The NBER Macroeconomics Annual presents pioneering work in macroeconomics by leading academic researchers addressed to a broad audience of public policymakers as well as to the academic community. Each paper is followed by comments and discussion to give a more complete context for the views expressed. The 2004 edition features a range of papers aimed at providing coherent and informative answers to such important questions as the effect of federal government debt on interest rates; the stochastic dimension of the American economy; the role of technology as a source of economic fluctuations; and the interaction of capital flows, fiscal policy, and monetary policies in developing countries, emerging markets, and OECD countries.
Author: Maurice Obstfeld, Kenneth Rogoff,
Binding: Paperback
EAN: 9780262572293
Manufacturer: The MIT Press
Number of items: 1
Number of pages: 499
Product group: Book
Studio: The MIT Press
Publication Date: 2005-04-01
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pages: 499
ISBN: 026257229X