Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

How to Think about the Economy

Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.

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Florida vs. Davos: Defending Entrepreneurs from the Managerial Revolution

Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.

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Today’s Reactionary Reality

Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.

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Capitalism Has Improved Life in India, but the Spirit of Collectivism Still Dominates

In 1991, India's political leaders moved away from socialism, embracing markets and improving the economy. But Indian elites continue to push socialism to the detriment of the people. Original Article: "Capitalism Has Improved Life in India, but the Spirit of Collectivism Still Dominates" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Roald Dahl and James Bond Books Are Getting Woke Rewrites. Copyright Law Ensures You Can’t Stop Them.

The estate of Roald Dahl this month announced that it would be rewriting many of the long-dead author’s books to better suit a “modern” audience. Translation: The books will be rewritten so the text is more in line with the editors’ notions of politically correct language. As a parent of four children, I’ve read my share of Roald Dahl books over the years, although I wouldn’t consider myself an especially big fan. Yet it’s hard to imagine what is...

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Loss of Religious Belief Is a Greater Loss for a Civilized Society

There has been a noticeable decline in the percentage of Americans identifying as religious. Some perceive this seismic shift as evidence of a secularizing culture. In some quarters, the secularization of America is viewed favorably as an agent of modernization. But researchers are theorizing that the erosion of religious beliefs portends negative consequences for society because religion cultivates meaningful social relationships by nurturing a...

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Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?

Three years after the covid virus hit the world, we are just starting to take a hard look at the damage caused by the covid restrictions. The "experts" not only were wrong; they were scandalously wrong. Original Article: "Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Is Democracy under Attack in Canada? No, but It Should Be

When the legacy media tells you that democracy is under attack in Canada, don’t believe it. Democracy is alive and well, working exactly as it was designed to work, which is to benefit the political class and their friends at the expense of average citizens who still believe that their vote actually means something. This is consistent with how democracy works in most democratic countries. Professors Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page tell us: The...

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CORONA aus dem Labor? (USA Ergebnis geändert!)

► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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Switzerland: Still a bright beacon of freedom

Switzerland’s long-standing and well-deserved reputation as one of the last bastions of individual and financial liberty has been recently vindicated and reaffirmed. It was a much-needed boost of confidence for Swiss citizens like myself who had come to worry over the last years whether the governmental trespasses of our neighboring nations and the way they rule their people might one day come to influence or even corrupt our own system of...

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News: CORONA aus dem LABOR?

► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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Die schockierenden Enthüllungen der Twitter Files (Worüber nicht berichtet wurde)

🔒 Schütze Dich vor digitaler Überwachung mit NordVPN (Rabattaktion) Und NordVPN Anitvirus 🛡️ Die Twitter Files - hast Du davon schon mal gehört? In den Medien hört man dazu nur ein breites Schweigen, doch die Enthüllungen bringen brisante Informationen ans Licht, die vor allem eines ganz klar zeigen: Die Zensur auf Twitter hat seine Wurzeln tief...

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Decorum Propels DC Deceit

The president's SOTU speech has become an annual presentation of a new set of White House lies. But official Washington believes it is worse to publicly boo false statements than to make them. Original Article: "Decorum Propels DC Deceit" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Gold and Silver forecast 2023 – Keith Weiner

Gold and Silver forecast 2023 - Keith Weiner Welcome to Vertex Finance, In this channel, we create financial educational content, and we help you get smarter and financially educated. Our goal is to provide short engaging video content related to finance, that will motivate you at the same time. LIKE, SHARE, SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE CREDIT GOES TO THE SPEAKER: keith weiner RELATED QUERIES #silvermarket #andyschectman #silvernews...

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Jeremy Bentham: From Laissez-Faire to Statism

[An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (1995)]   Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) began as a devoted Smithian but more consistently attached to laissez-faire. During his relatively brief span of interest in economics, he became more and more statist. His intensified statism was merely one aspect of his major — and highly unfortunate — contribution to economics: his consistent philosophical utilitarianism. This contribution, which...

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Why the 1787 Constitution Did Not Bring Republican Government to America

It's a myth that the "Founding Fathers" made America a republic in 1787. It was the state governments and their constitutions that did this. But the top-down myth glorifying the central government endures.  Original Article: "Why the 1787 Constitution Did Not Bring Republican Government to America" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Just Say No to the New Forever War

American and European political elites seem to be wanting the Russia-Ukraine war to be fought to the last Ukranian and have done nothing to bring peace. It's time for a change. Original Article: "Just Say No to the New Forever War" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Business Cycle Intel Report

Mark uses Intel Corporation, the computer chip manufacturer, as a barometer of the business cycle. He looks at the stock price in recent years, its production capacity expansion, and the company's very recent cost- and dividend-cutting moves. Check out Mark Thornton's free book, The Skyscraper Curse: And How Austrian Economists Predicted Every Major Economic Crisis of the Last Century: Be sure to follow Minor Issues at...

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Making Nonsense from Sense: Debunking Neo-Calvinist Economic Thought

A few years ago I wrote about some of the errors made by economists who try to apply what they believe are Christian principles to both Austrian and neoclassical economic analysis. These economists believe that the standard economic way of thinking is not only fatally flawed but actually immoral, and that an entire new paradigm must be brought to economics. In the mid-1990s, I taught economics as an adjunct at a Christian college near Chattanooga,...

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Digitale Diktatur? – CO2-Konto auf Ebay!

► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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