By the Bay: East Beach Stories

By the Bay, East Beach Stories is a collection of twelve fictional tales about life along the Chesapeake Bay. They range from murderous to romantic, from humorous to dramatic, from gritty noir to political thriller to the sweet and the spiritual. The thread that ties them together is their connection to a 100-acre peninsula in Norfolk, Virginia. East Beach is nestled on the shores of the southernmost point of the Chesapeake Bay, just as it becomes the Atlantic Ocean. Written by members of the East Beach Writers Guild, these tales exhibit the writers’ love of their neighborhood and their talent for story-telling. All proceeds from the sales of these books will be disbursed to reading-related non-profits in the Norfolk, VA area.

Author: Jayne Ormerod, Jenny F. Sparks, Gina Warren Buzby, Patrick Clark, Michelle Davenport, Karen Harris, Will Hopkins, Mary-Jac O'Daniel, Mike Owens, R. G. Koepf,

Binding: Paperback

EAN: 9780692466759

Condition: New

Manufacturer: Bay Breeze Publishing Group

Number of items: 1

Number of pages: 188

Product group: Book

Studio: Bay Breeze Publishing Group

Publication Date: 2015-07-08

Publisher: Bay Breeze Publishing Group

Pages: 188

ISBN: 0692466754

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