Category Archive: 6b.)

Keynesians on the Cause of, and Cure for, Depressions

[This article is part of the Understanding Money Mechanics series, by Robert P. Murphy. The series will be published as a book in late 2020.] In chapter 8 we presented Ludwig von Mises’s explanation of how bank credit expansion causes the boom-bust cycle, what is now known as Austrian business cycle theory. However, the reigning view today in both academia and the popular media is the Keynesian explanation, derived from John Maynard Keynes’s famous...

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Libertad y Economía: El legado de Ludwig von Mises

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Inequality is Overstated—and Overrated

Whining and complaining about inequality is a growth industry. Thomas Piketty’s book (or perhaps a large virtue-signaling paperweight), about how the rich are getting richer, achieved bestseller status and is now a movie. Understanding the flaws in the wealth inequality argument is increasingly important, because the communist wing of the Democratic Party is now openly advocating a wealth tax.

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Per Bylund: How Entrepreneurs Build Businesses That Are Beautiful Islands Of Specialization

How do creative entrepreneurs design and build new businesses, new products and new services that grow and succeed? You’ll make a big difference for your own venture if you follow Per Bylund’s advice to Think Better, and Think Austrian. One step in the right direction is to clear your head of thoughts about competitors to …

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Ανατομία του Κράτους, κεφάλαιο 3 – Murray N. Rothbard

© 2009 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. Ludwig von Mises Institute 518 West Magnolia Avenue Auburn, Alabama 36832

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A Verdade Sobre a Inflação – Ludwig Von Mises

Ludwig von Mises foi o reconhecido líder da Escola Austríaca de pensamento econômico, um prodigioso originador na teoria econômica e um autor prolífico. Os escritos e palestras de Mises abarcavam teoria econômica, história, epistemologia, governo e filosofia política. Suas contribuições à teoria econômica incluem elucidações importantes sobre a teoria quantitativa de moeda, a teoria dos …

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The Scandinavian Model Won’t Work in Chile

Scandinavian welfare states continue to allure leftist onlookers across the world. The Nordic welfare model is marketed as a humane alternative to the cutthroat nature of Western capitalism. It received a massive boost when Vermont senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on emulating these countries in both of his presidential runs during 2016 and 2020.

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The Great Society: A Lesson in American Central Planning

Most people associate the Great Society initiative with Lyndon Baines Johnson. There is very good reason for that, to be sure. As president, Johnson, the “master of the Senate,” was the driving force behind the raft of legislation that passed during his administration, the 1964 and 1965 legislation that framed and filled in his vision for a “great society” in which the blessings of postwar America’s bonanza would be shared by all.

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The Employment Situation Is Still a Disaster

Last Friday, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released new unemployment data. The report surprised many because it showed a decrease in the unemployment rate, while many observers had expected an increase.

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12 A Mentalidade Anticapitalista – Ludwig von Mises

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Mark Packard’s Value Learning Process: The Two Kinds of Knowledge Entrepreneurs Must Have

Key Takeaways and Actionable Insights. Innovation is one of the keys to business success. The world is changing at such a pace, and your customers’ preferences are changing so fast, that your business has to change at the same speed, or even faster. How to keep up is a part of the entrepreneurial challenge.

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Economic Collapse Has Turned Many Europeans against the EU

Since the beginning of the year, the corona crisis has monopolized news coverage to the extent that a lot of very important stories and developments either went underreported or were ignored altogether. One such example was the very surprising ruling that came out of the German Constitutional Court in early May, which challenged the actions and remit of the European Central Bank (ECB).

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David Gordon Green, Craig Zobel – Zoom Call (05.28.20) | Coffee Talks | Film Independent

In this Coffee Talk, recorded 05.28.20, filmmakers and colleges David Gordon Green (HALLOWEEN, PINEAPPLE EXPRESS) and Craig Zobel (CONTROL, THE HUNT) talk about controversies, quarantine, filmmaker branding, horror movies and more. #davidgordongreen #craigzobel #filmindependent SUBSCRIBE TO FILM INDEPENDENT’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: Tweets by filmindependent LIKE US ON FACEBOOK:...

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“Euro Can Only Be Saved If Germany Says Goodbye to Its Civil Liberties”, says Thorsten Polleit.

#euro #ecb #austrianschool #economics #germany #qe #fiatcurrency #gold #soundmoney #freemarket This is a conversation I had with Dr Thorsten Polleit about the current monetary and fiscal situation worldwide. Dr Thorsten Polleit is Chief Economist of Degussa and Honorary Professor at the University of Bayreuth. He also acts as an investment advisor. Our focus was on …

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A Mentalidade Anticapitalista – Ludwig von Mises

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The Search for Yield

A no-holds-barred discussion of the economy after the coronavirus shutdown and George Floyd protests. Are we facing another Great Depression? Can there be a V-shaped recovery or is this wishful thinking? What will all the new money and credit created by Congress and the Fed mean for the dollar? What kind of economic mess will Trump or Biden inherit in 2021? How far will Fed chair Powell go to keep markets propped up?

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O que os Nazistas Copiaram de Marx – Ludwig Von Mises

Ludwig von Mises foi o reconhecido líder da Escola Austríaca de pensamento econômico, um prodigioso originador na teoria econômica e um autor prolífico. Os escritos e palestras de Mises abarcavam teoria econômica, história, epistemologia, governo e filosofia política. Suas contribuições à teoria econômica incluem elucidações importantes sobre a teoria quantitativa de moeda, a teoria dos …

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Central Bankers Gone Wild: It’s a New Era at the Fed

Editor's Note: We keep hearing from the Fed's defenders that the current spate of new stimulus and bailouts from the central bank are really not a big deal and are all very prudent and moderate. I asked Senior Fellow Bob Murphy to provide some much needed perspective.

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The Importance of Economic Theory in Understanding Historical Data

It is a common belief that sound economics must be based on facts and not on theoretical reasoning as such. Some commentators are dismissive of economic analysis that is not derived from the true data, since it is not describing the facts of reality as depicted by historical data. The use of the free market economy framework, without the central bank and government intervention and with businesses as a foundation to derive valid conclusions, is...

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