Category Archive: 6b.)

Will the US Dollar Weaken against Other Currencies?

In the July 26 Financial Times article entitled “Is the Dollar about to Take a Turn?,” Barry Eichengreen writes that the US dollar has had a spectacular run, having risen more than 10 percent against other major currencies since the start of the year. According to Eichengreen, the key reason behind the spectacular strengthening in the US Dollar is that the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates faster than other big central banks, drawing...

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Money Is Not Wealth, Nor Is Wealth Natural Resources

The misconception that money and natural resources are wealth is rampant among intellectuals and other educated individuals, and even economists. Prevailing monetary and economic policy choices reflect this entrenched misconception.

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Modern Information Control: State Intervention and Mistakes to Avoid

History: Regulation of Communications. A hundred years of the public interest standard has been applied to radio and television, with the explicit goal of protecting free speech. The very opposite was the case, as John Samples and Paul Matzko have clearly shown. A 1920–30s radio host, Bob Shuler, had exposed the Julian Petroleum Corporation’s defrauding of investors, and subsequently accused the district attorney and city prosecutor of negligence....

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FusionDroid – FULL SONG!!! #AndrewMoran

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Is Economic Growth Synonymous with Ecological Destruction? The NYT Gets It Wrong (Again)

According to the New York Times (NYT) article July 17, 2022, “The pioneering economist says our obsession with growth must end,” a major threat to our living standard is the obsession with economic growth. Herman Daly—an economist that has been exploring for more than fifty years the relationship between economic growth and individuals’ living standards—is of the view that the pursuit of economic growth causing ecological harm.

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Ghastly – We Might Fall (ft Matthew Koma) (AA12 Intro 2017) #AndrewMoran

Making YouTubers songs intro: First @AA12

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If Mauritius is a Tax H(e)aven, Other African Countries Must be Tax Hells

It is common for commentator to point to corruption, incompetence, malicious Western meddling, and other factors as the source of Africa’s continued economic woes. One seldom hears so-called experts point to taxes as a major impediment to economic development. Even “development economists” do not repudiate Africa’s paradoxically onerous tax regimes.

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Thomas Piketty Wants to Bring Back Communism in the Guise of Democratic Socialism

Thomas Piketty’s Brief History is the fourth installment of his assault on economic inequality, following as it does the best-selling Capital in the Twenty-First Century and Capital and Ideology. The third, Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016–2021, is just a collection of popular articles based on which the New York Times dubbed Piketty a “vaguely left-of-center” economist.

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Low Interest Rates and High Taxes Won’t Help against Inflation: The Economy Needs Savings and Real Investment

With the Consumer Price Index (CPI) hitting a forty-year high of 9.1 percent, the Bank of England has responded by raising interest rates to 1.25 percent, up by 0.25 from the previous period. This, alongside ex-chancellor and PM hopeful Rishi Sunak planning to “tackle inflation before tax cuts,” signals a poor plan for combating the rising effects of inflation.

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Economic Causes of War

War is a primitive human institution. From time immemorial, men were eager to fight, to kill, and to rob one another. However, the acknowledgment of this fact does not lead to the conclusion that war is an indispensable form of interpersonal relations and that the endeavors to abolish war are against nature and therefore doomed to failure.

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“Hyperinflation? – die Gefahr besteht!”

"Der Euro ist ungedecktes Papiergeld - eine Hyperinflation ist keine Unmöglichkeit"

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Germany Can Save Itself, and Possibly the World, by Abandoning Four Failed Policies

The following is a plea to Germany—the war is over and has been for three-quarters of a century. It's time to stop prostrating yourself for the supposed "good" of Europe. It's time to take complete control of your domestic and foreign policy, without interference from haughty, busybody world elites, and do what is best for yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised that what is good for yourself is also good for your neighbors and the...

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Africa Needs Conventional Fuels, Not Windmills and Solar Panels

The energy and climate goals that Western governments, the United Nations, and other organizations are pushing on Africa constitute a crippling blow to its economies. As the least developed region, Africa should unequivocally prioritize economic development. One would think that amid energy poverty in Africa, Western governments and “development” institutions would prioritize energy security for African countries over energy transition.

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Economies Cannot Produce Wealth without Patience and Long-Term Horizons

People decrying poverty in developing countries usually overlook the fact that there is a dearth of long-term economic thinking. Original Article: "Economies Cannot Produce Wealth without Patience and Long-Term Horizons" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Why the “New World Order” Is Impossible to Implement without Creating Mass Chaos

The events of the last few years have resurrected a recurring worry among people mindful of their liberty, property, and personal dignity. This worry centers around the prospects of the emergence of the notorious “new world order,” a worldwide totalitarian plot hatched by globalist “elites” intent on destroying the surviving remains of free speech, free enterprise, and free thought.

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The Origin of the Income Tax

The freedoms won by Americans in 1776 were lost in the revolution of 1913, wrote Frank Chodorov. Indeed, a man's home used to be his castle. The income tax, however, gave the government the keys to every door and the sole right to change the locks.

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Gordon Miller: What’s Your Absorptive Capacity for User-Generated Innovation?

It’s often the case that lead users — the most sophisticated, committed, and energetic users — are an excellent source of innovation ideas. Those customers who are most engaged are thinking the most intensely and the most creatively about what they want from the usage experience.

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It Is Time to Put the Red Flag to Red-Flag Laws

Nothing is certain except death and taxes, but antigunners exploiting tragedy to pass more gun control laws is close behind. On cue, the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park have brought demands for the typical disarmament stew of “assault weapon” and “high-capacity” magazine bans, licensing requirements, and universal background checks.

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Garet Garrett: Far Forward of the Trenches

Joseph Sobran discovered these Garet Garrett essays "one night, long ago, at the office of National Review, where I then worked." As the flagship of modern conservatism, National Review supported the Cold War and the hot war then raging in Vietnam.

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Austrian Economics and the Capital Asset Pricing Model: A Reconcilation?

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is an important investment model that describes how investors expect to be compensated for the time value of money and risk. The more risk you take, the more you want to be compensated.

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