Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


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Liberty: Stifled by the Stockholm Syndrome

“Whenever and however [government] is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.” (emphasis added) —John Jay, “Federalist No. 2” “Like breathing, [government] is not permitted to depend on our volition. Necessity will force it on all communities in some one form or another.” —John C. Calhoun, A Disquisition on Government “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or...

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Geld ohne Banken: DeFi, die digitale Finanzrevolution!

Was ist DeFi und wie kann man damit Geld verdienen? Interview mit Experte Marco Ranalli

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Back to the Future Morphs into Dystopia

Thanks to the exponential growth of government and regulation, the optimistic society of Back to the Future is fast becoming the dystopian world of Escape from New York or Death Wish.

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Coauthor of War College Journal Article Tries to Backtrack on Call for “Partial Conscription”

At the end of September, I reported how a recent article in the Army War College academic journal examined lessons learned from the war in Ukraine and that one of the most concerning was the claim that the military might need to reinstate the draft in order to wage a high-intensity war. I argued at length that this was an example of the military laying the groundwork to resume the draft and laid out the reasons why it might be necessary from the...

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The Current US Economic Situation from an Austrian Viewpoint

This article is a brief analysis of the US economic situation from the point of view of the Austrian School of Economics. It is strictly macroeconomic: a deductive hypothesis of what is happening in the aggregates. Let us place ourselves in the months immediately after the arrival of covid-19, the first quarter of 2020. As an economic policy measure, the US government decided to increase the money supply. Through different mechanisms, they put an...

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The Spirit of the Establishment Will Thrive under a “Populist Opposition” Government

Is a true populist US government on the horizon? Probably not. Original Article: The Spirit of the Establishment Will Thrive under a "Populist Opposition" Government

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A Fed-Induced “Neutral” Interest Rate Is a Contradiction in Terms

The New York Federal Reserve said on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, that the estimate for the neutral rate for Q2 has eased to 0.57 percent from 0.68 percent in Q1. Analysts typically translate that rate into a real-world setting by adding the neutral rate to the Fed’s 2 percent inflation target. The current reading suggests that a federal funds rate of around 2.5 percent would represent a neutral setting. Given that the Fed’s current target rate...

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Rethinking “safe” investments

Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland To most observant citizens and diligent investors it is surely quite obvious that the current monetary, fiscal and banking system is inherently flawed, hopelessly unjust, corrupt, unsustainable and simply destined to collapse sooner or later. With every (predictable) recession and every (foreseeable) crisis, this structure gets weaker; its very own architects increasingly second-guess...

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The Objective Science of Subjective Value

While most economists admit that value is subjective, they still err by concentrating on scarcity and choice instead of purposeful action by individuals. Original Article: The Objective Science of Subjective Value

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Turkey Is Sustaining Major Inflation. Something Has to Give

Bloomberg reports that price inflation in Turkey was more than 60 percent in September. The 61.5 percent reading was released by the Turkish government’s statistical office. Being on the ground in Turkey for Hans-Hermann and Gülçin Hoppe’s Property and Freedom Society meeting, I can say the vibe was not hyperinflationary. The shelves are not empty and the port city of Bodrum is booming. Professor Hoppe told the crowd Bodrum has grown from a...

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Thanks to the Combination of the Fed and IP, Snow White 2024 Is a Terrible Movie

Because Federal Reserve policies distort the economy and create perverse incentives, Disney also must deal with intellectual property issues. The combination of the two will ruin the Snow White story. Original Article: Thanks to the Combination of the Fed and IP, Snow White 2024 Is a Terrible Movie

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Don’t Fall for Biden’s Latest Talking Point

As the long-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia stalls and a new war in Gaza draws the world’s attention, American support for funding Kyiv’s war has waned. In an effort to reverse this, the Biden administration is changing its messaging. A Politico report from last week details how White House aides are now telling members of Congress to sell Americans the lie that continuing to send money and weapons to Ukraine is good for the...

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How German Exports Lost the Race with China

Germany is the euro area’s economic powerhouse and most competitive economy. It accounts for close to 30 percent of the euro area gross domestic product (GDP) and has recorded sizable current account surpluses since the introduction of the euro. Substantial fiscal and labor market reforms in the early 2000s propelled the German economy. However, these golden days seem all gone now. Years of misguided energy policies—part of the government’s...

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A Rothbardian Critique of Effective Altruism

"Effective altruism" has become a buzzword with modern progressives who seek to combine state power and billionaire-funded nonprofits to redirect resources. Original Article: A Rothbardian Critique of Effective Altruism

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China’s Inefficient and Unsustainable Central Planning

Over one hundred years ago, Ludwig von Mises wrote about the impossibility of successful rational economic planning under socialism. Yet China is still trying, even while its blend of markets and socialism results in shortages and surpluses. This article examines three contemporary initiatives spearheaded by Xi Jinping, each marked by an inherent problem: food insecurity, the aging crisis, and the real-estate bubble. Each problem was created by...

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The Inherent Evils of Centrism

Most people will claim to be political and social “moderates” yet actually accept extreme socialist viewpoints. Original Article: The Inherent Evils of Centrism

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Statism Is the Cause of the Israel-Hamas War

The State is an organized crime racket. It appropriates wealth by coercion and regularly uses force in violation of the n0n-aggression principle. The State is a parasite that perpetuates itself at all costs and extends itself by any means possible. Regardless of its putative leaders, the State grows and increases its power at the expense of its hosts and others who fall victim to its predations. As Hans-Hermann Hoppe poignantly wrote, States are...

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