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Some of our Twitter followers

 Followers of George Dorgan as of 2012

Media and Bloggers

euromoney.com ‏ @euromoney FOLLOWS YOU


International banking, finance, capital markets coverage. Euromoney.com links tend to be to free content unless signified. RT ≠ endorsement.
Sid Verma ‏ @_SidVerma FOLLOWS YOU
Associate editor @euromoney, global finance and emerging markets aficionado. Formerly of Financial Times (FT Tilt). RTs ≠ endorsement.

Marc Chandler ‏ @marcmakingsense FOLLOWS YOU
Breaking Down and Making Sense of Global Capital Markets

Cullen Roche ‏ @cullenroche FOLLOWS YOU
Founder of Orcam Financial Group (http://orcamgroup.com ) & Pragmatic Capitalism (http://pragcap.com ). Author of Understanding the Modern Monetary System.

Terrence Barrett ‏ @BarrettSurveys
Economic surveys at Bloomberg News. Delving into the details that make a differenceDavid Keohane ‏ @DavidKeo FOLLOWS YOU
FT Alphaville reporter currently sweating in Mumbai. Tweets are mine. Contact: [email protected]

Robert Cookson@robert_cookson FOLLOWS YOU

Digital Media Correspondent @FinancialTimes, covering music, social media, video games, film, newspapers and B2B media among other things. RTs ≠ endorsements
Pedro da Costa ‏  @pdacosta FOLLOWS YOU
Journalist covering economics and Federal Reserve policy for @Reuters. Resident instigator at @MacroScope.
LeMondeEcoEnt ‏ @LeMondeEcoEnt FOLLOWS YOU
Le Monde EcoEnt est le supplément hebdomadaire du quotidien Le Monde, publié tous les lundi. Retrouvez également des informations inédites sur notre blog.

Dow Jones Nordics ‏ @DowJonesNordics FOLLOWS YOU
Follow us for news and insights on Nordic equities, FX & macro from the reporting staff of the Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal in the Nordics.

The Conference Board ‏ @Conferenceboard FOLLOWS YOU
The leading, global business research and membership association

Hannah Smith ‏ @hannah_fran FOLLOWS YOU
I am the deputy editor of @InvestmentWeek, a leading trade publication serving the investment management industry.

Dan Veniez ‏ @danveniez FOLLOWS YOU

Entrepreneur/CEO; past Liberal Party of Canada candidate; Stuff I sometimes write for fun published in iPolitics, Huffington Post, The Mark, Georgia Straight.

Frances Coppola ‏ @Frances_Coppola FOLLOWS YOU
Mezzo-soprano & financial writer, teaches singing a bit too. Embarrassed to admit was a banker once. Rubbish housewife.

Gavan Nolan ‏ @GavanNolan FOLLOWS YOU

Markit.com analyst, specialising in all things credit

MacroScope ‏  @MacroScope FOLLOWS YOU
MacroScope is the @Reuters economics blog, featuring contributions from correspondents around the world.
wonkmonk ‏ @wonkmonk_ FOLLOWS YOU
Economic policy activist.


Libertarian bloggers

zerohedge ‏ @zerohedge FOLLOWS YOU

Eugen Böhm-Bawerk ‏ @EBawerk  FOLLOWS YOU
Former Austrian fin min, ambassador to Germany. Author of Capital and Interest. http://Bawerk.net

John Aziz ‏ @azizonomics FOLLOWS YOU

economics writer. global macro, black swans, geopolitics, history, liberty, environmentalism. zero hedge & maxkeiser.com contributor. geeky.

TakingHayekSeriously ‏ @FriedrichHayek FOLLOWS YOU
Your virtual Alpbach seminar & Mont Pelerin Society meeting in easy 140 character bites.

Wolf Richter ‏ @TestosteronePit FOLLOWS YOU
Endlessly opinionated, falsely confident econ blogger www.testosteronepit.com
TheBubbleBubble.com ‏ @TheBubbleBubble FOLLOWS YOU
One of the Ten People Who Predicted the Financial Meltdown according to The Times of London, now warning of a new crop of major economic bubbles.
Libertarian News ‏ @Libertarian_New FOLLOWS YOU
Libertarian News, Anarcho-capitalism, Austrian economics, Satire and Humor
SAM@AlternEconomic FOLLOWS YOU
Alternative Economics is a foundation dedicated to re-define economic theory. Starting from the initial question of ‘What economics today is’
Plan B Economics ‏ @planbeconomics FOLLOWS YOU
Alternative insights on investing, business, technology, energy and life.


