Category Archive: 6b.)

Government Redistribution Is the REAL Trickle-Down Economics

On April 6, 2023, President Joe Biden’s Twitter account sent the following message: “Trickle-down economics doesn’t work.” Trickle-down economics is a phrase that is often thrown around negatively to ridicule those who believe that the free-market system is the best way to regulate the economy. “Trickle-down theory” was never coined by economists, and the term has two possible origins, both of which were meant to discredit those who wanted less...

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There’s No Place like Noam

Illegitimate Authority: Facing the Challenges of Our Timeby Noam Chomsky, edited by C.J. PolychroniouHaymarket Books, 2023; x + 330 pp. Noam Chomsky is universally respected for his contributions to linguistics and to the philosophy of mind, but he is a “public intellectual” as well, and it is in the public arena that opinion about him is divided. Illegitimate Authority is a collection of thirty-four interviews of him by C.J. Polychroniou, the...

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Durham Report Exposes the FBI

Veteran investigative journalist James Bovard joins Ryan and Tho to talk about the Durham Report and what it tells us about the media and the FBI. [embedded content] New Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store. Get yours at  PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off Recommended Reading "Durham proves that Hillary and the FBI tried to rig the 2016 election" by Jim Bovard (New York...

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Remembering the Contributions of Lucas and Alchian

Bob originally invited Brian Albrecht (Chief Economist of the International Center for Law & Economics) to discuss the work of Armen Alchian, but on the day of recording, Robert Lucas happened to die. Bob and Brian discuss rational expectations, real business cycle theory, and how Alchian cracked the military's top secrets. Brian on Alchian's famous "Costs and Outputs" paper: [embedded content]

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Libertarian Law by Democratic Means: The Power of Ideologies and Public Opinion

Mises had hoped that democracy would lead to free societies after World War II ended. He did not foresee the illiberal turn in the West in the last decade. Original Article: "Libertarian Law by Democratic Means: The Power of Ideologies and Public Opinion"

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Bank of England Economist: Britons Need to Accept That They’re Poorer

Speaking on a Columbia University Law School podcast, the chief economist of the Bank of England, Huw Pill, said Britons “need to accept” that they have been made poorer by the inflation perpetrated by the central bank. Price inflation today is a result of the record money creation by central banks, especially in the West, from 2020 onward. This was rationalized and justified by the mainstream narrative on covid. The following are choice comments...

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How the Dollar Became the World’s Top Global Currency

The dollar became the dominant global currency not so much because of its own merits, but because of the self-destruction of the pound sterling caused by the British state and central bank. Original Article: "How the Dollar Became the World's Top Global Currency"

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Banks Are Lending Less Money, and That’s a Formula for Recession

Banks have been tightening their lending standards, and they plan to keep doing it throughout the rest of the year. Last week, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve released a new report on how much banks plan to expand or tighten lending in coming months. The report, known as the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Lending Practices, found that bankers expect a deteriorating economic picture in 2023, both for themselves and for their...

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The “Buy Black” Movement: Divisive or a Boon to Black Entrepreneurs?

The Buy Black movement has triggered a series of intense debates in the black community and the wider America. Activists proposed this project as an opportunity to generate wealth for black Americans by supporting black entrepreneurs. On the downside, others say that this agenda perpetuates an insidious form of tribalism. Are criticisms of the Buy Black movement an accurate description of its goals? Sociologists argue that minority groups often...

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How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America

We’re supposed to go along with Green Energy schemes—as we did with masks, school lockdowns, and vaccinations to stop covid—because our government, media, and “public interest” groups insist that we “follow the science.” Original Article: "How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America"

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Living by a Premise

The 2023 graduation season is now underway. The famous, generous, and politically powerful (especially those currently in federal office, who are cheaper because they are banned from being paid for giving speeches) will be dispensing (often very limited) wisdom about the “real world” to hundreds of commencement audiences across America. Some of the best speakers, however, will provide insight from humanity’s accumulated wisdom. One such speaker,...

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Does GDP Present an Accurate Picture of the Economy? Not Likely

The most popular measure of economic growth is GDP. However, GDP movement is driven by changes in the money supply, not real economic factors. Original Article: "Does GDP Present an Accurate Picture of the Economy? Not Likely"

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End the FBI

Special counsel John Durham on Monday released his report on the FBI's role in investigating the 2016 Donald Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia. This investigation, codenamed "Crossfire Hurricane," had been—according to Durham's report—"swiftly" opened as a full-blown investigation in response to "unevaluated intelligence information" by FBI personnel "without ever having spoken to the persons who...

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Understanding Relationships between Money Supply and Liquidity

In a market economy, money is the medium of exchange; producers exchange their goods for money and then exchange that money for other goods. As the production of goods increases, the demand for money expands. Conversely, as economic activity slows down, the demand for money follows suit. Price changes also affect the demand for money. An increase in the prices of goods and assets increases the demand for money, since people now demand more money to...

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Paying the Piper: Time to Clean Up the Latest Malinvestments

Austrian business cycle theory points out that easy money leads to malinvestments. Once easy money disappears, the crash begins. Time to clean up malinvested assets. Original Article: "Paying the Piper: Time to Clean Up the Latest Malinvestments"

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Energy and Economic Efficiency: The Market versus the Politicization of Our Energy Futures

In the book Green Tyranny—a fantastic history of the environmental alarmism movement—author Rupert Darwall lays responsibility for the beginning of this movement at the feet of the Germans and the Swedes. In 1967, a Swedish scientist published the first ever “theory” on acid rain. Four years later, Bert Bolin, a Swede who would go on to chair the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), wrote the first-ever government report on acid...

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How to Teach Austrian Economics to the Neighbor Kids

Austrian economics is not dry theory. It helps us make sense of our world and shows that exchange and production have a place in our moral universe. Original Article: "How to Teach Austrian Economics to the Neighbor Kids"

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The Failure of Public Works and Public Funding

State projects are funded by your money, either through taxation or by inflation, most times both. Money is either taken directly from you or you lose purchasing power. The result is the same, as you will lose the ability to buy or produce as much as you wanted because of these projects. However, this is the alleged cost of living in a “civilized society.” Without these projects, we would be driving on dirt roads, living in shacks, and working for...

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Historical Effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade

While the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade have been well documented, people other than slave traders and slaveholders benefitted from it, with some surprising results. Original Article: "Historical Effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade"

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The Putrid Underbelly of Woke Capitalism

Corporate intrigue reached a fevered pitch on May 6, 2023, in Omaha, Nebraska, when a shareholder was arrested during the annual shareholder meeting of Berkshire Hathaway. The shareholder challenged the affiliation of Warren Buffett with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Bill Gates’s association with Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted in Florida for procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute, and who reportedly committed...

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