Recent Literature on Interest (1884-1899); A Supplement to Capital and Interest,

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1903 edition. Excerpt: … RECENT LITERATURE ON INTEREST CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Since the appearance of the first edition of my work the problem of interest has been the subject of lively and varied discussions. The literature on this subject during the last fifteen years has been relatively more abundant than during any previous period of equal length, and while the strife which it indicates has brought no solution of the great problem, there is perceptible on the literary battle-field a certain shifting among the contending forces which seems to me to indicate a more advanced stage of the conflict, one approaching a final decision. The struggle is less desultory than it was fifteen years ago. Though some new opinions have appeared, many of the older ones have been entirely or almost entirely discarded, and the battle now centres about a few earnestly defended points fc^ween’v which .-‘the decision hangs. And .-^vie??”: with; ‘r£fereiice “;to these the decision seems to me to be really nearer than ever before. There is no more skirmishing, no more fighting between advanced outposts. The preliminary actions have so far done their work, the premises and consequences of the contending theories, the essential nature of their theoretical content, so to speak, have been so clearly revealed, that the dispute can scarcely again deviate into side issues, and the pending decision must strike the very core of the matter. To be the historian of the present is, for well-known reasons, a precarious matter. He who himself stands in the midst of the forest cannot easily obtain a good view of it. In my case there are two special reasons which render very difficult the task of being a good expositor of the present condition of the literature of interest. The fact that I…

Author: Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk

Binding: Paperback

EAN: 9781230237497

Condition: New


Number of items: 1

Number of pages: 38

Product group: Book


Publication Date: 2013-09-12


Pages: 38

ISBN: 1230237496

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