Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Yolanda Díaz y sus “IDEAS”. Más EXPOLIO #economia #crisis #macroeconomía

@DanielLacalleOfficial #Sumar #economia #crisis #paro

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Ist mein Geld in Gefahr? Das Vermögensregister kommt!

Vermögensregister kommt | „Wir haben nicht vor, jemanden zu enteignen“ Online Geldsicherheitstraining: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Vermögensregister kommt – was bedeutet das für EU-Bürger? Im August 2021 haben wir bereits berichtet, dass die EU ein Vermögensregister in einer Machbarkeitsstudie prüft. Danach hörte man nichts mehr davon und...

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An American Originalist

Scalia: Rise to Greatness, 1936–1986by James RosenRegnery Publishing, 2023496 pages James Rosen, who has written biographies of John Mitchell and Dick Cheney, and was for many years a reporter for Fox News, is a neoconservative and Reagan Republican. He has found an ideal biographical subject in Antonin Scalia, a Reagan Republican, who served for thirty years on the Supreme Court. The volume under review, the first of two, covers the time from...

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The Road to a Single Fiat World Currency

What if the world’s states were to come together and create a single world currency? From a purely economic point of view, there would be significant advantages if every nation didn’t operate with its own money but with the same currency. Not only for an individual economy, but for the world economy as a whole, the optimal number of currencies is one. Let’s take a look. The decisive factor is how this single world currency comes about, and who...

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Quantitative Easing to Infinity and Beyond

On Sunday morning, March 12, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told CBS there would be no bailouts. Later in the day the Fed declared quantitative easing to infinity and beyond. What’s going on? Quite simply, the Fed is willing to overpay for debt (again). They call it the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), and as far as one can tell, its dollar value is limitless. The term sheet reads: Program: To provide liquidity to U.S. depository institutions,...

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It’s Not Paranoid to Worry about a Central Bank Digital Currency

Contrary to Krugman, DeSantis and others warning about a CBDC aren’t being paranoid: they are simply drawing the obvious conclusions from history. Original Article: "It’s Not Paranoid to Worry about a Central Bank Digital Currency" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Holzheizung ab 2024 verboten! (Gebäudeenergiegesetz GEG)

Das Heizen mit Holz soll verboten werden. Erst ging es dem Gas und Öl an den Kragen und nun auch dem nachwachsenden und klimaneutralen Holz. Was alles im Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG) vorgesehen ist, wer betroffen ist und was als Alternative kommen soll, jetzt im Video! 🎉 EVENT: Marc lädt Dich ein nach Schwäbisch Gmünd! ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das...

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Rothbard War Right: Wars Don’t Enhance Freedom. They Destroy Liberty.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Western leaders have declared that Ukraine was defending not only its own freedom, but ours too. President Joe Biden, to whom apparently “freedom is priceless,” vowed to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” In turn, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the American support for Ukraine is not charity but an “investment in global security”. Other commentators also argue that a Ukrainian victory...

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From the Publisher March–April 2023

Mere inflation—that is, the mere issuance of more money , with the consequence of higher wages and prices—may look like the creation of more demand. But in terms of the actual production and exchange of real things it is not.—Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson Money is among the most important forms of technology. It solves the fundamental human problem of barter and allows us to transfer value across geography and time. By enabling efficient...

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Why the Dollar Still Beats the Euro and the Yuan

Understanding what turns an ordinary currency into a global reserve currency can help us understand how the dollar could go into decline and give way to competing currencies. Original Article: "Why the Dollar Still Beats the Euro and the Yuan" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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ESG: Another Fraudulent Hustle That Progressive Elites Have Foisted on the Economy

The allure of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals has hypnotized corporate America into offering ESG funds that score investments for prioritizing social goals. Companies that account for environmental, social, and governance goals in their decisions collectively held $8.4 trillion in US investment assets at the beginning of 2022. Leading investment firm BlackRock more than doubled its holdings to over $500 billion and other players...

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Here’s What Mounting Corporate Layoffs Tell Us about the Economy

Ryan McMaken and Dr. Mark Thornton cover the state of the dollar as global reserve currency, and why employers are laying off more and more of their highest paid workers. [embedded content] PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off Subscribe to Mark's weekly Minor Issues podcast at Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at

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Medien gegen Whistleblower (Pentagon Leaks)

🎉 EVENT: Marc lädt Dich ein nach Schwäbisch Gmünd! ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung...

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Why the Chinese Yuan Won’t Kill the Dollar

Former US President Donald Trump has expressed concern that China could displace the US dollar as the global reserve currency. The warning follows reports of agreements between various nations to use the yuan in commodity transactions. For years, rumors have circulated about the demise of the US dollar as a global reserve currency, but the greenback continues to be the most traded and extensively used currency in the fiat world. The US dollar is by...

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How Australia and New Zealand Helped Provoke and Escalate the First World War

Most Western historians claim that World War I came about because of aggression from Germany and Austria-Hungary. However, Great Britain and its ANZAC allies were not innocent bystanders. Original Article: "How Australia and New Zealand Helped Provoke and Escalate the First World War" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Banking Crises and the Weaponization of Money and Banking

Recorded in Birmingham, Alabama on April 22, 2023. From the Mises Institute's recent event in Birmingham, Alabama dedicated to the global threat of "The Great Reset". [embedded content]

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Should Local Municipalities Default on Their Debts? Seems Like a Good Idea

Most Americans do not understand debt default. When it is explained, debt default comes off as immorally reneging on the financial obligations of the government. In contrast, libertarians have demonstrated that it is, in fact, moral and beneficial. However, when default is brought up, it is hardly ever discussed in terms of local governments. So, here is why your local government should leave their creditors in the dust. Government issued debt is...

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ESG and Thee

Recorded in Birmingham, Alabama on April 22, 2023. From the Mises Institute's recent event in Birmingham, Alabama dedicated to the global threat of "The Great Reset". [embedded content]

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Markus Krall: Steuern abschaffen statt senken!

🎉 EVENT: Marc lädt Dich ein nach Schwäbisch Gmünd! ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung...

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Why Fox Fired Tucker: BlackRock, Replacement Theory, and the ADL

Why did Fox News fire Tucker Carlson? Some claim that Tucker had planned to leave the network all along, and merely resigned. He had even had a studio built in his own home. He was fed up with Fox and decided to call it quits, so the story goes. But this theory is belied by the fact that Tucker’s production team was taken entirely by surprise by the news. For instance, I received the following text message from Scooter Downey, a producer of Tucker...

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