Philipp Bagus, Bernardo Ferrero

Articles by Philipp Bagus, Bernardo Ferrero

In Defense of Milei

While the majority of libertarians have looked with favor at Milei’s entry into politics and his measures as President, this view has not been embraced by all. Oscar Grau, for example, has written some critical articles analyzing Milei’s domestic and foreign policies. With regards to the former, Grau has argued that Milei’s approach is interventionist, squeezing the private sector under the banner of a rhetorical adherence to freedom and free markets. As for the second, Grau concludes that the Argentinian president is just another neocon, establishment politician. Considering the above Grau concludes that Milei is a “fraud”, “statist”, “neocon”, and accuses his followers of being opportunistic sell-outs.The importance of conjectural history and verstehenWhile in agreement with Grau on some

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