Marc Faber Blog  @marcfaberblog  FOLLOWS YOUMarc Faber is an investor and economist known for his spot-on assessment of the world economy. He also manages his own investment company, Marc Faber Limited.· http://marcfaberblog.com

Charles Dumas ‏ @CharlesDumasLSR  FOLLOWS YOU
Chairman of Lombard Street Research, Chief Economist, Author, formerly w JPMorgan, GM, The EconomistMichael Bull ‏

@MichaelBull1 FOLLOWS YOU
Global macro fund manager at IV Capital ( ‘IVC’ ). Nine consecutive yrs without loss, incl 2008. UCITS fund launching soon. Tweets = personal views, not advice.

Ev Nucci ‏ @evnucci FOLLOWS YOU
Ex-fortune 100 executive, Wall Street Consultant, Mom of 3

George A. Quintas ‏ @GivaDogaBone   FOLLOWS YOU
Fund Manager, Geolly Pty Ltd

Lance Roberts ‏ @STAWealth  FOLLOWS YOU
CEO/Economist/Strategist for STA Wealth Management. Bringing investment and economic analysis without the spin.

John Butler ‏ @ButlerGoldRevo
Author of The Golden Revolution (Wiley, 2012) and the Amphora Report investment newsletter. Former Managing Director at Lehman Brothers and Deutsche Bank.

Wall Street Trading ‏ @WallStTrade FOLLOWS YOU
Whether you are trading equities, options, futures or forex, we specialize in direct market access trading of multiple asset classes.
Barry Widdows ‏ @widdbar FOLLOWS YOU
Global Macro Hedge Fund Manager at BlackRock (@BlackRock)

Nick Huish ‏ @NickHuish  FOLLOWS YOU
Emerging Markets Hedge Fund Manager. Also enjoy a number of sports including football, fishing, rugby and cricket.

H.J.Haack ist der Autor eines erfolgreichen Derivate-Börsenbriefs mit exzellenten Performancedaten und einem in Deutschland einmaligen Service

Douglas Blake
 ‏ @douglas_blake
Senior Wealth Manager at NSC, Producer/Host of Dialogue on the Street for Asia TV, Wall Street This Week for China Radio, contributor with CCTV, ETNow, NDTV
Mike Bergen ‏ @BergenCapital FOLLOWS YOU
A hedge fund manager.
Global macro ‏ @Makro_Trader FOLLOWS YOU
Global Macro strategy with main focus on the Nordic markets.Behavioral Finance ‏ @victorricciardi FOLLOWS YOU
Behavioral Finance & Risk Expert, Finance Professor at Goucher College, SSRN Editor, Radio Guest. Victor Ricciardi posts behavioral finance news on Twitter.


Banque CIC (Suisse) ‏ @BanqueCIC FOLLOWS YOU
Seit über 100 Jahren kompetenter Ansprechpartner in Anlagefragen. Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter für spannende Einblicke und Ausblicke. http://www.cic.ch

Private Banking und Asset Management

cash ‏ @cashch FOLLOWS YOU
cash.ch vereint unabhängige Wirtschafts- und Finanzinformationen mit vielseitigen Bankdienstleistungen.

Armin Müller ‏ @Armin_Muller FOLLOWS YOU
Chefökonom Handelszeitung [opinions are my own]
Pascal Meisser ‏ @PMeisser FOLLOWS YOU
Wirtschaftsjournalist – cash.ch

Finanz u. Wirtschaft ‏ @FuW_News FOLLOWS YOU
Hier twittert das Team von «Finanz und Wirtschaft», älteste Finanzredaktion der Schweiz. Gegründet 1928. Jetzt tagesaktuell auf allen digitalen Kanälen.

Patrik Müller ‏ @patrik_mueller FOLLOWS YOU
Journalist Der Sonntag

fondstrends.ch ‏ @fondstrends FOLLOWS YOU
Die führende B2B-Informationsplattform für die Schweizer Fondsindustrie. Fondstrends.ch richtet sich an Professionals und ein interessiertes Fachpublikum.

Frederic Biondi ‏ @FredSwiss FOLLOWS YOU
CEO of a Swiss industrial company actives in the pharma business

swissbusiness ‏ @swissbusiness FOLLOWS YOU
The Swiss Business Club is connecting business people


David Song ‏ @DavidJSong FOLLOWS YOU
Currency Analyst at DailyFX.com.

Jennifer Cordingley ‏ @TradingTotty FOLLOWS YOU

Broadcast Journalist for Dukascopy Forex TV

Nicolas Chéron ‏ @NicolasCheron FOLLOWS YOU

Stratégiste, Responsable de l’équipe DailyFX France. #EURUSD #trading

Jon Matonis @jonmatonis  FOLLOWS YOU

e-Money specialist. Board advisor to startups in bitcoin, gaming, mobile and prepaid. Previously CEO of Hushmail and Chief Forex Trader at VISA.

George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on SeekingAlpha.com and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.
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