Daniel Klein

Articles by Daniel Klein

Populism and Classical Liberalism: Is There an Intersection?

I write here to offer a teaser for a video on populism and classical liberalism, a lecture which I gave for the Bruno Leoni Institute in Milan. I redid the lecture on my own, and the recording has been graciously posted by Glenn Diesen:YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMMqrwZISjYThe slide-deck, which contains links, is here.Here are some points and slides from the lecture. I hope you find the video instructive!The deep state and its mouthpieces have been training people to revile “populism.”Here are some of the globalists’ adversaries that we are told to revile:However, as a classical liberal, I have been troubled at how some classical liberals have joined in the popuphobia.Thus, there are two types of popuphobes, swampy globalists and certain misguided

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Russophobia, Historically Considered

Professor Glenn Diesen of Norway recently had his video channel expunged from YouTube, and two days later it was restored at YouTube, all with no real explanation. One video at his channel is a discussion of Richard Cobden’s 1836 pamphlet, which bore the secondary title:In the video, I interview Professor Diesen about the long history of Anglo hatred toward Russia, a hatred which started up in the 1830s and has persisted ever since. I sought to interview Professor Diesen because he is the author of Russophobia: Propaganda in International Politics (2022). We discuss the history of Russia-hate, down to today.Phobia means fear. Professor Diesen and I discussed whether fear of Russia is really the problem. Today’s escalations have been catastrophic and risk nuclear exchange. Perhaps there has

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