Category Archive: 6b.)

Pennsylvania’s Lockdown Rules Were Arbitrary, Inconsistent, and Political

On October 6, 2020, the auditor general of Pennsylvania, Eugene DePasquale, released a status update on his ongoing audit of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) waiver process for businesses that appealed Governor Wolf’s covid-19 closure order. To everyone’s surprise, the auditor general concluded that his office discovered inconsistencies and puzzling decisions in the business waiver process. 

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Digital Currencies Are Changing the Money Landscape

Government-mandated money in the form of legal tender is a historical anomaly. For much of mankind’s history private monies and quasi monies competed alongside each other. Now, again, a new era of private money competition is resurging and reshaping our world.

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Erfolg ist kein Zufall!

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Gamestop, Market Distortions, and Manipulations

In the wake of the extreme price explosion in GameStop stock, driven in large part by the subreddit WallStreetBets on Reddit, there is naturally a great deal of talk about “market manipulation” and related concerns. Many people are saying that hedge funds manipulate markets.

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Why the Utes Opposed Biden’s Plans to Limit Oil Drilling

Within a day of the inauguration, the Biden administration issues a bevy of new executive orders designed to please a variety of the Democratic Party’s core special-interest groups. Among these was an executive order curtailing oil and gas leasing on federal and tribal lands.

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Dr. Thorsten Polleit aktuell über Geldsystem & Wirtschaft - Dr. Polleit analysiert messerscharf, warum die aktuelle Politik & Wirtschaft überdacht werden sollten - Dr. Thorsten Polleit über Fiskalpolitik, Geopolitik & Mögliche Lösungen aus der aktuellen Krise zu gelangen...

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Understanding the Roots and Causes of Inflation

If the supply of caviar were as plentiful as the supply of potatoes, the price of caviar—that is, the exchange ratio between caviar and money or caviar and other commodities—would change considerably. In that case, one could obtain caviar at a much smaller sacrifice than is required today.

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In a Paranoid Nation, “Treason” Is Everywhere

FBI agents across the nation are tracking down and arresting Trump supporters who walked into the US Capitol during the January 6 protest that turned into a brawl. Scores of protestors have already been charged with unlawful entry—“knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority.”

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Trump’s Potential Legacy: 50 Million+ Enemies of the State

Should skepticism of the 2020 election, fueled by a new administration's actions, finally convince 50+ million Trump supporters that the barbarians in the Beltway do not represent him, then Trump’s presidency will be—despite his own actions—the disruption that America’s elites truly feared. Original Article: "Trump's Potential Legacy: 50 Million+ Enemies of the State" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by...

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Biden Nominee Rachel Levine Was a Disaster in Pennsylvania. Now She’s Headed to Washington.

On January 19 it was announced that Joe Biden planned to nominate Rachel Levine, the Pennsylvania (PA) secretary of health, for the position of assistant secretary of health in the Department of Health and Human Services. This is potentially good news for Pennsylvanians, who will finally be rid of her after having had to endure her disastrous covid lockdowns and restrictions for nearly a year, but is likely bad news for the rest of the country.

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What Biden/Harris Will Do

Paraphrasing the late Murray Rothbard, the "two party" system in America during the twentieth century worked something like this: Democrats engineered the Great Leaps Forward, and Republicans consolidated the gains. Wilson, Roosevelt, and Johnson were the transformative presidents;

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“Victim-Centered” Justice Is a Threat to Due Process

“Trauma-informed justice” has percolated in academia and activism for decades. It is now knocking on the door of local police departments to demand changes that could upend the basics of how people relate to law enforcement.

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The Myths Behind the “Capitalism Is Racist” Claim

Though numerous studies prove the contrary, it is still widely assumed that capitalism perpetuates racism. Celebrities and academics incessantly broadcast the message that capitalism engenders racism.

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Yet Another Study Shows—Yet Again—That Lockdowns Don’t Work

Although advocates for covid-19 lockdowns continue to insist that they save lives, actual experience keeps suggesting otherwise. On a national level, just eyeballing the data makes this clear. Countries that have implemented harsh lockdowns shouldn’t expect to have comparatively lower numbers of covid-19 deaths per million.

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When It Comes to National Defense, Bigger Isn’t Always Better

In the debate over whether or not China will soon rise to challenge the United States as the world’s hegemon, it is often assumed that states with large aggregate economies are necessarily more militarily powerful ones. This stems from decades-old methods that remain popular among scholars and pundits who write on international relations and foreign policy.

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Following Scott down Ridgerun (5K)

Set to full screen / 5K for best results. To my future self: Exported ProRes from GoPro Player Used H264 encoder from Final Cut Pro

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The Upside of Lockdowns: More Saving

Rothbard: "At the outset of every step forward on the road to a more plentiful existence is saving….Without saving and capital accumulation there could not be any striving toward nonmaterial ends."

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Inflation Breeds Even More Inflation

I. Warning against Fiduciary Media. Early in the 20th century, Ludwig von Mises warned against the consequences of granting the government control over the money supply. Such a regime inevitably creates money through bank credit that is not backed by real savings—a type of money that Mises termed "fiduciary media."

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The Upside of Lockdowns: More Saving

Something good is coming out of the covid lockdowns. Economist David Rosenberg released a special report via the eponymous Rosenberg Research, concluding “the pre-COVID-19 ‘norm’ of a 7% personal savings rate will morph into a post-COVID-19 norm of 10%.

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How the State Preserves Itself—and What the State Fears

Once a State has been established, the problem of the ruling group or "caste" is how to maintain their rule.1 While force is their modus operandi, their basic and long-run problem is ideological. For in order to continue in office, any government (not simply a "democratic" government) must have the support of the majority of its subjects.

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