Category Archive: 6b.) Daniel Lacalle

2019 Was The Year Of “No-Normalization” Of Monetary Policy – WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM 2020?

Please subscribe to my channel and follow my articles and videos at: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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2019 El Año De La “No-Normalización” – ¿QUÉ ESPERAR DE 2020?

Suscríbete a mi canal y sigue mis artículos y vídeos en Twitter: @dlacalle

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Catalizadores Políticos De Bajo Impacto Macroeconómico

Suscríbete a mi canal y comenta mis vídeos. Web: Twitter: @dlacalle

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Political Catalysts May Have A Limited Macro Impact

Can we really expect a big improvement from recent political catalysts? Please subscribe to my channel and comment below. Website: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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More Central Bank Stimulus Will Not Work

Watch the entire interview here: Subscribe to my channel. Follow my latest articles and videos at Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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Daniel Lacalle On Trade Deal Concerns

Daniel Lacalle | Bloomberg TV UK (10-28-19)

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Daniel Lacalle | UK Economy Would Benefit From A Strong Government

Daniel Lacalle | Bloomberg TV UK (10-28-19)

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Daniel Lacalle | Spain Challenges Remain

Daniel Lacalle | Bloomberg TV UK (12-11-19)

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Discussing My Book “Escape from the Central Bank Trap”

A short comment about my book, available here: Full interview here: Subscribe to my channel Follow my website: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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What Are The Biggest Risks For The European Union?

Subscribe to my channel. See the full interview at Real Vision here: Follow my website Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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Intervención En Espejo Público Comentando Los Datos Del Paro – Noviembre 2019

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Climate Summit And Socially Responsible Investment

Another climate summit… Will it solve anything? If we want to tackle climate change we need to do it from a global perspective. Subscribe to my channel. Follow my website Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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Cumbre Del Clima E Inversión Sostenible

El debate sobre la lucha contra el cambio climático debe llevarse a cabo entendiendo dónde se genera el mayor nivel de contaminación y por qué. Suscríbete a mi canal. Sigue mis artículos y vídeos en Twitter: @dlacalle

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Quantitative Easing or Direct Monetization Of Government Spending?

“Instead of printing money for the banks we print money for the people”. That’s what it’s usually being said: but is it really true? Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow my articles and videos at: Twitter: @dlacalle In this video I’ve mentioned this articles: Lessons From Japan’s Monetary Experiment

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¿Expansión cuantitativa o financiación monetaria de gasto público?

“En vez de imprimir dinero para los bancos imprimamos dinero para el pueblo” nos dicen en muchas ocasiones, pero ¿es realmente así?. Suscríbete a mi canal de YouTube y sigue mis artículos y vídeos en: Twitter: @dlacalle En este vídeo he hablado de:

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Daniel Lacalle | Impeachment Risk May Be Understated

Squawk Box / 11-27-19

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Daniel Lacalle | Central banks cannot tolerate a market crash

Squawk Box / 11-27-19

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