Lance Roberts

Lance Roberts

Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.

Videos by Lance Roberts

How to Invest in High Safety Corporate Bonds

Understanding the importance of safety when investing in corporate bonds. Choose wisely to avoid defaults. #InvestingTips #CorporateBonds

Want to learn more? Subscribe to our YouTube channel = @ TheRealInvestmentShow

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7-26-24 Should You Tap Your Home Equity for Retirement Income?

Rich & Danny recap Danny’s recent accident; Rich’s market summary includes a preview of today’s PCE release. Markets are awaiting confirmation of a trend. Dealing with the election fallout on your money; markets have already priced-in everything you know. PCE will move markets today; there is still $500-billion in unspent government funds from the Inflation Reduction Act. Dealing with data breaches. Retirees’ biggest worry is about income: What is the biggest source of income for most Americans? Their house & home equity…and SS, a forced pension. Benefits of a HELOC–get one early, and don’t touch it. The best use of "buffer assets." Thinking of HELOC’s and reverse mortgages as "unfreezing" liquidity in the frozen asset of your home. Retiremnent is about depleting assets; you’re no

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How Inflation Impacts Demand for Loans and Interest Rates

Understanding the correlation between inflation, loan demand, and interest rates is key. Learn more about longer duration bonds and their impact! 🔍💰 #Finance101 #InterestRates #Bonds

Want to learn more? Subscribe to our YouTube channel = @ TheRealInvestmentShow

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7-25-24 How Your Confidence Can Boost or Break the Economy

The S&P Global Services Index is "great," in contradiction to other eocnomic metrics; the first estimate of Q2 GDP is released today (up 2.8%); this will be revised. Important to note the behavior of GDP prior to past recessions, which are always back-dated. 350-days without a 2% correction, until Wednesday. Bill Dudley is calling for lower interest rates now; Lance Roberts & Michael Lebowitz explain the crucial link between consumer confidence and economic performance. Learn how sentiment drives markets and impacts your personal finances: The relationship between financial confidence and spending habits; the effects of market decline on consumer behavior; how sentiment influences economic performance; the role of confidence in personal financial decisions; why sentiment is a key factor

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7-24-24 How to Invest, or not, in a Presidential Election

Trump Hasn’t Won the Election Yet. The Stock Market Is Acting Like He Already Has. Lance Roberts & Danny Ratliff discuss what-if’s and which sectors to watch…either way. Plus, which strategy wins the Retirement Spending smack-down, and why you need to plan to spend-down your retirement nest egg.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Planner, Danny Ratliff, CFP
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
Articles mentioned in this report:
"The Bull Market – Could It Just Be Getting Started?"
"Can Mega-Capitalization Stocks Continue Their Dominance?"

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7-23-24 Is the Bull Market Just Getting Started?

Since the beginning of this year, the “bad breadth” issue has been a concern for the current bull market rally. Historically speaking, periods of narrow market advances typically precede short-term corrections and bear markets. However, as the Federal Reserve prepares to cut rates for the first time since 2020, there seems to be a change afoot.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Advisot, Jonathan Penn, CFA
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
Articles mentioned in this report:
"The Bull Market – Could It Just Be Getting Started?"
"Can Mega-Capitalization Stocks Continue Their Dominance?"

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7-22-24 Analyzing the Potential Impact of a Kamala Harris Presidency

Lance discusses the markets’ potential reaction to Biden’s exit from Presidential race, and whether markets’ rotation out of mega-cap stocks is sustainable; a rewind to February market conditions compared to now: A correction is expected before the election. Commentary on keeping market corrections into context; the mega-cap rotation and fewer medium- and small-cap companies from which to choose: 40% of these are unprofitable companies. As companies complete their quarterly reports, buy back will again be enabled, and that activity will add to market volume. Lance explores the potential impact of a Kamala Harris presidency. What sectors could benefit from her leadership and policies? An overview of Harris’s potential presidency and expected policy focus areas; implications for clean

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Why Falling Yields Are Bad News for Small Cap Stocks

Interesting findings on small caps and yields! When yields fall, it’s not good for small and mid cap stocks due to their dependency on economic growth. 📉💼 #StockMarket #InvestingTips
Want to learn more? Subscribe to our YouTube channel = @ TheRealInvestmentShow

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7-19-24 Have Economic Concerns Put Your Retirement Plans on Hold?

