Category Archive: 6b.)

Monopolio y Competencia (Murray N. Rothbard) “Parte 2” CAPITULO 3 “Link de Pdf gratis”

Monopolio y Competencia (1965) “Pdf” #Economía #Liberalismo #MurrayRothbard

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Monopolio y Competencia (Murray N. Rothbard) “Parte 1″ CAPITULO 1 y 2″Link de Pdf gratis”

Monopolio y Competencia (1965) Murray N. Rothbard fue economista, historiador y teórico político estadounidense, perteneciente a la Escuela austríaca de economía, que contribuyó a definir el moderno liberalismo de corte libertario y popularizó una forma de anarquismo de propiedad privada y libre mercado al que denominó anarcocapitalismo. “Pdf” #Economía #Liberalismo...

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Qual a forma correta de se estudar o homem? – Murray N. Rothbard

Conheça todo meu trabalho e formas de apoia-lo A liberdade é inevitável!! Esse vídeo foi apoiado por : Allan Ricardo,Nicola Occhipinti Magalhães, Douglas Otoni, Átila Balzer Piekarski, Patrick Tracanelli, Artur Pereira de Lima, Vinícius Perini, Ricardo Ariel Nasatto, Thiago Carneiro Ribeiral, Luis Otavio Oliveira da Matta, Lucas Terass, Lucas Terassi, Carlos Oliveira, Leonardo José …

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Per Bylund on the Entrepreneurial Opportunity of B2B versus B2C

Dr. Bylund ( observes that students, when selecting entrepreneurial projects for his course, lean heavily towards consumer products and services. Does this represent smart entrepreneurial thinking, or not? Is it biased by (lack of) marketplace experience? Is it biased by media reporting and “buzz”? And what can practicing entrepreneurs learn from a reasoned analysis of …

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The Market for Military Defense | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 19 July 2019. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

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Prof. Thorsten Polleit: Gold vs. Papiergeld Quotnotenbanken Zerstoumlren Geldwertquot

Die Notenbanken weltweit sind weiterhin dabei, den Geldwert der Währungen zu zerstören. Das sagt Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt bei der Degussa Goldhandel im Interview mit dem ehemaligen n-tv-Moderator Andreas Franik anlässlich seines Vortrages zur Eröffnung einer neuen Repräsentanz der Capitell AG in Baden-Baden.

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Prof. Thorsten Polleit: Gold vs. Papiergeld – “Notenbanken zerstören Geldwert”

Die Notenbanken weltweit sind weiterhin dabei, den Geldwert der Währungen zu zerstören. Das sagt Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt bei der Degussa Goldhandel im Interview mit dem ehemaligen n-tv-Moderator Andreas Franik anlässlich seines Vortrages zur Eröffnung einer neuen Repräsentanz der Capitell AG in Baden-Baden. Durch die jüngsten geldpolitischen Maßnahmen der Europäischen Zentralbank würden die aktuellen …

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The Economics of the Stateless Society | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 18 July 2019. Includes an introduction and presentation by Jeff Deist. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

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Good Money, bad money – and how Bitcoin fits in | Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

In this talk Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit, Chief Economist at Degussa Goldhandel, talks about the aspects of money and what defines a good and a bad money. He criticizes so call FIAT money created by governments as an example of very bad money because of unlimited supply while gold and other forms of money with a limited supply lead to a healthy economy and are examples of good money. Script Download:...

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Political Decentralization as a Road to Anarcho-Capitalism | Ryan McMaken

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 19 July 2019. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

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Per Bylund “The unrealized: Even libertarians don’t understand how destructive regulations are”

Per Bylund, PhD, is assistant professor of entrepreneurship and holds the Records-Johnston Professorship of Free Enterprise in the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. He is a fellow of the Mises Institute in Auburn, Al., and associate fellow of the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. His research focuses on entrepreneurial value creation, economic growth, …

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Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia | David Gordon

Mises University is the world's leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

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Per Bylund on Entrepreneurial Strategy

Business strategy in books and business schools has tended to towards metaphors of sports or war. There are playing fields or battlefields, and the strategy question is “Where to play, and how to win?” In other words, it’s competitive strategy, where one firm wins and others lose, within some pre-set boundaries of industry structure. This …

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Episode 288: Editor Ryan McMaken Addresses the Immigration Debate

62 Minutes PG-13 Pete welcomes editor Ryan McMaken to the show. Ryan has spent much of the last couple years addressing the immigration debate through the articles he writes. He joins Pete to cover what the law says, whether culture matters and what are some libertarian-minded solutions that could be implemented even in this …

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Economics of the Green New Deal | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 17 July 2019. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

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Rothbardians vs “Free Bankers” on Fractional Reserve Banking | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 17 July 2019. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

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SLP87 Per Bylund – The Problem of Production

Assistant Professor and Records-Johnston Professor of Free Enterprise at Oklahoma State University, at the OSU School of Entrepreneurship, and Fellow at the Mises Institute – Per Bylund joins me in this episode to talk about his book on the theory of the firm: What was wrong with the theory of the firm before Firms as …

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Per Bylund: ACT!

Austrian Capital Theory (ACT) sounds arcane, academic, and complicated. In fact, it’s the key to modern organizational design, cutting edge business structures, and the high-response business models leading entrepreneurs deploy to win in today’s business environment. Hunter Hastings interviews Per Bylund. Show Notes: Austrian Capital Theory at Work (PDF): Economics For Entrepreneurs...

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Episode 276: What Causes Poverty, and what Causes Prosperity w/ Per Bylund

58 Minutes Rated PG-13 Per Bylund returns to the show to explain why poverty is the default state, and how prosperity is the goal. He discusses the best ways to make prosperity happen and then answers some questions on what a truly free and open society would be like on a day to day basis. …

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Interview mit Dr. THORSTEN POLLEIT: “ACHTUNG VOR DEM FIAT-GELD-SYSTEM”.Bitcoin&Austrian Economics.

Faktenreiches und transparentes Gespräch mit Dr. Thorsten Polleit über die wahren verwurzelten Ursachen unserer globalen Krisen, Leiden und Symptome im Rahmen der Hayek-Tage2019 in Wien: das in Kollusion mit den Regierungen obsessiv kontrollierte Zentralbanken-Fiat-Geld-System. "Thorsten Polleit kritisiert das ungedeckte Geldsystem (Fiat-Geldsystem), das ökonomisch und ethisch defekt ist. Er spricht sich für einen Währungswettbewerb, einen...

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