Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Ray Dalio, Markus Krall, Dirk Müller und andere Experten klären auf! Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung kompakt zusammengefasst! Wie soll ich jetzt investieren?

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Episode 4: Doug French – Family Business Thriving in Home Building and Innovation

Welcome to Episode 4 of Innovation Matters! Where we take a deep dive into some of the latest endeavours of today's innovators. Host Korok Ray introduces and welcomes Doug French, CEO of Stylecraft Builders, a home building company based out of Central Texas.

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Dr. Markus Krall aktuelles Interview – Hochexplosive AUSSAGEN! Euro-Ende steht bevor!

Dr. Markus Krall aktuelles Interview - Hochexplosive AUSSAGEN! Euro-Ende steht bevor!

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More than Sixty Years after “Liberation,” Cuba Is a Communist Slave State

In his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick has a chapter named "The Tale of the Slave" in which he explains the nine phases from the most restrictive to more liberating states of slavery. He writes that even though enslaved people have certain forms of self-rule, they are still enslaved. He asks: "Which transition from case 1 to case 9 made it no longer the tale of a slave?"

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War Spending Gives MMTers and the Left a Strong Talking Point

When conservatives applaud unlimited war spending, they not only harm our economy and body politic, but they give the Left a powerful talking point.

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Keith Weiner: Will Interest Rate Hikes Fix Inflation?

Tom welcomes back, Keith Weiner, to the show. Keith is the President & Founder of Gold Standard Institute USA and CEO of Monetary Metals. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit Palisades is also on Odysee and Rumble Keith discusses the recent "Uganda gold discovery" and all the anti-gold people believe it's going to collapse the...

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SANKTIONEN schaden uns am meisten! (Gaskrise, Inflation, Rezession)

Der Euro verliert seine Machtposition und rutscht erstmals seit 2002 in die Euro-Dollar-Parität! Was eine verrückte Zeit... Im heutigen Interview der "Webtalkshow" gebe ich meine Meinung zur Energie-/Gaskrise, der Funktionalität unserer Russland-Sanktionen, mein Blick auf Bitcoin und vieles mehr.

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SoFlaa: Early Escuelita, travel experiences to many countries, 5x award winning docu-series, la jama

This is the full podcast release of director and filmmaker Solflaa, you can listen to him discuss his early escuelita as a filmmaker, his travel experiences to Africa, Japan, Brazil, and his 5x award-winning Docu-series "never too late" based on Uly "monster Diaz" and la Jama tv and the future of the brand and collaborations. FIYE show instagram: Soflaa...

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Gold and Inflation Q&A with David Forsyth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share and you can subscribe for my articles by clicking here

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Ray Dalio, Markus Krall, Dirk Müller und andere Experten klären auf! Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung kompakt zusammengefasst! Wie soll ich jetzt investieren?

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The Epistemological Case for Capitalism

[This article is excerpted from chapter 21 of Mises: The Last Knight of Liberalism.] In the early 1950s, Mises's NYU seminar dealt increasingly with epistemological questions. As he said to Ludwig Lachmann, he felt that the analysis of epistemological problems would be the number one task in the social sciences in the coming years.

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Rising Interest Rates May Blow Up the Federal Budget

Congress enjoys exorbitant political privilege in the form of cheap deficit spending—but it may soon come to an end.

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Inflation IS Money Supply Growth, Not Prices Denominated in Money

In the recent Wall Street Journal article “Inflation Surge Earns Monetarism Another Look,” Greg Ip writes that a recent surge in inflation is not likely to bring authorities to reembrace monetarism. According to Ip, money supply had a poor record of predicting US inflation because of conceptual and definitional problems that haven’t gone away.

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Goldanalyst Dimitri Speck: „Ein steigender Goldpreis ist nicht im Interesse der Politik“

Steigende Inflation bei gleichzeitig niedrigen Zinsen sind prinzipiell „gute“ Rahmenbedingungen für einen steigenden Goldpreis. Doch warum gibt es derzeit keine Hausse bei dem Edelmetall?

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Nine Ways Debt and Deficit Spending Severely Harm African Societies

Systemic debt and deficit spending are intrinsic features of today's economic system. Unlike classical economics, where markets play the leading role and governments the supporting one, the existing economic model, driven by Keynesian theory, has inverted the roles.

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When We Started the Idea of Health Insurance & Jeff Deist’s Medical Model with Shawn & Janet Needham

On this clip of Health Solutions, Shawn & Janet Needham RPh talk to Jeff Deist about his medical model and when we started the idea of health insurance. Human natures tells us that people are more likely to consume more free medicine than they might need.

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Erst künstlicher Corona-, jetzt realer Gas-Notstand? – Boehringer Klartext (175)

- 25 Millionen Steuergeld für nicht zugelassenen Affenpockenimpfstoff - Ludwig Erhard über „verbrecherische“ Inflationspolitik - Prognose eines dauerhaften Handelsbilanzdefizits - Deutschland kann bald nicht mehr Zahlmeister EUropas sein …

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Inflation: Gold als Sicherheit ? Edelmetallmesse München. Peter Boehringer. Degussa, Pro Aurum.

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Charla con Ignacio de la Torre, economista jefe de Arcano cortesía del Círculo de Empresarios. Charla original aquí: Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook -...

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Federalism, Not Centralization, Is the Way out of the Current Conflicts

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a historic decision, upholding the highest principle of a republic. A republic is born through freedom of association in the same manner as individuals band together to form a family, families band together to make a community, and communities band together to make a society.

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