Category Archive: 6b.)

Most Economists Are Wrong about the Economy 

Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by economist Mark Thornton to take a look at why so many economists keep telling us the economy is in great shape. Get your free book at Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at New Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store. Get yours at  PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off

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It’s Time for Some Debt and Entitlement Alarmism

Polls consistently show that climate change is a leading issue for young Americans. Millennials and Generation Z have been coached on climate arguments—and in most cases outright climate alarmism—in school and by the media, leaving them convinced that carbon-based energy has ruined their future on the planet. It appears that children are being organized to advance adults’ political goals. Greta from Sweden addresses the United Nations, apparently...

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America’s Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable

The vast American welfare system is imploding. Future tax revenues will not come close to meeting future obligations. Something must give. Original Article: America's Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable

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Chess, Trans Athletes, and Free Markets in Sports

Transgender athletes are becoming increasingly more common in athletic competitions, and this has spurred a great deal of criticism from the right side of the political aisle. Their argument is simple: men have a distinct advantage when it comes to sports. This point seems self-evident given the immense amount of success most trans athletes (typically male to female) experience when they decide to change gender. CeCé Telfer, Mary Gregory, and...

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Strikes Always Have Economic Consequences and the Latest UAW Strike Is No Exception

On September 15, 2023, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union staged a massive strike consisting of thirteen thousand workers, and for the first time, the union hit three separate automotive enterprises simultaneously: General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. The Associated Press noted that only three assembly plants are on strike at the moment: a General Motors factory in Wentzville, Missouri; a Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan; and a Jeep factory owned by...

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Is China Colonizing Jamaica?

Some Jamaicans complain that the Chinese are "colonizing" the country because of their economic success there. Actually, their success is due to entrepreneurship and plain hard work. Original Article: "Is China Colonizing Jamaica?"

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Haiti May Have Won Independence, But It Is Not Independent of Chaos and Poverty

Haiti is engulfed by an ongoing political crisis and the world is desperately awaiting solutions to ease a turbulent political atmosphere. Her neighbors in the Caribbean are being implored by the international community to propose measures that will avert further calamities. Working to contain the crisis in Haiti benefits Caribbean countries because Haiti’s instability can lead to regional turmoil. Moreover, the appetite for refugee status in...

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Striking Autoworkers Will Only Harm Their Own Livelihoods

On Friday, September 15, 12,700 members of the United Auto Workers union (UAW) walked off the job at plants owned by the “Big Three” automakers—Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (which owns Chrysler, Jeep, and Ram). The walkout marked the beginning of a series of long-expected targeted strikes aiming to give the UAW leverage as it renegotiates contracts with the three companies. The strike is grounded in frustrations over worker compensation....

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Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken

A number of Christian conservatives are claiming that markets are as coercive as government. Try boycotting the FBI or your local police the next time they do something outrageous. Original Article: "Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken"

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A Ticking Time Bomb: A Huge National Debt Plus Rising Interest Rates

Those who have been predicting a recession in the United States and an associated stock market crash seem to be having a hard time. At least, it appears so. US gross domestic product grew by 2.1 percent in Q2 2023, after growing 2.0 percent in Q1; the unemployment rate was rather low at 3.8 percent in August 2023; and the S&P 500 was at 4,460 points, around 10 percent below the index record of 4,818 points from January 2022. Yet, there are many...

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Gold Will Destroy the Keynesian Fallacies

Keynes denounced monetary gold as "a barbarous relic." In the end, it will be that "barbarous relic" that overthrows the regime of paper currency. Original Article: "Gold Will Destroy the Keynesian Fallacies"

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Is the Gig Economy on the Verge of Destruction?

The gig economy as we know it is on the verge of destruction. Gig work, otherwise known as freelance work, was once held up as an entry into the entrepreneurial economy for many people seeking to dip their toes in, but that economy is currently threatened by people who do not understand its vitality for freelance entrepreneurs. There is now a push, from policy makers and a few gig contractors who think it is in the best interest of gig workers and...

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Armed Neutrality Is the Only Moral Foreign Policy

Former Vice-President Mike Pence is very concerned that Republicans are not sufficiently enthusiastic about aggressive, unnecessary wars. In a speech on Monday, Pence claimed "Some Republican candidates ...[are] embracing a new and dangerous form of isolationism.”  "Isolationism" is just a slur used by hawks to describe any policy that falls short of further expanding US interventionism across every region of the globe. Fortunately...

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Marxist States Never “Wither Away” as Marx Predicted

David Gordon continues his analysis of Graham Priest’s book, Capitalism: Its Nature and Its Replacement. While Priest might not understand either Marxism or capitalism, his book has useful insights. Original Article: "Marxist States Never "Wither Away" as Marx Predicted"

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Civilian Control, Unicorns, and Other Bedtime Stories: The Military Does What It Wants

The fundamental problem with purchasing protection from the boogeyman is that it’s impossible to assess the quality of your purchase: If the boogeyman doesn’t attack, it appears your protection succeeded. If he does, it appears you needed to purchase even more. And that, dear readers, is why the military cannot be controlled by civilians or anyone else, for that matter. In the most basic sense, people without guns cannot control people with them;...

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Government Imposed “Competition” Harms Competition

President Biden says he is going to unleash regulators to bring more "competition" to the economy. This is an oxymoron. Original Article: "Government Imposed "Competition" Harms Competition"

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Should We Uncritically Support Organized Labor?

People celebrating Labor Day often do so by attending a regional Labor Day celebration, usually organized by labor unions. One undoubtedly hears the phrase “support all labor” being thrown around at these gatherings. A Google search will reveal the most recent example of this phrase being used. In light of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) strike, a film festival released the following statement: HollyShorts supports both the WGA and SAG/AFTRA strikes....

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China’s Maneuvering and the New Balance of Power

Washington is paranoid of current Chinese actions. However, it is Washington that has been the aggressor in world affairs. Original Article: "China’s Maneuvering and the New Balance of Power"

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The USDA’s War on Small Farms

The Biden administration is unleashing the USDA on small farmers, attempting to regulate them out of business. This is done to protect not the public's health, but politically connected agriculture interests. Original Article: "The USDA’s War on Small Farms"

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Bidenomics: A Boom That Awaits an Inevitable Bust

While unemployment currently is low and the rate of inflation has fallen somewhat, Bidenomics is setting off a boom that is unsustainable. We know what happens next. Original Article: "Bidenomics: A Boom That Awaits an Inevitable Bust"

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