Category Archive: 6b.)

Is China’s Economy Hitting a Roadbump or Quicksand?

Peter St. Onge joins Bob to discuss his latest piece at on "China's Doom Loop." They cover a wide range of topics, including the contrast in leadership between Xi Jinping and Deng Xiaoping, the dollar as global reserve currency, the Belt and Road Initiative, and Jim Rogers' prediction that the 21st century would belong to the Chinese empire. Peter's Article on China: Is China's Economy...

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Marxist States Never “Wither Away” as Marx Predicted

In this week’s column, I’d like to continue discussing Graham Priest’s unusual book Capitalism: Its Nature and Its Replacement. Priest uses ideas he gets from Marxism and Buddhism to criticize capitalism. Last week, I said that Priest has interesting things to say about Marxism but I avoided Buddhism. This time I won’t avoid it, because the account of human personality he gets from it is crucial to his rejection of libertarianism. Priest is an...

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The Government’s Role in the Maui Wildfire Tragedy with Connor O’Keeffe

On this episode of Good Money with Tho Bishop, Connor O'Keeffe joins the show to talk about his recent work on the Mises Wire. Tho and Connor discuss the role government incompetency played in the horrific tragedy of the Maui wildfires, as well as the bankruptcy of one of America's largest trucking companies.  Join Bob Murphy, Patrick Newman, Jonathan Newman, and Murray Sabrin in November for a Mises Circle in Ft. Meyers, FL on The White House, the...

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The State Protects Itself While Crime against Ordinary People Surges

The regime has increasingly been consumed with paranoia over threats to itself—propagandistically termed "threats to democracy"—while real crime against private citizens is clearly not a priority at all.  Original Article: "The State Protects Itself While Crime against Ordinary People Surges"

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China’s Maneuvering and the New Balance of Power

China is taking bold actions and creating a new paradigm on the world stage. For about a decade, Beijing has been responsible for developing new trade networks; the famous Belt and Road Initiative has been analyzed extensively. Their trade networks are growing ever deeper, with new agreements to trade in renminbi as opposed to dollars. China is developing powerful alternative institutions to those of the West, such as the Shanghai Cooperation...

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How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies

As violent crime rates rise and unsolved homicides become more common, Many ordinary voters have noticed that the regime doesn't seem especially interested in investigating and prosecuting actual dangerous criminals. At the same time, the regime appears increasingly paranoid about "antidemocratic" activities and other alleged threats to the state. Gangs of thieves cleaning out the inventory of small businesses? The ruling elite isn't...

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The Simplicity and Significance of Mutual Economic Exchange

The simplest action of economics—beneficially mutual voluntary exchange—is also its most profound. People serve each other while improving their own lot in life. Original Article: "The Simplicity and Significance of Mutual Economic Exchange"

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Regime Paranoia and the Crackdown on Dissent

Ryan and Tho examine how the US regime is in the midst of its latest panic over public faith in the state's legitimacy. This is why we keep hearing about misinformation, insurrection and "threats to democracy."  Recommended Reading "'Antidemocratic' Just Means 'Something the Regime Doesn't Like.'" by Ryan McMaken: "Seditious Conspiracy Is Not a Real Crime" by Ryan...

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The USDA’s War on Small Farms

Most students in America are introduced to the writings of Upton Sinclair. While they aren’t shown his incredible cover-up of the Holodomor or his other Soviet apologisms, they are presented with his most famous work: The Jungle. This work tells the tale of Sinclair’s investigation into the wretched working conditions of the meat-packers of its age. Between lost limbs and failed inspections, Sinclair writes about the meat being contaminated and...

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Statism and the Unmaking of Reality

Murray Rothbard wrote that egalitarianism was a war against nature. Statism has become a war against reality. Original Article: "Statism and the Unmaking of Reality"

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Why Governments Love Political “Crimes” Like Treason and Sedition

The only real crimes are those that constitute violence against actual, specific persons and property. These are crimes such as theft, assault, rape, homicide, and fraud. States and civil governments of all types have long justified their existence on the grounds that they punish perpetrators of these crimes and thus provide "public safety." (The fact that states themselves often commit these crimes—i.e., through torture, police...

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Speaker Panel with Q&A

Recorded in Windham, New Hampshire, on August 20, 2023. Special thanks to Joe and Tracy Matarese for making this event possible.

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President Biden’s SAVE College Debt Repayment Plan Puts the Motivations in the Wrong Places

Imagine fathers at the little league baseball fence. The first brags, “My son is batting 200!” You should be thinking, “That’s not very good.” The second intones, “Oh yea, well my son is batting 175!” “Hold it,” you’re thinking, “this is going backwards.” And your suspicions are confirmed when the third yells out, even louder, “Here comes my son, batting 150!”  As all three dads high-five each other, you look at the name on the uniforms and it...

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2SLGBTQ+IA and the Law

The activists went from "We want to be left alone to live our lives" to "we want to control your lives too." Now the movement has state power on its side and bullies all opponents.  Original Article: "2SLGBTQ+IA and the Law"

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Bidenomics: A Boom That Awaits an Inevitable Bust

Joe Biden recently claimed on Twitter that “Bidenomics” has increased the real wages of low-income workers. A counterclaim was made through Twitter’s Community Notes that wages adjusted for inflation were actually lower at the time of Biden’s claim. But data without theory is unsatisfying, so it is worth asking if conditions of the last few years have been conducive to higher real wages, especially for lower earners. The Boom First, we need to...

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The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State

Recorded in Windham, New Hampshire, on August 20, 2023. Special thanks to Joe and Tracy Matarese for making this event possible. The-New-Abnormal:2 [embedded content]

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Recorded in Windham, New Hampshire, on August 20, 2023. Special thanks to Joe and Tracy Matarese for making this event possible.

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Modern Medicine’s Great Controversy

Recorded in Windham, New Hampshire, on August 20, 2023. Special thanks to Joe and Tracy Matarese for making this event possible. Modern Medicine’s Great Controversy | Peter McCullough, MD Video of Modern Medicine’s Great Controversy | Peter McCullough, MD

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Socialism Cannot Work, Not Even in an AI-Driven Economy

Some are claiming that AI can make socialism workable, but even AI cannot take the place of entrepreneurial economic calculation. Original Article: "Socialism Cannot Work, Not Even in an AI-Driven Economy"

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The Killing and Destruction Must Stop: It Is Time to End the Ukraine War

Earlier this month, CNN published the results of a poll that found that most Americans oppose sending more money and military aid to the Ukrainian government. A closer look reveals that Republican voters are behind the results. Around seven in ten Republicans oppose sending more support to Ukraine. The poll results have prompted an effort among establishment Republicans and neoconservatives to bring the party’s voters back in line. Days after CNN...

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