Category Archive: 6b.)

Experts Said Ending Lockdowns Would Be Worse for the Economy than the Lockdowns Themselves. They Were Wrong.

Here’s something we often heard in 2020 from experts who wanted long and draconian covid lockdowns: “Yes, these say-at-home orders are causing economic turmoil, but if you don’t lock everyone down now—and keep them locked down for a long time—your economy will be even worse off!”

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Inflation Is a Form of Embezzlement

Monetary inflation is just a type of embezzlement. Historically, inflation originated when a country’s ruler such as king would force his citizens to give him all their gold coins under the pretext that a new gold coin was going to replace the old one. In the process of minting new coins, the king would lower the amount of gold contained in each coin and return lighter gold coins to citizens.

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The Fed’s Power over Inflation and Interest Rates Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

It is widely held that the central bank is a key factor in the determination of interest rates. By popular thinking, the Fed influences the short-term interest rates by influencing monetary liquidity in the markets. Through the injection of liquidity, the Fed pushes short-term interest rates lower. Conversely, by withdrawing liquidity, the Fed exerts an upward pressure on the short-term interest rates.

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The Fed: Why Federal Spending Soared in 2020 but State and Local Spending Flatlined

In the wake of the Covid Recession and the drive to pour ever larger amounts of “stimulus” into the US economy, the Federal Government in 2020 spent more than double—as a percentage of all government spending—of what all state and local governments spent in 2020, combined.

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Andrew Moran Evadé d’un tribunal anglais, arrêté en Espagne.

#Replay​ #Reportage​ #ReplayTv​ #belgium​ #Police_Belge​ #Belgique​ #policebelges​ #France​ #gendarmesfrançais​ #Gendarmes_français​ #Police​ #100_jours​ avec #la_police​ #reportage​,#reportage2021​,#reportage_choc​,#reportagem​,#reportage_francais​, #reportage_complet​,#reportage_comique​,#reportage_documentaire​,#documentaire​, #documentaire_français​, #documentaire_politique​, #reportage​#complet_en_francais​, #reportage_complet_fr​ 2021...

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The Feds Collect Most of the Taxes in America—So They Have Most of the Power

In 2021, it's clear Americans now have thrown off any notions of subsidiarity and instead embraced the idea that the federal government should be called upon to fund pretty much anything and everything. From "stimulus checks" to "paycheck protection," it's assumed an entire national workforce can be propped up by federal spending.

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Can Economics Save Medicine?

First, in a certain sense medicine in America is broken. Doctors and patients are unhappy, the quality of care deteriorates, and costs keep increasing. Even before covid, US life expectancy declined three years running. Even before covid, too many Americans were sick, depressed, fat, and unhappy with their physical and mental health.

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The Fed Plans to Raise Interest Rates—Years from Now

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee voted to continue with a target federal funds rate of 0.25 percent, and to continue with large-scale asset purchases. According to the committee’s press release:

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Governments Are Failing at Their Most Basic Duties—While Promising Free Stuff

Three city blocks were systematically burned to the ground as hundreds of the local police stood by and viewed the violence. They were obeying orders not to harm the arsonists. The National Guard was called, adding more armed watchers. A passive gendarmerie consorting with open rebellion has rarely been seen in American history, until recently.

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This Is What Could Trigger Big Growth in CPI Inflation

Many episodes of monetary inflation, some even long and virulent, do not feature a denouement in a sustained high CPI inflation over many years. Instead, these episodes have the common characteristics of asset inflation and the monetary authority levying tax in various forms – principally inflation tax or monetary repression tax.

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The G7’s Reckless Commitment To Mounting Debt

Historically, meetings of the largest economies in the world have been essential to reach essential agreements that would incentivize prosperity and growth. This was not the case this time. The G7 meeting agreements were light on detailed economic decisions, except on the most damaging of them all. A minimum global corporate tax

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June 11, 2021

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June 11, 2021

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Why Monetary “Stimulus” Won’t Prevent an Economic Bust

The increase in the growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has fueled concerns that if the rising trend were to continue the Fed is likely to tighten its interest rate stance. Observe that the yearly growth rate in the CPI climbed to 4.2 percent in April from 2.6 percent in March and 0.3 percent in April 2020.

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[MorMor] Jim Moriarty Sebastian Moran | On Raglan Road

/That I had loved not as I should a creature made of clay/ /When the angel woos the clay he'd lose his wings at the dawn of day/ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••­••••• I want to make an edit of Sebastian listening to Jim sing, but then of course On Raglan Road is so very much Sebastian POV. It becomes quite cruel and prophetic, as if Jim intentionally sings it to Sebastian. I've been looking forever for a scene from Paul (or Fassy) to...

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A Libertarian Approach to Disputed Land Titles

The recent spate of bombing violence in Israel's West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza demonstrates the enduring attachment both Israelis and Palestinians have to physical land in the country. Both sides make claims—legal, moral, and political—to land within Israel, from the southernmost tip of Gaza to the northernmost tip of the Golan Heights.

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Andrew Moran – appearance

Name Look - Andrew Moran - appearance. In this video we present "Andrew Moran" name look and feel in various scenarios. This video will cover: How does "Andrew Moran" look as a personal letterhead? How does "Andrew Moran" look on a business card? How does "Andrew Moran" look on a computer/laptop screen? How does "Andrew Moran" look with different background colors? How does "Andrew...

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The Economics of the Extended Family: From Risk Management to Human Capital

When we think of analyzing economic organizations, we generally think of firms and corporations. But there is another organization that is just as critical to economic development: the extended family. Indeed, the advantages offered by this institution are numerous and include risk sharing, mutual aid, human capital building, social capital building, and resource complementarity and coordination.

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The Fed’s Policies since the 2020 Coronavirus Panic

In chapter 7 we summarized some of the major changes in how central banks have operated since the 2008 financial crisis. In the present chapter, we detail some of the even more recent changes in Federal Reserve operations since the onset of the coronavirus panic in March 2020.

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Private Security Isn’t Enough: Why America Needs Militias

In late May we learned that, after a five-month deployment to one of the most dangerous cities in the world, the American military would finally be going home. Well, not really. They already were home. The dangerous warzone was the American federal capital, Washington, DC. And the “danger” that the military was supposed to be countering was entirely government made.

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