Category Archive: 6b.)

The Unwelcome Return of Covid Restrictions and Lockdowns

Covid restrictions are back. Almost a year after President Joe Biden said “the pandemic is over,” several hospitals, businesses, and universities have reinstated mask mandates and social distancing requirements. Meanwhile, nearly sixty universities have announced that students must take a covid vaccine to attend for the fall 2023 semester. Although these restrictions are still limited to only a handful of organizations, their implementation...

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Real Progress versus the Progressives

Progressives have distinguished themselves in the past half century by being against progress. That trend is unlikely to change. Original Article: "Real Progress versus the Progressives"

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The New Socialism Is a Public-Private Partnership

In 1990, socialism seemed to be done once and for all, but the times have changed. In the last twenty years, socialism has again become fashionable beyond the academic fringes. The covid-19 crisis demonstrated how quickly and thoroughly the traditionally free societies of the West may be transformed by small groups of determined and well-coordinated decisionmakers. Top-down central planning of all aspects of human life is today not merely a...

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Rothbard on the Ukraine War

My title seems odd. How could Murray Rothbard comment on the Ukraine War, when he died in 1995? Of course, he can’t comment on current events. But the principles this great thinker wrote about tell us what he would say about today’s American foreign policy. He would tell us to stop sending money and arms to the Ukraine and to end all sanctions against Russia. What goes on in that region is none of our business. Getting involved risks a nuclear war...

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Is China Colonizing Jamaica?

The Chinese have been in Jamaica since the nineteenth century. After emancipation, planters felt that newly freed blacks would be unwilling to toil on plantations, and the exodus of ex-slaves from plantations confirmed their suspicions. So to fill labor gaps, planters resorted to importing workers. Therefore, a formal indentureship scheme was introduced to lure workers from Asia and Africa. The Chinese entered Jamaican society in 1854 as lowly...

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Do Monopolies Cause Inflation?

Too many economic commentators claim that monopolies are the cause of inflation. Austrian economic analysis shows that this is impossible. Original Article: "Do Monopolies Cause Inflation?"

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The Chinese Economy: Market Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

In recent decades, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has boasted about having lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty; however, they were only able to do this because hundreds of millions of people had been living in poverty under its rule. From the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 until the economic reforms of the late 1970s, the country’s economy was almost entirely centrally planned. The government controlled...

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Why Governments Love Political “Crimes” Like Treason and Sedition

In a free society, political crimes like treason and "seditious libel" are few and far between. Under despotic regimes, on the other hand, political crimes multiply.  Original Article: "Why Governments Love Political "Crimes" Like Treason and Sedition"

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The State as Modern-Day Superstition: Unraveling the Illusions of Authority

Without the erroneous public perception and judgment of the state as just and necessary and without the public’s voluntary cooperation, even the seemingly most powerful government would implode and its powers evaporate. Thus liberated, we would regain our right to self-defense and be able to turn to freed and unregulated insurance agencies for efficient professional assistance in all matters of protection and conflict resolution. —Hans-Hermann...

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How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies

In the Gulag, political prisoners were systematically terrorized by ordinary criminals with the encouragement of the authorities. It was hoped this would help the regime liquidate the state's ideological enemies.  Original Article: "How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime's Enemies"

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America’s Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable

America’s federally sanctioned entitlement programs, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, each face bankruptcy in the next few years. Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society legislation. Social Security was created in 1935 to provide retirement income for Americans who reached the age of sixty-five. These three entitlement programs consume about fifty cents of every federal budget dollar,...

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Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels

Leonard Read's famous "I, Pencil" explained the workings of the market in terms of the creation of a simple pencil. However, we should not forget that the reviled fossil fuels are involved at every turn. Original Article: "Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels"

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Yellow Trucking Goes Bankrupt, Thanks in Part to Onerous Labor Laws

Yellow Trucking Company has filed for bankruptcy and ceases to exist as a viable firm. Much of the blame is due to the Teamsters Union which has a long a violent history. Original Article: "Yellow Trucking Goes Bankrupt, Thanks in Part to Onerous Labor Laws"

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The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare

The seventy-fifth-anniversary celebration of the British National Health Service masked the real failures of this system, one that only can become worse over time. Original Article: "The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare"

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Why We Need a Crash Landing

In this episode, Mark explains why we need a Crash (or very Hard) Landing in the US economy and the world economy. Specifically, why is a crash landing better to resolve the malinvestments caused by the Fed? Why is a crash landing better in many ways for the productive class of workers and savers? And, how would a crash landing place much of the pain and the overall burden on the rich, politically-connected classes? Be sure to follow Minor...

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Gold Will Destroy the Keynesian Fallacies

Leaders of the Western democracies are unprepared to deal with the forces that will end the fiat dollar’s dominance as the preferred medium of international trade settlement, in place since the end of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1971. The BRICS summit, currently taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa, is expected to include an agreement on a first step toward establishing an alternative international trade settlement system based on...

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Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken

Christian conservatives, for the most part, are relatively receptive to free markets, or at least a generalized concept of what used to be called free enterprise. (This is as opposed to a lot of evangelical economists teaching at Christian colleges that embrace socialism in one form or another as THE Christian version of economics.) World Magazine has been on the relatively conservative side of political affairs, or at least enough so to be scorned...

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How Churchill Built the Welfare State in Britain

In 1900 Churchill began the career he was evidently fated for. His background—the grandson of a duke and son of a famous Tory politician—got him into the House of Commons as a Conservative. At first he seemed to be distinguished only by his restless ambition, remarkable even in parliamentary ranks. But in 1904, he crossed the floor to the Liberals, supposedly on account of his free-trade convictions. However, Robert Rhodes James, one of Churchill's...

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The Killing and Destruction Must Stop: It Is Time to End the Ukraine War

The Ukraine war brings death and destruction with no end in sight. Instead of encouraging more fighting, Western political leaders need to face reality and find a way to end this conflict. Original Article: "The Killing and Destruction Must Stop: It Is Time to End the Ukraine War"

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Government Imposed “Competition” Harms Competition

“A fair, open, and competitive marketplace has long been a cornerstone of the American economy, while excessive market concentration threatens basic economic liberties, democratic accountability, and the welfare of workers, farmers, small businesses, startups, and consumers.” These words were the opening statement of a White House executive order by Joe Biden to save economic freedom in theory by limiting it in reality through government...

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