Category Archive: 6b.)

GDP Provides a False Reading of the State of the Economy

Most economists see GDP as a snapshot of the performance of the economy. However, it is better understood as a misleading statistic which fails to accurately describe what really is happening economically.

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Private Institutions Are Not the Enemy of Libertarianism

Libertarians have a reputation for denigrating traditional American institutions. They deride the Superbowl as "sportsball," sneer at mass-market entertainment as "bread and circuses."

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A Political Victory for the Joes Is a Loss for the Country

After months of being portrayed as a villain or worse in the mainstream media, Joe Manchin suddenly has become a Democratic Party hero—all because he has declared he will support legislation that he and President Joe Biden claim will “reduce inflation” and give us better weather.

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The Great Reset at Work: The Dystopian Transformation of the Food Industry

Coercive covid-19 lockdown measures, vaccine mandates, the transition to green energy, and poorly thought out Western sanctions against Russia have all played significant roles in disrupting global food markets and supply chains.

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The Best Week of the Year Has Never Been More Important

The world today is in crisis. Military aggression in Ukraine has escalated into global economic war, with nations forced to choose between following the lead of an increasingly illiberal West and access to the vital energy and industrial markets of Russia and China. At the same time, the world continues to suffer the devastating consequences of "public health" experts who exploited the coronavirus crisis to pursue their underlying...

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What You Can Do

Jeff Deist and Connor Mortell host an AMA during Mises University 2022 with the topic of "What You Can Do."

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Novo Livro! Keynes, o Homem (Murray N. Rothbard)

Novo Livro! Keynes, o Homem (Murray N. Rothbard)

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Mullingar, Ireland 🇮🇪 #Dancing #Fleadh Ceol

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Horsing Around with Kim Kardashian

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Paying my respect in Ireland 🇮🇪

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How British Efforts to Enforce Equality Have Led to a Woke Totalitarianism

From the Equal Pay Act 1970 to the Equality Act 2010, there has been a wave of legalization in Britain to turn the state into some omniscient being that can determine the intentions of an employer. While these pieces of legislation did not enforce direct quotas onto businesses, they have increased inefficiencies through the increase in human resources roles for companies and organizations to cover their own backs.

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How to Build a Professional Wardrobe Inexpensively

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 30 July 2022.

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GDP Shrinks Again as Biden Quibbles over the Definition of “Recession”

The U.S. economy contracted for the second straight quarter during the second quarter this year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Thursday. With that, economic growth has hit a widely accepted benchmark for defining an economy as being in recession: two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. 

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Emil Kauder as an Austrian Dehomogenizer

Rothbard's two-volume An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought contains a lengthy reference list, but a close look at the books reveals that Rothbard continually cited certain authors and borrowed his theses from them.

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Regional Territories: A Decentralization Plan for the USA

There is more talk of secession and civil war in the United States today than at any time since the 1850s, and popular confidence in government appears to be at an all-time low. As a foreigner, I have no particular red or blue loyalties, but I have deployed with Americans on many occasions, and in some ways, their history is also mine.

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Austrians vs. Neoclassicists on Monopolies

A monopoly is often seen as one of the gravest and most concerning manifestations of market failure. In the neoclassical tradition, the existence of a monopolist in a market is generally seen as sufficient justification for government intervention to put a halt to the monopolist's exploitative ways.

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Inflation Takings Require Just Compensation: Slash Governments!

“If you don't expect too much from meYou might not be let down.” — Gin Blossoms, “Hey Jealousy” Inflation is a mechanism that government people use to fund wars, tyrannical governments, and favors to cronies. Inflation takes away significant fractions of the real value of savings.

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The Government Runs the Ultimate Racket

"Seniors hurt in Ponzi scam" headlined the story of elderly Southern Californians bilked in a pyramid scheme. While sad, the story reminded me of Social Security, since it is also a Ponzi scheme involving those older, with high payoffs to early recipients coming from pockets of later participants. With Social Security, however, it benefits those older at others' expense.

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Jeff Deist, Ben Swann on the Rise of Independent Media

Jeff Deist interviews Ben Swann on the rise of independent media, building a new platform on blockchain, the midterms, and more.

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If Government Can Take from One Group, It Can and Will Take from Everyone

While governments have been assaulting private property rights for many years, they now are ramping up the pressure. Nothing less than our civilization is at stake. Original Article: "If Government Can Take from One Group, It Can and Will Take from Everyone" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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