Category Archive: 6b.)

America’s Riots Are Just the Latest Version of Marxist “Syndicalism”

The year 2020 is one of the most disrupted times in at least the last half century, maybe longer. Global protests and riots, the covid-19 virus, lockdowns, and police killings of unarmed citizens. Add to that widespread rioting, looting, arson, homelessness, and destruction of property, including the tearing down of statues.

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Why Americans Are Looking for a Safe Haven from the Dollar

As the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing practices generate the biggest debt bubble in history, gold futures are trading at record highs, a phenomenon some have called "a bit of a mystery." However, this "mystery" was solved long ago by the laws of economics.

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Mises on Syndicalism

As political tactics Syndicalism presents a particular method of attack by organized labour for the attainment of their political ends. This end may also be the establishment of the true Socialism, that is to say, the socialization of the means of production. But the term Syndicalism is also used in a second sense, in which it means a sociopolitical aim of a special kind.

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How the CARES Act Is Still Kicking the Can

During Real Vision’s Daily Briefing of August 13, Ed Harrison asked rhetorically, “How is it possible for you to have a bull market, a new leg up in the business cycle when bank stocks, the traditional value cyclical trade are 30% off their highs? That's not a signal of bull, it's a signal of secular stagnation.”

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Thorsten Polleit: Ich befürchte, dass unsere Freiheit aufgehoben wird! (Utagramm 24 Sondersendung)

Das "Utagramm der Woche" ist ein satirisches Wochenmagazin auf dem Kanal von "eigentümlich frei", bei dem unsere Autorin Uta Ogilvie jeden Sonntag auf ihre unverwechselbar charmante, humorvolle Art die Heldentaten jener Protagonisten des öffentlichen Lebens zelebriert, die sich in den vergangenen Tagen durch hanebüchenen Unsinn oder eklatante Widersprüche ganz besonders hervorgetan haben. Vortrag von Uta Ogilvie auf der...

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2020 Will Be a Record-Breaking Year for Debt. How Long Can This Last?

The deficit narrowed during July after months of record shortfalls in federal tax revenues. During April, May, and June of this year deficits surges to unprecedented highs as economic activity dried up, workers were furloughed and laid off, and tax payments were deferred.

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11: First Principles Economic Thinking with Per Bylund

Per Bylund is Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise in the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. He is also a fellow at the Mises Institute and associate fellow of the Ratio Institute in Stockholm. His research focuses on issues in entrepreneurship, strategic management, and organizational economics. We talked about the school of Austrian Economics, the centrality of the price mechanism, the theory of...

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Episode 462: Laughing At The Absurdity of 2020 w/ Ryan McMaken

48 Minutes Safe for Work Ryan McMaken is the editor of and is one of their most prolific writers. Pete asked Ryan to come on and talk about this insane year. They start off talking about Australia's draconian measures in "response" to CV19. They then reflect on the absurd narratives of 2020 that have been debunked or are sketchy at best. Ryan ends by talking about what he thinks about the future of the economy. Show notes...

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Robert P. Murphy – The Theory and Brief History of the U.S. Gold Standard – August 25, 2020

Powered by Restream Who was Mises? The basic premise behind the Austrian School of Economics The only thing keeping the market up; how does all the new money being pumped into the market work? The fascinating history of money; defining the dollar Why they put it in the Constitution about...

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Growth and Income Inequality in Africa

There are two kinds of inequality. One develops as societies innovate and become more productive. The other kind results from government corruption and intervention.

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The Global Jobless Recovery

The United States added 1.76 million Jobs in July 2020, compared to a consensus estimate of 1.48 million. Unemployment fell to 10.2 percent versus the 10.6 percent expected.

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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit: “Ziehen Sie sich warm an”//

Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit zählt zu Deutschlands bekanntesten Wirtschaftsexperten. Der Chef-Volkswirt des größten bankenunabhängigen Edelmetallhändlers Degussa spricht in diesem Video über ungedecktes Papiergeld, hohe Staatsschulden und die Dystopie eines Weltstaates mit Weltwährung in Zeiten des Wirtschaftskollapses. Enjoy! Zu den Bestsellern von Thorsten Polleit: "Vom intelligenten Investieren: Zeitlose Prinzipien für erfolgreiche...

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Stehen uns ein Währungs-Tsunami und Finanzcrash bevor? Beatrix von Storch redet mit Thorsten Polleit

01:05 Die aktuelle ökonomische und soziale Situation in den USA. Die Quittung der Lockdown-Krise. Droht eine Inflation? 04:47 Der Dollar als Weltwährung und die Auseinandersetzung zwischen den USA und China. Die Steigung des Goldpreises. 07:18 Wird eine gelenkte, digitale Währung kommen? Die Verfestigung des staatlichen Geldmonopols. 10:45 Staatliches Geld ist kein gutes Geld. Inflation als Verarmungseffekt. 14:26 Wie groß ist der...

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Was Mises a Fascist? Obviously Not.

Every once in a while, Mises is accused of having been a fascist by slanderers who are either ignorant or acting in bad faith—or even both.

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2020-08-23 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Jeff Deist

Source: Is hyperinflation on the horizon given the massive money printing by Feds? Listen in as Dennis Tubbergen, host of the Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio program talks with our guest, Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute. They’ll discuss Jeff’s forecast for hyperinflation, precious metals, and his thoughts on the current election cycle. Jeff...

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The Failed Dream of a Laissez-Faire Monarch

One problem that any laissez-faire liberal thinker must face is: Granted that government interference should be minimal, what form should that government take? Who shall govern?

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Who Wins? Jeff Deist on the Election

This election arrives during a unique period of social unrest, political division, and economic deterioration. Its results will generate dramatic implications for the political landscape for years to come. Jeff Deist, former chief of staff for Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, joins WindRock to discuss: • Why today’s polling may not accurately reflect the likelihood of election results; • What each candidate should do to...

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The Libertarian Tradition – Mr. Libertarian, Murray N. Rothbard

Facebook: Jeff Riggenbach Five figures starred in Radicals for Capitalism by Brian Doherty: Mises, Hayek, Friedman, Rand, and Rothbard. But, by the 1970s the irrepressible Rothbard became the indisputable Mr. Libertarian. An erudite, brilliant intellectual, Rothbard's strategic vision to make the libertarian movement thrive and grow is credited with the robust growth that...

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How the Lockdowns Will Drive Up Healthcare Costs

The covid-19 lockdowns have done untold amounts of economic damage, most of which has yet to reveal itself. Permanent unemployment for millions, countless bankruptcies, rent defaults and much more will jar the economy for the foreseeable future.

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Dr. Yu’s Science and U, Jeff Deist on Economy

David Gornoski hosts A Neighbor's Choice LIVE 4-6pm EST. Comment below or call in at 727 587 1040.

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