Category Archive: 6b.)

Bob Murphy Explains “Rio 2” to Stefan Molyneux

Economist Robert P. Murphy has to explain animated kids’ movies to world-famous libertarian philosopher Stefan Molyneux. Molyneux’s scathing review of “Rio 2” is at: (Note: At the 0:18 mark Murphy erroneously refers to the film as a Disney production, but it is 20th Century FOX.)

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How the Government Wrecks the Economy | Robert P. Murphy

Enroll now: Interviewed by Merlin Rothfeld and John O’Donnell, Bob Murphy illustrates how government interference with the market economy leads to human misery.

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Closed Border Keeps You IN

Economist Robert P. Murphy discusses the odd support for “closing the border” among people who otherwise have a very cynical view of the government’s motives.

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Doug French – contributing editor at Casey Research

Doug French discusses Putin as the West’s Loan Shark.

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Supply and Demand, Part VI | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Supply and Demand, Part V | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Supply and Demand, Part IV | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Supply and Demand, Part III | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Supply and Demand, Part II | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Supply and Demand, Part I | Robert P. Murphy

From Robert Murphy’s 3-part series of online courses, “Basics of Economics.” Part 3 of this series, “How Government Wrecks the Economy,” starts April 24. Sign up now to attend live. Parts 1 and 2 are not required, but they are available to take as independent study. Sign up at

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Save LI Forum – 08: Robert Murphy – Austrian Economics

Economist Robert P. Murphy, associate scholar at the Mises Institute, teacher, blogger & author advocates for Austrian Economics as the way out of our current economic problems. Save Long Island Forum – Hauppauge, NY – Jan 18, 2014 The forum was a brilliant success in every way but financially. If you want to help the …

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The Historical Gold Standard | Robert P. Murphy

Excerpted from Lecture 1 of “Basics of Economics: An Introduction to the Free Market.” For more information, or to enroll in one of Dr. Murphy’s courses, visit

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What Is Economic Law? | Robert P. Murphy

Excerpted from Lecture 3 of “Basics of Economics: Action and Exchange”, which is available as an independent study course. Sign up for Dr. Murphy’s “Basics of Economics: An Introduction to the Free Market”, which starts in January 2014.

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Cliff Küle’s Dollar Debauchery – Doug French

Cliff Küle’s Dollar Debauchery Interview of Doug French. Casey Research’s Doug French explains how the Austrian School of Economics explains the causes of the global financial crisis and what solutions it recommends to get out of it .. French: “There is no possible way U.S. debt can be repaid” – French thinks government will try …

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Per Bylund Andersen om Yalambojoch del 2 av 2

Intervju med Per Bylund Andersen om arbetet i Yalambojoch.

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Per Bylund Andersen om Yalambojoch del 1 av 2

Intervju med Per Bylund Andersen om arbetet i Yalambojoch.

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Doug French – Sociopaths vs Liberty [Capitalism & Morality Seminar 2013]

Full Capitalism & Morality Conference 2013 playlist: Mr French is Senior Editor of the Laissez Faire Club and former president of the Mises Institute and author of Early Speculative Bubbles & Increases in the Money Supply and Walk Away: The Rise and Fall of the Home-Ownership Myth. He received his master’s degree in economics …

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Doug French – Why Democracy Doesn’t Work – PorcFest X

The true believers always tell us we are just one election away from liberty. It never happens. French blends Hoppe, Hayek, and Maslow to explain why, despite voters best intentions, sociopaths are elected and freedom is lost. Douglas E. French is senior editor of the Laissez Faire Club. He received his master’s degree under the …

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Anarchast Ep. 83 with Doug French: Rothbard’s Legacy

In this edition of Anarchast Jeff interviews Doug French of Laissez Faire books ( at Freedom Fest, Las Vegas. Doug came into Anarchism through Murray Rothbard while studying for his Masters degree. He worked in banking during the boom and bust of real estate market in Las Vegas and then went started working at Mises …

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America’s Hen Island- Thank Mayor Doug French

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