Category Archive: 6b.)

The Deep State: The Headless Fourth Branch of Government

School children learn that there are three branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial. In actual practice, however, there are four branches of government. The fourth is what for decades now has been called a "headless fourth branch of government," the administrative state.

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Freedom Means a Right to Discriminate

Should employers have the right to discriminate in hiring on the basis of obesity? The Washington State Supreme Court recently ruled that “it is illegal for employers in Washington to refuse to hire qualified potential employees because the employer perceives them to be obese.”

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Does Economic Theory Work in Business?

Marketing guru and fund investor Hunter Hastings joins the Human Action podcast for a look at Economics for Entrepreneurs, a new platform which uses Austrian theory to teach actionable entrepreneurship. Can business acumen be taught, or is it innate? Hunter and Jeff examine consumer sovereignty, value creation, and the theory of the firm, all from a unique Austrian perspective.

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Don’t Want a Liquidity Trap? More Saving Is the Answer

With interest rates in many countries close to zero or even negative, some commentators are of the view that monetary policy of the central banks are likely to become less effective in navigating the economy. In fact it is held that we have most likely reached a situation that the economy is approaching a liquidity trap. But what does this mean?

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Interview mit Herr Dr. Polleit am 09.11.2019 auf dem Börsentag Hamburg

Die Niedrigzinspolitik ist inzwischen bei jedem Marktteilnehmer angelangt. Verschiedene Banken betreiben mittlerweile Null- und Negativzinspolitik. Kann das ein Dauerzustand sein und welche langfristigen Folgen hat das? Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH, im Interview mit Börsenradio Network AG auf dem Börsentag Hamburg 2019.

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Globalist-Endorsed War on Cash May Be China’s Next Terrifying Weapon

Recent protests in Hong Kong, along with the resulting fall out from international corporations questioned for their relationships with mainland China, has placed a renewed focus on the authoritarianism of the Chinese Communist Party. This has led to several articles identifying ways in which Western countries have learned from the CCP, including Europe's growing embrace of web censorship and growing interest in the social credit system rolled out...

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Yes, Taxation Is Theft

Libertarians think that taxation is theft. The government takes away part of your income and property by force. Your payments aren’t voluntary. If you think they are, try to withhold payment and see what happens. An influential book by Liam Murphy and Thomas Nagel, The Myth of Ownership, tries to show that this view of taxation is wrong. Many people, they say, foolishly resent taxes.

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After Years of Decline, Competition in Banking Finally Grows Again

US Banks are seeing a larger number of new entrants into the industry. Chime, a mobile-only bank, has opened two million online checking accounts and is adding more customers each month than Wells Fargo or Citibank. Firms from outside traditional consumer banking including Square, Goldman Sachs (Marcus), and Robinhood are entering the industry as well.

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Budget Deficits, not “Neoliberalism,” Are To Blame for Argentina’s Crisis

Argentinians are known for for slinging clever insults. Spaniards, for example, love Argentine "puteadas" so much that they created a website called “Curse like an Argentinian.” Now in the world of bad words, one stands out that, when received, mortally wounds the rival in the argument. It's hard to recover after such an attack. Curiously, this insult can be written without violating the rules of decorum.

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Why Friedman Is Wrong on the Business Cycle

According to an article in Bloomberg on November 5, 2019, Milton Friedman’s business cycle theory seems to be vindicated. According to Milton Friedman, strong recoveries are just natural after particularly deep recessions. Like a guitar string, the harder the string is plucked down, the faster it should come back up.

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Investieren in der Null- und Minuszinswelt

Vortrag von Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit bei der Veranstaltung ‘Fondsforum’ am 7. November 2019 in Königstein i.T.

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Manifiesto Libertario (Murray N. Rothbard) “Parte 2” “Link de Pdf gratis” Final

Manifiesto Libertario (1973) "Pdf" #Economía #Liberalismo #MurrayRothbard

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Manifiesto Libertario (Murray N. Rothbard) “Parte 2” “Link de Pdf gratis” Final

Manifiesto Libertario (1973) “Pdf” #Economía #Liberalismo #MurrayRothbard

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??Patrocine o canal através do apoia-se: ⚡⚡Comprando na Amazon através dos meus links abaixo você ajuda o canal! ⚡? Link geral》 ??Leitura para iniciantes em economia》 ?? LINKS ESPECÍFICOS PARA LIVROS NA AMAZON ?? Democracia, o deus que falhou》 ?? A lei》 ?? Da producao de segurança》 ?? O manifesto...

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Manifiesto Libertario (Murray N. Rothbard) “Parte 1” “Link de Pdf gratis”

Manifiesto Libertario (1973) “Pdf” #Economía #Liberalismo #MurrayRothbard

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The Feds Spend More on National-Debt Interest Than You Think

Recently, the Treasury Department reported a 26% increase in the federal budget deficit with a 2019 deficit of $984 billion. The reported data on the budget can be misleading. You might think that a budget deficit is the amount of spending that exceeds budget revenue, in other words, the amount of borrowing needed to make up for this shortfall. However, in the world of Washington D.C., not all spending is counted as spending and it’s possible for...

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Why Government Should not Fight Deflation

For most experts, deflation is considered bad news since it generates expectations of a decline in prices. As a result, they believe, consumers are likely to postpone their buying of goods at present since they expect to buy these goods at lower prices in the future.

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Ocasio-Cortez is Wrong: We’re Not Working 80-Hour Weeks Now

It has become nearly commonplace for pundits and politicians to claim that Americans are working more than ever before; that they're working more jobs, and working longer hours — all for a lower income. During the Democratic debates this summer, for instance, Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio claimed "the economic system now forces us to have two or three jobs just to get by.” Kamala Harris made similar comments.

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The American Middle Class Isn’t Disappearing — But it’s Not All Good News

I'm not of the opinion that the American economy is doing amazingly well. However, I'm also not of the opinion that it is falling apart, or that the American middle class is disappearing before our eyes. Nor is there is no one, single, magic statistic we can point to and say "see, we're all worse off — or better off — now." Aggregate economic data is by its very nature lacking in nuance, moreover, difference measures of economic growth and...

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The Fight Against “Home Sharing” Drives up the Price of Short-Term Housing

City Council in London, Ontario recently decided to explore their options for regulating “short-term rentals” arranged through companies such as Airbnb, HomeAway, etc. The motion was brought forward by Councillor Anna Hopkins, who is concerned about (a) complaints from residents about short-term-renters’ noisy parties, and (b) “the role those short-term rentals have on taking potential long-term housing options out of the market.”

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