Claudio Restani

Articles by Claudio Restani

The Bolognese Jurists behind the Proto-Austrian Theories of the Salamanca School

Bologna, a city in northern Italy, is considered by many scholars to be the oldest university city in the Western world. Its university—the Alma Mater Studiorum—dates back to the year 1088. From the very beginning, the University of Bologna specialized in the analysis of law, especially in the study of canon law (the set of laws and decrees concerning the clergy and religious matters). Bologna became the home of famous jurists who studied and analyzed the laws issued in Rome by the Pope.Later, during the Spanish Golden Age, the Catholic university city of Salamanca specialized in the study of economic sciences by developing innovative theories that are considered by many, such as Marjorie-Grice Hutchinson, as the first historical examples of liberal-libertarian economic theory. The purpose

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The Bolognese Jurists behind the Proto-Austrians of the Salamanca School

Bologna, a city in northern Italy, is considered by many scholars to be the oldest university city in the Western world. Its university—the Alma Mater Studiorum—dates back to the year 1088. From the very beginning, the University of Bologna specialized in the analysis of law, especially in the study of canon law (the set of laws and decrees concerning the clergy and religious matters). Bologna became the home of famous jurists who studied and analyzed the laws issued in Rome by the Pope.Later, during the Spanish Golden Age, the Catholic university city of Salamanca specialized in the study of economic sciences by developing innovative theories that are considered by many, such as Marjorie-Grice Hutchinson, as the first historical examples of liberal-libertarian economic theory. The purpose

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