Category Archive: 6b.)

Ethnic Interest Groups Fuel the American Warfare State

Ryan and Zachary look at how interest groups representing Ukrainians, Iraqis, Israelis, and others have often lobbied for US intervention in foreign wars that in no way benefit the American population overall. Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Additional Resources "Get the US Out of the Middle East" by Ryan McMaken: "The Liberty Movement’s Pro-War Fifth Column" by Ted Galen...

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An Evening with Naomi Wolf

The indomitable Dr. Naomi Wolf discusses her exposé of the covid crime. Recorded at the Mises Institute's Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama, 12-14 October 2023. Includes an introduction by Sandra Klein. Sponsored by Gregory and Jane Gandee.  Naomi Wolf's October 30, 2008, interview with Lew Rockwell is available for download as an MP3 file:

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Rothbard on Suits for Defamation

Murray Rothbard often shows an unusual ability to counter an objection to something he says by showing that the objection actually supports his view. In this week’s column, I’d like to discuss one example of this. Rothbard believes that libel and slander should not be crimes or torts. If he is right, people shouldn’t be fined or imprisoned for defaming people or be subject to a civil suit for damages resulting from this. A common objection is that...

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Get the US Out of the Middle East

Hamas's invasion of Israel happened in spite of decades of US intervention and spending in favor of Tel Aviv. Yet, this ongoing conflict has nothing at all to do with the safety and security of the United States itself. It's time for the US to get out.  Original Article: Get the US Out of the Middle East

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Government-Enforced Paid Family Leave Is Not Pro-Family

Paid family leave—meaning the government paying or forcing businesses to pay for one or more parents taking time off to spend with a newborn—seems like a slam dunk idea to the Christian Left. According to a recent article in Christianity Today, “Christians Shouldn’t Need a Mandate to Provide Paid Family Leave,” “We should provide the best family leave possible. Christians who own or manage businesses ought to lead the way on family leave.” The...

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Hamas, Israel, and a New War

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Tho Bishop is joined by Connor O'Keeffe to discuss their thoughts on the conflict between Hamas and Israel and whether Americans have learned any lessons from the War on Terror. "Hamas, Israel, and the Collapse of the Fiat Global Order" by Tho Bishop: "Is It Just War or Unjustified Slaughter of Innocents?" by Connor O'Keeffe: "Get the US Out...

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It’s Time for Some Debt and Entitlement Alarmism

Climate alarmism dominates the news cycle, but perhaps people be more alarmed by massive federal budget deficits and runaway entitlement spending. Original Article: It’s Time for Some Debt and Entitlement Alarmism

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Government Agencies Exploit Data Brokers as End-Around to Legal Restrictions

Data is sometimes referred to as today’s most valuable commodity. Given the technologically focused world around us, data is generated with almost everything we do or consume, whether you use Apple Pay to purchase goods from a retail outfit or use a credit card for your Uber Eats order. It is, in other words, largely unavoidable to create a digital footprint. This continuously produced data is often monitored, retained, repackaged, and resold to...

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Hamas, Israel, and the Collapse of the Fiat Global Order

This past weekend, the world witnessed absolute barbarism play out as Hamas agents brutally targeted Israeli civilians. The State of Israel, suffering from a historic failure to protect its residents, has predictably responded with major military operations in the Gaza strip. The result is a growing regional conflict fueled by historic feuds beyond the scale of traditional geopolitical considerations. Add to this the ongoing war in Ukraine, a...

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The Central Bank Policy Interest Rate vs the Natural Rate

While central banks use administered interest rates in hopes of emulating the natural rate, these efforts are always going to fail. Without free markets, there is no natural rate. Original Article: The Central Bank Policy Interest Rate vs the Natural Rate

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How the Fed Undermines Prosperity

The term “roundabout” is not normally associated with efficiency, unless you’re an economist. Yet roundabout methods—when applied to production—are the key to prosperity. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, the great Austrian economist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, provided examples illustrating how this idea works. Consider a farmer whose source of drinking water is some distance from his house. Whenever he gets thirsty, he can go to...

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The Regime Plans More for Us Than Just Hillary Clinton’s “Deprogramming” Demands

This week, Hillary Clinton publicly proposed “formal deprogramming” for MAGA enthusiasts, piling on a repeated President Biden theme of trying to deal with “an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy. The MAGA movement.” The nation recently discovered that the FBI has a new “MAGA Extremist” category. All this hard work by government is aimed at “preserving democracy.” Clinton is particularly concerned about the...

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Dollarization Puts Foreign Economies at the Mercy of the US Regime

Some free-market advocates are pushing for dollarization in Argentina. But the devastating US sanctions against Panama in 1989 show us how dollarization helps the US exercise more hegemonic power over foreign economies.  Original Article: Dollarization Puts Foreign Economies at the Mercy of the US Regime

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Why Must Supply Precede Demand? Understanding Economic Foundations

In the market economy, wealth generators do not produce everything for their own consumption. Part of their production is used in exchange for the produce of other producers. Hence, in the market economy, production precedes consumption. This means that something is exchanged for something else. This also means that an increase in the production of goods and services sets in motion an increase in the demand for goods and services. According to...

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The Left Is Now Telling Us (Ukrainian) Nazis Aren’t So Bad After All

Members of the Canadian Parliament recently applauded a Ukrainian member of the Nazi Waffen-SS during World War II. Apparently, it's now okay to be a Nazi so long as you're fighting the Russians. Original Article: The Left Is Now Telling Us (Ukrainian) Nazis Aren't So Bad After All

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Is It Just War or Unjustified Slaughter of Innocents?

Saturday the world was rocked by the outbreak of war in southern Israel as Hamas fighters crossed out of Gaza, taking hostages and killing Israeli civilians. The political leader of Hamas says the attacks were in response to the Israeli treatment of Palestinians at the al-Aqsa Mosque last week. But other reports indicate that the attack was planned for weeks with the help of the Iranian government and was meant to mark the fiftieth anniversary of...

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Mark Thornton Explains the Yield Curve, “Soft Landings,” and Today’s Bubble Economy

[In recent months, Senior Fellow Mark Thornton has been covering today's economy in detail in his Minor Issues podcast, so we asked him some questions about where the economy is headed now.] Mises Institute: You’ve become notable for the idea of the “skyscraper curse,” which is an illustration of how an inflationary economy can lead to more and more gargantuan construction projects. The projects keep getting bigger (and taller) until the bust...

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Haiti May Have Won Independence, But It Is Not Independent of Chaos and Poverty

Haiti famously won its independence from France during a slave revolt, but being independent has not brought political stability or prosperity. Instead, Haitians struggle to get by in the Western Hemisphere's poorest country. Original Article: Haiti May Have Won Independence, But It Is Not Independent of Chaos and Poverty

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Spending More Taxpayer Money on Foreign Policy Boondoggles Has Solved Nothing

Whether you’re a conservative or libertarian, the notion of government shutdowns is no longer an alien concept considering that Washington managed to add a whopping $1 trillion to the gross national debt in a matter of three months—a large percentage coming from interest expenses alone. Another record for our national debt has been broken again, with $275 billion added onto the national debt in a single day. How we solve this issue is a question...

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Can We Find a Basis for Private Property Rights?

While Murray Rothbard believed that self-ownership formed the basis for private property rights, other philosophers disagree. Original Article: Can We Find a Basis for Private Property Rights?

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