Category Archive: 6b.)

California’s Crony Capitalist Minimum Wage Law

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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Anarchy, State and Utopia: Robustly against Redistributive Taxation for 50 Years

Robert Nozick’s classic of political philosophy Anarchy, State, and Utopia turns fifty this year. His blasting of the redistribution of wealth shook academia to its core in 1974, and its intellectual tremors are arguably still being felt to this day. Nevertheless, Nozick’s arguments are clearly lost in the “real world”; high taxes and high benefits still run amuck. Indeed, even in the heyday of neoliberalism—the 1980s—Margaret Thatcher often...

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Ireland’s Progressives Lose Big in the Irish Family and Care Constitutional Referenda

Two constitutional referenda were held in Ireland on the 8th of March to revise the wording of the constitution, to widen the definition of family and redefine gender roles in the provision of care. The Irish government claimed that this would modernize the constitution and align it to current views and needs.The proposed changes were as follows:The Thirty-ninth Amendment would add the text between brackets to Article 41.1.1:“The State recognizes...

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Conservatives Are Wrong on Economics. Here’s How to Fix the Problem.

Argentinian president Javier Milei didn’t settle for advocating free market ideals to the cronyist elite attendees at the World Economic Forum. He also delivered a remarkable speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, reaffirming his commitment to Austrian economics and libertarian theory. He critiqued neoclassical models, quoted economists like Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard, and exposed flaws in socialist economic...

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The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a three-hour-plus discussion on the Joe Rogan Show last week, covering everything from UFOs, to religion and artificial intelligence. But perhaps the most important topic they covered was the insidious and dangerous role played by the US regime's intelligence agencies in America. Specifically, Carlson suggested the CIA continues to lobby for keeping the JFK files secret, possibly because the CIA had a role...

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Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024.On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.The nearly $100 billion grossly misnamed “National Security Supplemental” guarantees that Ukrainians will...

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The UK Is Reverting to Railway Socialism

Transport for the North, a collection of the Northern Transport Authorities and some business leaders, will be calling for Avanti West Coast’s rail franchise to be stripped from it after continued disruption to services that sometimes leads to journeys lasting hours longer than they should, which, as you can imagine, leads to rather a lot of disgruntled and angry train users. They want the railway to be taken under control of the government on a...

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UK Railways Are Reverting to the Disaster of State Ownership

Transport for the North, a collection of the Northern Transport Authorities and some business leaders, will be calling for Avanti West Coast’s rail franchise to be stripped from it after continued disruption to services that sometimes leads to journeys lasting hours longer than they should, which, as you can imagine, leads to rather a lot of disgruntled and angry train users. They want the railway to be taken under control of the government on a...

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Countering the Neoconservative Defense of the British Empire

One of the worst novels of the nineteenth century, aesthetically and politically, is Julius Vogel’s Anno Domini 2000 (1889). It is stylistically absurd because the author was a statesman with no literary prowess. It is appalling politically because it envisions a future in which the British Empire survives into the second millennium. It remains in print to this day.Vogel’s novel is relevant because it challenges recent scholarly attempts to portray...

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Can There Be Justice Outside of the State? Yes

People tend to think of a fair justice system as one of the cornerstones of a free and flourishing society. Yet most of us are resigned to the idea that it can only be delivered at the hands of the state. Rather than just accepting the status quo, perhaps we should question whether states are appropriate administrators of justice at all, and instead consider whether a state-free or libertarian approach to justice could work.The word “justice” comes...

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On Immanuel Kant’s 300th birthday: Kant’s Epistemology and Its Influence on Ludwig von Mises’s Praxeology

300 years ago, on April 22, 1724, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant was born in Königsberg, East Prussia. He is not only an outstanding historical figure in philosophy, but Kant’s profound influence continues to shape modern philosophical discourse, resonating strongly even today.While Galileo Galilei and Issac Newton undoubtedly made significant contributions to their respective fields, their theories have long been surpassed by the theory of...

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We Need to Do with the State What We Have Done to Slavery

This article is based on chapter 8 of my 2020 book, Do Not Consent: Think OUTSIDE the Voting Booth.If someone asked you to define “free market,” could you? Could you do it on the spot without recourse to dictionaries or other crutches?The term “laissez-faire economy” might do as a first response. But what does it mean? In Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Ayn Rand explains,Based on a column in the Los Angeles Times, August 1962.Colbert, chief adviser...

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Why the US Debt Is Unsustainable and Is Destroying the Middle Class

In a recent tweet, a talented financial analyst and investor stated: “The “debt is unsustainable” narrative has been around for 40 years plus. What’s astonishing to me is how the people who push this narrative never ask themselves, “Why has it been sustainable for so long?”.There is a widespread idea that the fiscal imbalances of a world reserve currency issuer would end in an Argentina-style bankruptcy. However, the manifestation of...

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Is Libertarianism Just Another Form of Critical Theory?

There’s no shortage of ill-informed criticisms of libertarian theory across all sides of the political spectrum. To most leftists, the libertarian is selfish, greedy, elitist, disdainful of the poor, and a useful idiot for big-business interests. To most right wingers, the libertarian is atomized, nihilistic, a hedonist, a materialist, a moral relativist, an egalitarian, and a naïve utopian who scorns tradition and religion.But there’s a new,...

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Introducing the Unanimity Podcast

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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Wokism, Marxism and the Failures of Academic “Liberalism”

Ludwig von Mises’s 1927 book Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition is increasingly important in a time when so many conflicting ideologies march under the banner of liberalism. For example, according to the New York Times, “liberal values” include “racial equality, women’s rights, human rights and democracy.” The New York Times sees “classical liberal” as simply a label used by centrist conservatives to distinguish themselves from right-wing...

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Biden Perpetuates Washington’s Idiotic Steel Trade Policies

Joe Biden is seeking to boost his reelection campaign by torpedoing Chinese imports. In an April 17 speech in Pittsburgh, the symbolic heart of the steel industry, Biden announced that he asked his US trade representative to triple tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports. The tariffs are currently roughly 7.5 percent. A White House press release proclaimed, “President Biden knows that steel is the backbone of the American economy, and a...

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Robeyns Peter to Pay Paul

Limitarianism: The Case against Extreme Wealthby Ingrid RobeynsAstra House, 2022; 301 pp.Some people have vastly more income and wealth than others, and this situation greatly disturbs Ingrid Robeyns, who teaches ethics at Utrecht University. She does not want to replace the market economy with central planning, but no one should be allowed to become a billionaire. Some of her comments on central planning sound like they might have emanated from...

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FDR’s War Against Civil Liberties

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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Carl Menger Explains Caitlin Clark’s “Low” Rookie Salary and Her Monetized Popularity

President Joe Biden is outraged. It seems that women’s basketball star Caitlin Clark, who played for the University of Iowa, does not have a rookie Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) that a typical NBA (for the men) top draft pick would have. He declared on his official X (formerly Twitter) account:Women in sports continue to push new boundaries and inspire us all. But right now we're seeing that even if you're the best, women are not...

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