
Articles by Speeches

2025-03-20 – Martin Schlegel / Antoine Martin / Petra Tschudin: Introductory remarks, news conference

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Thomas Jordan: Decision-making under uncertainty: The importance of pragmatism, consistency and determination

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this high-level conference on global risk, uncertainty and volatility. Thank you all for accepting our invitation to join the discussions. I am very pleased to see such a distinguished group of central bank officials and academics. I would like to thank our colleagues at the Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve Board for working together with us in organising this event.

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Thomas Jordan: Current challenges to central banks’ independence

In the recent past, the political and economic backdrop has changed dramatically. Inflation is far too high almost everywhere, and central banks are raising their policy interest rates at a time when stocks of government debt are large. In some places, central bank independence is being publicly called into question.

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Thomas Jordan: Sixth Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture – Introduction of Benjamin M. Friedman

I am very pleased to welcome you all to the sixth Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture. The Swiss National Bank established this annual lecture series in honour of the Swiss economist Karl Brunner, one of the leading monetary economists of the last century. Our aim with these lectures is to reach a broad audience, and to contribute to the public debate on issues related to central banking and economics more broadly.

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COVID-19, financial markets and digital transformation

In many ways, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is unprecedented. The economic shock has been global and massive, affecting both economic supply and demand simultaneously. To mitigate the economic impact, the crisis response has had to be swift and innovative – including in Switzerland.

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