Category Archive: 6b.)

Mises Weekend with Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute and Attorney Marc J. Victor

Mises Weekend with Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute and Attorney Marc J. Victor. Marc and Jeff talk about libertarianism, freedom, and the late great Professor Butler Shaffer.

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The Terrible Economic Ignorance Behind Covid Tradeoffs: My Speech to the Ron Paul Institute

Some of you may know the name Alex Berenson, the former New York Times journalist who comes from a left-liberal background. He has been absolutely fearless and tireless on Twitter over the past eighteen months, documenting the overreach and folly of covid policy—and the mixed reality behind official assurances on everything from social distancing to masks to vaccine efficacy.

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Separation Over Persuasion with Jeff Deist

My guest this week is the President of the Mises Institute, Jeff Deist. We discuss one of the biggest silver linings that can be taken from 2020 and the Covid moment. It's time to take stock in what has happened and realize that getting a Rand Paul or a Thomas Massie elected at the Presidential level isn't time and money well spent.

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Remember When Conservatives “Canceled” Anyone against the War on Terror? I Do.

Life in American changed twenty years ago after the 9/11 attacks. Many Americans became enraged at anyone who did not swear allegiance to President George W. Bush’s antiterrorism crusade. Anyone who denied “they hate us for our freedoms” automatically became an enemy of freedom.

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September 6, 2021

Madeleine Moran 100 SCY Breast

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Andrew Moran Is An Exciting Talent!

Age: 17 years old Position: AM Club: Brighton Nationality: Irish Music: I must state that in NO way, shape or form am I intending to infringe rights of the copyright holder. Content used is strictly for research/reviewing purposes and to help educate. All under the Fair Use law. Content is both TRANSFORMATIVE and EDUCATIONAL in nature. Content is in compliance with Content Quality section of YPP Policies as the editing adds creative value...

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September 4, 2021

Hfunby iffigikig ififogootgo uvofo gifkc gufpydraRa is tuff gucjxycjdhdysysdyduuuduuxdudyststfiastokfagosyofiy gggggxfsxuxucjxfzfjfzghxfhj b(+_+)(TT):'(:'(:-

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Engineering 101 Andrew Moran

First week intro video for Andrew Moran

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Money Reveals What You Really Care About | Why Purchasing Power Matters to Ariana

Purchasing Power Matters! Ariana shares what and why it matters to her. Getting to know yourself and the opportunities money creates makes an interesting life journey. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power Matters to you. Connect with Ariana on Instagram and her business here: Visit the PPM website...

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Depriving People of Purchasing Power Is A Moral Transgression | Andrew Moran

Purchasing Power Matters! Andrew shares what and why it matters to him. Governments and Central Banks are depriving the people from the fruits of their labor and ability to save for the future. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power Matters to you. Connect with Andrew on Twitter & YouTube here: Visit the PPM...

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Andrew Moran Evadé d’un tribunal anglais, arrêté en Espagne

Abonnez vous à ma chaine et activer la cloche : mon voisin le tueur planète+ crime enquete criminelle w9 crime club crime tube péchés mortels mon voisin le tueur meurtre pour mon homme enquete criminelle drama passionnel je tuerais pour toi crime tube la preuve par 6 femme tueuse enquete criminelle nrj12 enquete criminelle 2021 Snapped: Killer Couples femme tueuse reportage discovery investigation français crime club...

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Financial Security For Your Future | Why Purchasing Power Matters To David

Purchasing Power Matters! David shares what and why it matters to him. We earn and save for the ability to secure our financial future. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power Matters to you. Connect with David on Twitter & YouTube here: Visit the PPM website for details on how to share your story...

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The Secret Ronald Reagan Told Me about Gold and Great Nations

Today [August 15] marks 50 years since President Richard Nixon closed the “gold window,” ending the ability of foreign governments to exchange United States dollars for gold. Nixon’s action severed the last link between the dollar and gold, giving the U.S. a fiat currency.

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WaPo Editors: “Liberty” Requires Us to Implement Vaccine Passports

Mandating private and government employees to be immunized against covid-19 and requiring the use of standardized electronic passes as proof of immunization across the nation is what liberty is made of, the editors of the Washington Post argued last week. 

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Bretton Woods and the Spoliation of Europe

Having marked the quinquagenary of the destruction of the gold standard Sunday, August 15, it is natural to be a little nostalgic for the Bretton Woods system. After all, it might not have been the classical gold standard, but at least it wasn’t as bad as the fiat standard that succeeded it.

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Two Percent Inflation Is a Lot Worse Than You Think

With June 2021 CPI growth being at a thirteen-year high, inflation has been on a lot of people’s minds lately. You can’t blame them, seeing as over 23 percent of all dollars in existence were created in 2020 alone. Although future inflation is certainly an important concern, in this article I instead focus on the chronic inflation this country has faced for over a century.

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The Demise of the Gold Standard

This is the fiftieth anniversary of the demise of the gold standard and the beginning of the current fiat paper standard. Many will say “good riddance” to gold and “thank goodness” for the “good ole greenback”! Reflection, however, produces an alternative conclusion.

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Look Beyond Your Borders! Your Dollars Will Go Further | Why Purchasing Power Matters To Myles

Purchasing Power Matters! Myles shares what and why it matters to him. Your buying power goes a lot further beyond your boarders. The cost of living in the USA is a lot higher than other nations. Educate yourself and look for ways to make your dollars stretch farther. It's not how much money you make. It's about how much you can keep. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power...

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Inflation’s Assault on the Family

I moved aside and watched our twelve-year-old van pull into the driveway. My wife opened the door, smiled, and told me she got the job. Putting the basketball down, I hugged her and told her I was proud. The job was a part-time evening and weekend position at the local country health food store, a good fit considering my wife's interests. But deep down, a sense of sadness and partial defeat rolled over me.

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The Case Against the New “Secular Stagnation Hypothesis”

Abstract: The new “secular stagnation hypothesis” developed by Lawrence H. Summers attempts to justify why the demand stimulus applied in the aftermath of the global financial crisis failed to revive growth in a satisfactory manner.

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