlich einen Kaffee. Plötzlich stand ein Mann vor mir und sprach mich lächelnd auf deutsch an. Wie ich gleich erfahren habe,...

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Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines

Throughout the corona “pandemic” the Holy Grail of public health officials has been vaccination: only by vaccinating enough people—first the elderly and infirm, then all adults, and now even children—can the nefarious virus be beaten.

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Die Party ist zu Ende. Das große Massaker beginnt

#markuskrall #hoffnung #kommt #november2021 #2021

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Dr. Markus Krall deckt auf – IRRE!

Ähnliche Meinungen teilen andere bekannte Experten, unter anderem: Mr. Dax, Dirk Müller, Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans Werner Sinn, Marc Friedrich, Ernst Wolff, Dr. Daniel Stelter, Prof. Max Otte, Prof. Clemens Fuest, Andreas Popp, Thorsten Polleit, Florian Homm und viele andere!

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The Inca Empire: An Indigenous Leviathan State

One of the realities that nullifies persistent interpretations of the European colonization of the Americas as a cataclysm of subjugation is the existence of state exploitation in the precontact New World.

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