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7c) Michael Pettis

michael pettis

The most important pages on Michael Pettis, on sector balances.

Be aware that this is partially related to Koo’s yin/yang periods distinction.

Sector balances concern

  1. the differentiation into household income, company income (aka profits) and public income as opposed to current account, the external balance
  2. the differentiation into household wealth, cash/wealth on company balance sheets and public wealth. Moreover the desire to increase or decrease debt.

Sector Balances, theories and articles that base on them:


Michael Pettis
Wall Street veteran, merchant banker, equities trader, economist, finance professor, entrepreneur — iconoclast — Michael Pettis is a unique individual living and working in China, at the heart of the world’s most exciting and vibrant economy. Having learned firsthand how markets operate during his years on Wall Street, Michael has taken his knowledge and insight and applied them to the Asian financial markets as an expert analyst, commentator, and participant. His work and research focuses on monetary policy, trade policy, and the development of the banking and financial markets in China.
See more for 8.) Michael Pettis

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