Category Archive: 6b.)

How Bad Is It? | Jeff Deist

Crashes are fast, like that first hill on a coaster. Recoveries are not, for the simple reason that production is more difficult than destruction. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio Mises Wire is also available on… Apple Podcasts: Google Play:...

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More Protectionism and Regulation Won’t Fix the Economy

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant economic strains, some protectionists and anti-immigration ideologues are trying to take advantage of this opportunity to advance their nationalist agenda. They argue that if the United States had restricted international trade and immigration more thoroughly in the past, as President Trump had fought to achieve, the public health crisis could have been curtailed.

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“Human Action” by Ludwig von Mises (Book Review)

“Human Action” is an economic treatise written by Ludwig von Mises. Published in 1949, this magnum opus is a culmination of decades of thinking. In this video, I offer a review of the book. Check out Jeff Deists’ Human Action Podcast, a foray into “Human Action”: pick up a copy of Human Action:...

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Filosofía Política de Ludwig von Mises (Parte III) | Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel Zanotti explica la posición filosófica de Ludwig von Mises, que pareciera ambivalente con respecto a los valores, pero que justifica en su obra Teoría e Historia donde distingue claramente entre juicios existenciales y juicios de valor que el autor toma de Max Weber y de los criterios objetivos propios del científico de las ciencias …

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Who is Murray Rothbard? | by David Gordon

Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) was one of the most important participants in Ludwig von Mises’s seminar, and undoubtedly the premiere Austrian economist of the twentieth century. Here, David Gordon discusses Rothbard’s contributions to economic theory and their broader historical context. In his 1962 “Man, Economy, and State,” Rothbard built on Mises’s work and further developed …

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Who is Jean-Baptiste Say? | by Per Bylund

Per Bylund explains the many contributions of Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832), a precursor to the Austrian school of economics. Today, Say is most well known for his “law of markets” which is now referred to simply as “Say’s Law.” Often misstated as “supply creates its own demand,” the law is that we produce and supply to …

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Freisicht – Dr. Daniel Stelter: Teil 2

Freisicht ist das Instagram-Live-Format des FDP-Bundestagsabgeordneten Frank Schäffler und findet jeden Mittwoch um 18 Uhr statt. Auslöser für das Format war die Corona-Krise, die Schäffler mit seinen Gesprächspartnern aus wirtschaftlicher und finanzieller Sicht analysiert. Gäste des Formats waren bisher Thomas Mayer, Thorsten Polleit, Marc Friedrich, Oliver Flaskämper und Daniel Stelter. In Zukunft werden alle Ausgaben …

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Filosofía Política de Ludwig von Mises (Parte II) | Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel Zanotti presenta su interpretación sobre el utilitarismo planteado por Ludwig von Mises en la obra Liberalismo, una filosofía moral que deduce los medios necesarios para la cooperación social que es el ámbito donde el ser humano se mueve e interactúa en un libre intercambio de bienes y servicios; y que se logra a través …

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Three Reasons Why the Eurozone Recovery Will Be Poor

The eurozone economy is expected to collapse in 2020. In countries such as Spain and Italy, the decline, more than 9 percent, will likely be much larger than in emerging market economies. However, the key is to understand how and when the eurozone economies will recover.

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Filosofía Política de Ludwig von Mises (Parte I) | Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel Zanotti hace un análisis psicológico y político sobre la vida de Ludwig von Mises, economista austriaco, intelectual quien además de ocupar importantes cargos en Viena, escribió numerosas obras como: La acción humana, La teoría del dinero y el crédito, El socialismo, Problemas epistemológicos de la Economía, entre otras. Zanotti comenta que este autor intentaba …

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24. Black Market Podcasting: An Interview with Dr. Per Bylund

Jay, Peter, Porter, and Stratty sit down an interview a special guest, the “only Agorist with a PhD,” Dr. Per Bylund of Oklahoma State University, a fellow at the Mises Institute, and author of “The Problem of Production: The Theory of the Firm” and “The Seen, The Unseen, and the Unrealized: How Regulations Affect our …

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Who is Carl Menger? | by Jeff Deist

Jeff Deist discusses the major contributions of Carl Menger (1840-1921), founder of the Austrian school of economics. Sharing credit with Jevons and Walras, Menger initiated the Marginalist Revolution in economic thought with the 1871 publication of his book, Principles of Economics. Classical economists had been stumped by the “paradox of value,” but Menger solved it …

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How the Corona Crisis Differs from the 2008–2009 Financial Crisis

There are several important differences between the global financial crisis of 2007–08 (GFC) and the coronavirus crisis (CC). Origin and Nature of the Crisis. The GFC resulted from financial imbalances, primarily the housing bubble, while the CC was triggered by the external negative shock (the pandemic and the following economic shutdown) that dramatically reduced the labor supply.

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Liberty Webinars: Ludwig von Mises

? Ludwig von Mises (1881 – 1973) patří mezi nejznámější klasické liberály a ekonomy rakouské školy, s níž se jeho jméno stalo téměř synonymem. Mises se však zdaleka nevěnoval jen ekonomii a v širším smyslu praxeologii, ale také historii, sociologii a politické teorii. Jeho díla ovlivnila mnoho dalších autorů, mezi nejznámějšími z nich jsou Hayek …

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Cavallo sobre Milton Friedman y Ludwig Von Mises – @Diálogos Programa

*GRABACIÓN CON PROBLEMAS TÉCNICOS* Por requerimiento del público, hemos fragmentado la segunda parte del diálogo junto a Domingo Cavallo según los temas que correspondan. Cavallo se explaya sobre el instrumentalismo metodológico de Milton Friedman, la praxeología de Mises y la importancia de la práctica a la hora de hacer economía. Para ver la conversación completa …

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When Governments Switched Their Story from “Flatten the Curve” to “Lockdown until Vaccine”

In the early days of the COVID-19 panic—back in mid-March—articles began to appear pushing the idea of "flattening the curve" (the Washington Post ran an article called "Flatten the Curve" on March 14). This idea was premised on spreading out the total number of COVID-19 infections over time, so as to not overburden the healthcare infrastructure.

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The Global Airline Industry Is in Even Worse Shape Than You Think

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has reached all productive sectors. The massive spread of the virus and social distancing measures have led to a dramatic decrease in economic activity. The aviation industry, vital for tourism and business, has been hit hard. Investors and analysts state that this crisis could be worse than the one that followed the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the one after 9/11.

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The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises | Lecture 10: The Second Mises Revolution

In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 23-28, 2007. Playlist link for complete course: Jörg Guido …

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Police Are Complicit in Politicians’ Disregard for the Rule of Law

People of a certain age might remember the old John Birch Society slogan "Support your local police!" The idea here is that your local policeman is a liberty-loving buddy of yours who would only ever support just laws and constitutional mandates. Only those bad guys in the FBI or BATF would ever consider violating your rights.

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Some Insightful Entrepreneurs Planned for a Pandemic

Listen to the Audio ​Mises Wire version of this article. Does a pandemic trump entrepreneurial foresight? Many in business will say yes, “nobody saw this coming.” Lack of customer demand and government lockdowns are “no fault of their own.” But Penny Chutima, co-owner of the Lotus of Siam restaurant, did see it coming. Chutima and her mother, Saipin, have operated the off-Strip Las Vegas staple for years.

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