Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Australia: The Nation Founded by British Convicts Embraced Entrepreneurship

Australia is famous for its laid-back culture and for being founded by convicts from Great Britain. It also should be famous for its embrace of entrepreneurship. Original Article: "Australia: The Nation Founded by British Convicts Embraced Entrepreneurship" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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UFOs überall auf der Welt gesichtet! #aliens #ufo

ACHTUNG: Satire! ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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Cashkurs*Wunschanalysen: Barrick Gold unter der Expertenlupe

👉🏽 Jetzt Cashkurs-Mitglied werden ►► 1 Monat für €9,90 statt €17,70 ► 🤖 CASHKURS*TRENDS entdecken ►►► 3️⃣ Tage gratis testen ►►► 📧 Gratis-Newsletter ►►► 🔴 YouTube-Kanal abonnieren ►►► In diesem Video bespricht der Experte für Technische Kapitalmarktanalyse Martin Utschneider den von der...

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Food and Shelter Prices Keep Climbing as CPI Growth Hits a Three-Month High

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data today, and according to the report, price inflation during the month decelerated slightly, coming in at the lowest year-over-year increase in sixteen months.

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Capitalism Has Improved Life in India, but the Spirit of Collectivism Still Dominates

India is currently the seventh-largest country in the world with the largest youth population. There are many elements that make this country unique, the foremost being diversity—diversity of culture, race, ethnicity, and linguistics. India faced an era of colonialism under the British, who would take raw material from India at cheaper rates and import the finished products.

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KRACHENDE Niederlage: Berlin-Nachwahl 2023

Die Berlin-Nachwahl 2023 ist beendet und neben herkömmlichen Dauerchaos und verpatzten Situationen zeigt sich auf, die Leute haben all die politischen Experimente satt! Doch wer ist der große Verlierer? ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur:...

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Be Ready: Markets To Takeover GOLD Pricing SOON! – Keith Weiner | Gold Price Prediction

Be Ready: Markets To Takeover GOLD Pricing SOON! - Keith Weiner | Gold Price Prediction #gold #silver #fed #financedaily -------------- ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang -tnozmGa4 Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022 Silver spikes through $27 level in early trading, up $.83 _U Those Who Don't Own Gold &...

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Why Did Biden Let In Those Nicaraguan Refugees?

The Biden administration and its acolytes in the U.S. mainstream press are celebrating the fact that Nicaraguan socialist dictator Daniel Ortega just released 222 political prisoners and sent them packing to the United States. In the process, however, they are only demonstrating the arbitrary, capricious, and hypocritical nature of America’s socialist system of immigration controls.

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Was & Wer steckt hinter den UFOs? (China, Alf oder Ablenkung?)

Landen jetzt die Aliens? Stehen wir vor einer Invasion? Sehen wir gerade Krieg der Welten? Immer mehr UFO Sichtungen sind in den letzten Tagen passiert. Was steckt dahinter? Spionageangriff Chinas oder ein Ablenkungsmanöver? Wir gehen der Sache heute auf den Grund. (Achtung: Satire!) ► Schütze Dich vor digitaler Überwachung mit NordVPN (Rabattaktion) ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du...

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Ep 54 – EPIC RANT: The Fed’s Demand Destruction Is Immoral

CEO Keith Weiner goes on an epic rant debunking the idea of a soft landing through demand destruction, the inflation-unemployment trade-off, and how most economists are not doing real monetary science. Read our latest article on the myth of demand destruction: Get our Annual Gold Outlook Report for FREE: Register for our Webinar and ask Keith about...

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Gold next move: Gold price predictions – Keith Weiner

Gold next move: Gold price predictions - Keith Weiner Welcome to Vertex Finance, In this channel, we create financial educational content, and we help you get smarter and financially educated. Our goal is to provide short engaging video content related to finance, that will motivate you at the same time. LIKE, SHARE, SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE Credit goes to the speaker: Keith Weiner RELATED QUERIES #silvermarket #andyschectman #silvernews...

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UFO-Abschüsse ein Ablenkungsmanöver?

Nicht nur die UFO-Sichtungen nehmen zu, laut Medien und Regierungen auch die Abschüsse von UFOs. Diese unbekannten Flugobjekte werden immer wieder mit den vor kurzen abgeschossenen Spionage-Ballons verglichen, doch dienen sie vielleicht eher dem Zweck, ein Ablenkungsmanöver zu sein? ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten"...

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The Alien Invasion of America

The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming!  No, I’m not talking about illegal aliens — that is, those immigrants who are trying to enter the United States without official permission. I’m talking about real aliens — the scary types from outer space. You know, the ones that look like ET.

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Gold Will Stand Out Amid Chaos In Markets | Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, gives his 2023 outlook for gold and silver. He says when, not if, the Fed decides to reverse course, gold should make its next big move. He expects the economy and markets will spiral into a crisis reminiscent of The Great Recession. In such a chaotic marketplace, gold will stand out as a safe haven, he says. Obtain the Free 2023 Gold Outlook Report discussed in this interview:...

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KI MANIPULIERT Fotos! #chatgpt

Künstliche Intelligenz wird immer beeindruckender, heutzutage scheint es ein Klacks verschiedene Fotos über KI zu manipulieren oder gar neu zu erstellen. Mein ganzes Video zum Thema KI findet ihr hier: ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur:...

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Three Reasons Why Secession and Decentralization Are Better for Human Rights

[This article is the Introduction to Breaking Away: The Case of Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities.] The world is now, and has always been, politically decentralized. At no time in history has all of humankind been ruled by a single political regime. Although the Roman Empire claimed to be universal, the Romans never even conquered all of Europe, let alone the whole inhabited world. Roman power never extended to India,...

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#inversiones #economia #mercados Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Was kann die künstliche Intelligenz? (ChatGPT)

Chance oder Gefahr? Dieses Video ist die erste Folge meiner Doku-Reihe zu künstlicher Intelligenz. Hier erkläre ich, was künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist, wie sie funktioniert und wie sie unseren, Deinen Alltag verändert. Wir schauen uns gemeinsam ein paar Beispiele und Hintergründe an. ► Schütze Dich vor digitaler Überwachung mit NordVPN (Rabattaktion) #ki #chatgpt #ai #künstlicheintelligenz #elonmusk ► Mein Merch:...

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Why Mises’s Theory of Economic Calculation Still Is Relevant Today

Until the publication in 1920 of Ludwig von Mises’s work on the problem of economic calculation in socialism, there was no scientifically useful analysis of the economics of the socialist economy. With that work , and its development in the comprehensive treatise Die Gemeinwirtschaft (1922 and 1932, published in English in 1951 as Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis), Mises demonstrated that because of the absence of private ownership...

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Federal Government Spending Is Out of Control and Unsustainable. Maine Shows a Way to Reduce Spending.

The Biden administration has increased federal government spending by a record $3.4 trillion since January 2021. That includes such signature bills as the American Rescue Plan Act of $1.8 trillion, the Inflation Reduction Act of $50.6 billion, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of $764.9 billion.

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