Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

The Inverted Yield Curve and Recession

The “yield curve” refers to a graph showing the relationship between the maturity length of bonds—such as one month, three months, one year, five years, twenty years, etc.—plotted on the x axis, and the yield (or interest rate) plotted on the y axis.1

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The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization

The covid-19 pandemic featured an unprecedented fusion of the interests of large and powerful corporations with the power of the state. Democratically elected politicians in many countries failed to represent the interests of their own citizens and uphold their own constitutions and charters of rights.

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Bribe Money for Ukrainian Officials?

In my blog post of May 18, 2022, I raised the possibility that the $40 billion aid package that Congress quickly approved for Ukraine was going to be used, at least in part, to pay multimillion dollar bribes to Ukrainian officials.

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Even When There Is Inflation, the Fed STILL Fights Falling Prices

Under any remotely sound money regime the aftermath of war and/or pandemic is highly likely to feature a sharp decline in the prices of goods and services on average. Even under unsound money regimes there are powerful forces operating towards lower prices once the war/pandemic recedes. Strong injections of monetary inflation, however, can overpower them.

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Inflation und Energiewende (Interview Ricarda Lang und Clemens Fuest)

Ich war als Sprecher auf dem Ludwig-Erhard-Gipfel unterwegs, das deutsche WEF in Davos, dem Treffen der Eliten und habe für euch einmal versucht einige der Gäste vor die Kamera zu bekommen! Was dabei Clemens Fuest (Präsident des ifo-Institut München) und Ricarda Lang (Bundesvorsitzende Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) für Ansichten zu Inflation, Energiewende, Ukrainekonflikt, Atomausstieg und vielem mehr haben, erfahrt ihr in dieser besonderen Folge...

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Dirk Müller – EZB: Neuer Sprengstoff!

𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗶𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗸 𝗠ü𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗿: (Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Marktupdate vom 13.06.2022 auf Dirk Müller erklärt im Video in welcher Zwickmühle sich die EZB tatsächlich befindet. Denn während die Zinsen für 10-jährige Staatsanleihen der Euro-Südländer schon nach oben wegfliegen, drückt auf der anderen Seite eine historisch hohe Inflation....

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Klimamassnahmen: Verletzung elementarer Rechtsprinzipien

Die Klimapolitik basiert nicht auf solider Wissenschaft und bricht mit elementaren juristischen Grundsätzen. Weltweit greifen Staaten immer massiver in Freiheitsrechte ein, um den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen.

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Slowing Money-Supply Growth in 2022 Points to Recession

Money supply growth fell slightly in April, falling below March's eight month high. Even with March's bump in growth, though, money supply growth remains far below the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years.

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Dirk Müller: Hohe Spritpreise – Wer WIRKLICH verantwortlich ist!

𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗶𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗸 𝗠ü𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗿: (Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Marktupdate vom 13.06.2022 auf Sie sind noch kein Mitglied? Zum Einstiegspreis anmelden und vollen Zugriff auf alle Artikel und Videos holen - Sie erhalten den ersten Monat für nur 9,90 Euro - – Ihre unabhängige...

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Coach Shaw:HBCU coach starting Scouting company Miami Dade Basketball to help the kids get exposure

In this segment Coach, Shaw talks about starting Miami Dade basketball to help the South Florida basketball kids get exposure. want's to see the local kids compete.

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A crack-up boom in the making

The great Ludwig von Mises first described the concept of a crack-up boom as part of the Austrian business cycle theory, based on real life events that to an unsuspecting bystander might have appeared unconnected, or perhaps even quite bizarre and counterintuitive. Indeed, such a bystander might think the same of today’s economy and would likely have trouble making sense of the picture painted by stock markets, by our monetary and fiscal policies...

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Interest Rates Are Rising, but the Fed Continues to Be Reckless

The crushing issue of high inflation caused by central banks can no longer be downplayed. Public displeasure at the increasing currency devaluation has now forced monetary policy makers to act. The US Federal Reserve (Fed) has raised its key interest rate to 1 percentage point.

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Market Success Is about Giving People What They Want

Economists are often examining the variables that lead to prosperity, but surprisingly, intelligence is rarely featured in this literature, despite its high replicability in research. Intelligence is a robust predictor of well-being, job performance, and other social outcomes.

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Can Gold Return to the Center of the Monetary System?

Forget about digital gold. The only truth is the yellow metal. As Keith Weiner notes, real gold “is the one financial asset that is nobody else’s liability.” Weiner, the founder, and CEO of Monetary Metals explains to Mike Green how his company boosts gold’s value proposition by paying interest on bullion holdings. He also talks about the inevitable debasement of fiat currencies and the inherent volatility of #Bitcoin. Weiner believes it won’t be...

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Coach Shaw:HBCU Coach on first year at Florida Memorial University & being Sun Conference champions

In this segment HBCU coach talks about his first year as assistant coach at Florida Memorial University and the success they had this season including winning the sun conference and making the tournament.

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Entrepreneurs and inflation – Per Bylund – Talks with Petri

Per Bylund talks about the root cause of inflation, how to deal with it and why founders have some inherent advantages. He also explains the fiat currency scam and explores the wonders of MMT.

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The Five Stages of Totalitarianism

Fears of a growing totalitarian tendency in the US have swelled during 2020–22. But how close are we really to a totalitarian state? How have such regimes come about historically and what are the warning signs? This article will answer these questions by examining totalitarian regimes in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries and the pattern by which they came to power.

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ZERSTÖREN die Notenbanken die Wirtschaft? (Rezession / Depression)

Wie weit geht noch die Inflation? Wieso lagen so viele „Experten“ komplett falsch? Was kommt danach? Rezession oder gar Depression und wie muss man jetzt agieren, um sein Geld zu schützen? ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung...

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What Is Stagflation and What Causes It?

The occurrence of stagflation is associated with a situation of general strengthening in the momentum of prices while at the same time the pace of economic activity is declining. A famous stagflation episode occurred during the 1974û75 period, as year-on-year industrial production fell by nearly 13 percent in March 1975 while the yearly growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) jumped to around 12 percent.

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June 11, 2022

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