Category Archive: 6b.)

The Depression of the 1780s and the Banking Struggle

It has been alleged—from that day to this—that the depression which hit the United States, especially the commercial cities, was caused by “excessive” imports by Americans beginning in 1783.

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The World Needs a Gold-Backed Deutsche Mark

The seeds of sound-money destruction were sown at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, which established that US dollars could be held as central bank reserves and were redeemable for gold by the US Treasury at thirty-five dollars an ounce. This was the so-called gold exchange standard, but only foreign central banks and some multinational organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), enjoyed this right of redemption. The system...

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How Wall Street Became an Enemy of Free Markets

After decades of financialization and government favors, Wall Street now has little to do with free, functioning markets anymore and has largely become an adjunct of the central bank. Today, entrepreneurship is out, and bailouts are in.

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How Not to Argue against the Minimum Wage

Among the hotly contested list of Joe Biden’s promises is an increase of the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. There are plenty of sound reasons to oppose government minimum wage laws, but there is one objection making the rounds that is based on bad economics and should be avoided, and that’s the "businesses will pass on the costs to consumers" objection.

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Why No State Needs Thousands of Nuclear Warheads

Last week, the United States signed a five-year extension of the New START arms control treaty with Russia. Russia’s President Putin signed the treaty shortly thereafter. The “Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty” allows Russia and the US to monitor each other’s nuclear forces, facilities, and activities.

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AOC and Schumer Want Taxpayer Funding for Covid-19 Funerals

US residents whose family members died with or of covid will be eligible to receive $7,000 for funeral and related expenses, New York senator Chuck Schumer (D) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) announced.

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The Dystopian Bubble: George Orwell Meets Charles Mackay

“Threats to freedom of speech, writing, and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.”

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Politics and Ideas

In the Age of Enlightenment, in the years in which the North Americans founded their independence, and a few years later, when the Spanish and Portuguese colonies were transformed into independent nations, the prevailing mood in Western civilization was optimistic.

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Title IX Will Become a Vehicle of More Injustice

President Joe Biden vowed to put a “quick end” to the Trump administration’s Title IX regulations and return to Obama-era ones at universities. If this happens, the sexual misconduct hearings will be deeply impacted.

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A Penchant for Controlling Others

We all want freedom for ourselves, but many people have doubts about the way others might use their own freedom. Under these conditions, the state is there to help. Get enough people to favor enough restriction, and the state is good to go, administering every aspect of life from its smallest to its largest detail.

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There’s Nothing Wrong with Short Selling

The recent GameStop short-squeeze drama has riveted financial markets. Given the historic unpopularity of short sellers (e.g., Holman Jenkins has written that “short-selling is…widely unpopular with everyone who has a stake in seeing stock prices go up”), the resulting heightened invective against them is not a surprise.

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Libertarianismo – Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard apresentou seu discurso na Convenção do Partido Libertário de Michigan, realizada em Southfield, Michigan, em maio de 1989. O trecho também inclui uma sessão de perguntas e respostas. Agradecimentos especiais a Bob Roddis por disponibilizar este vídeo.

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There Is No “Optimum” Growth Rate for the Money Supply

Most economists hold that a growing economy requires a growing money stock on the grounds that growth gives rise to a greater demand for money that must be accommodated. Failing to do so, it is maintained, will lead to a decline in the prices of goods and services, which in turn will destabilize the economy and lead to an economic recession or, even worse, depression.

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Wall Street Outsiders versus the Hedge Funds

The investment world was convulsed last week when at least one hedge fund (Melvin Capital) lost billions of dollars. The sudden, massive losses happened when a tidal wave of independent individual investors, spearheaded by posts on, triggered a short squeeze that torpedoed the hedge fund.

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#42 physisches Gold als “ultimative Liquidität” – Golden Times

Die Themen in diesem Degussa-Marktreport: Degussa-Chefvolkswirt Thorsten Polleit sieht physisches Gold als ultimative Liquidität. Was überhaupt ist unter Liquidität zu verstehen? Welche Erkenntnisse kann man aus der Haltedauer und den gehandelten Volumina ziehen?

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Kommt jetzt der Sozialismus? (Das verschweigt man dir!) – Interview mit Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

Der neue Sozialismus, Great Reset und Neue Welt Ordnung – Interview mit Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

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The Great Reset, Part IV: “Stakeholder Capitalism” vs. “Neoliberalism”

Any discussion of “stakeholder capitalism” must begin by noting a paradox: like “neoliberalism,” its nemesis, “stakeholder capitalism” does not exist as such. There is no such economic system as “stakeholder capitalism,” just as there is no such economic system as “neoliberalism.” The two antipathetic twins are imaginary ghosts forever pitted against each other in a seemingly endless and frenzied tussle.

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Redet Klartext über die aktuellen Zustände

Was wir in den kommenden Jahren sehen werden, kann als sozialistisches kapitalistisches System bezeichnet werden! An den Börsen wird viel spekuliert, wir sind in einem Schneeballsystem.

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Dr. Thorsten Polleit aktuell über Geldsystem & Wirtschaft - Dr. Polleit analysiert messerscharf, warum die aktuelle Politik & Wirtschaft überdacht werden sollten - Dr. Thorsten Polleit über Fiskalpolitik, Geopolitik & Mögliche Lösungen aus der aktuellen Krise zu gelangen...

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Dr. Thorsten Polleit aktuell über Geldsystem & Wirtschaft - Dr. Polleit analysiert messerscharf, warum die aktuelle Politik & Wirtschaft überdacht werden sollten - Dr. Thorsten Polleit über Fiskalpolitik, Geopolitik & Mögliche Lösungen aus der aktuellen Krise zu gelangen...

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