A recent survey reveals 50+ aged Americans are either delaying their retirement or considering re-entering the workforce. Generation X stands out as particularly anxious about retirement. Concerns about not having enough money (49%), inflation (47%), and the desire for more financial options (42%) were among the top reasons cited for delaying retirement.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Financial Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
Watch today’s show video here:

Articles mentioned in this report:
"Irrational Exuberance Then And Now"
"Fed Rate Cuts – A Signal To Sell Stocks And Buy Bonds?"

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Why You Need a Financial Advisor

RIA Advisors’ Chief Investment Strategist recounts how you can tell you need a financial advisor, and why the group of advisors at RIA can best fill your needs.

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7-18-24 Irrational Exuberance Then And Now

Walking the tightrope between irrational exuberance and reality is complex. Therefore, appreciate the market for what it is. This bull market has no known expiration date. Active management, using technical and fundamental analysis along with macroeconomic forecasting, is crucial to managing the potential risks and rewards that lie ahead. What if we are experiencing rational exuberance and AI is an economic game changer? What if current valuations aptly reflect enhanced economic growth? Such profits and wealth formation may allow us to service unproductive debts better. Accordingly, today’s haunting macroeconomic issues may fade into a glorious future.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA
Produced by Brent

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7-17-24 Avoiding the Sexy Stock Plays

With a slowing economy, what’s the best play for investors? The market has been sustained essentially by seven large-cap stocks, but that dynamic appears to be shifting, and the appeal of making big money quickly may blind you to the realities in the market.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
Articles mentioned in this report:
"Fed Rate Cuts – A Signal To Sell Stocks And Buy Bonds?"
"The “Broken Clock” Fallacy & The Art Of Contrarianism"
"Put Options – Nobody Wants Them"

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Knowing When to Get Out: Mastering Market Timing

Want to make your cash work for you? Buy back shares at a better price! But the real challenge is knowing when to get out and when to buy the dip. #InvestingTips 💸📈

Want to learn more? Subscribe to our YouTube channel = @ TheRealInvestmentShow

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7-16-24 Fed Rate Cuts – A Signal To Sell Stocks And Buy Bonds?

With both economic and inflation data continuing to weaken, expectations of Fed rate cuts are rising. Notably, following the latest consumer price index (CPI) report, which was weaker than expected, the odds of Fed rate cuts by September rose sharply. According to the CME, the odds of a 0.25% cut to the Fed rate are now 90%. Since January 2022, the market has repeatedly rallied on hopes of Fed cuts and a return to increased monetary accommodation. Yet, so far, each rally eventually failed as economic data kept the Federal Reserve on hold. However, as noted, the latest economic and inflation data show clear signs of weakness, which has bolstered Jerome Powell’s comments that we are nearing the point where Fed rate cuts are warranted. Given recent history, why should investors not expect a

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7-15-24 The “Broken Clock” Fallacy & The Art Of Contrarianism

“Bears are like a ‘broken clock,’ they are right twice a day.” While that may seem true during a rising bull market, the reality is that both “bulls” and “bears” are owned by the “broken clock syndrome.” The statement exposes the ignorance or bias of those making such a claim. If you invert the logic, such things become more evident. “If ‘bears’ are right twice a day, then ‘bulls’ must be wrong twice a day.” In the investing game, the timing of being “wrong” is critical to your long-term goals.

Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO,
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
Articles mentioned in this report:
"The “Broken Clock” Fallacy & The Art Of Contrarianism"

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Struggling with fluctuating bitcoin values?

Struggling with fluctuating bitcoin values? 💸 Stay ahead with a stable currency like the dollar for your business transactions! 🌟 #BusinessTips #StableCurrency
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Market volatility can be unpredictable. Remember 2008?

Market volatility can be unpredictable. Remember 2008? A single unknown event can change everything. Stay informed and be prepared. #financialmarkets #2008crisis
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AI is changing the job market

AI is changing the job market – eliminating some roles, creating others. Who knows, in 20 years we might all be brain surgeons thanks to AI. 🤖👩‍⚕️ #AI #FutureJobs
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