The Euro Crisis: Details and chronology and the German Perspective on it

In the following we present the history of EU reforms, bailouts during the euro crisis and the German perspective on them.

A more complete history on the Euro crisis can be found on the blog “Place du Luxembourg”.

The Bailouts and the German Opinion

Many economists in Germany, like the president of the IFO institute Hans Werner Sinn, the former ECB chief economist Jürgen Stark and the ECB member Asmussen, are against the demands of the English-speaking financial press, to provide more and more cheap money to European banks and push investments into the PIIGS based on borrowed German money. German economists are rather worried about the increasing (wage) inflation in Germany. The German government and the ECB want supply-side measures contained in the Stability and Growth Pact.

As opposed to the initial position of the social-democratic opposition, Merkel’s CDU does not want any Eurobonds, for them commonly issued bonds would mean that the PIIGS would imply that they not need implement austerity as Merkel demanded in the Fiscal Compact.

The Fiscal Compact wants the strong reduction of government debt and a balanced budget rule, which implies that the European states have to cut spending and implement austerity. To ratify the Fiscal Compact, including the balance budget rule, is the precondition for countries to access the permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM), with a lending capacity of 500 bln Euros.

The predecessor of the ESM was the EFSF, with a lending capacity 240 bln Euros, originally planned for a limited time only, from which Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain in June 2012 had to borrow. Both the ESM and EFSF allow the Euro countries to borrow money at better interest rates than they would get in the free market. As opposed to the EFSF, the ESM has a seniority status, i.e. a creditor country must first pay the ESM before it pays its other debt (similar to IMF rules). European governments decided to combine the ESM and the remaining funds from the EFSF so that bigger Euro countries like Spain could also use these emergency funds. There are rumors that Italy and Spain together are not allowed to borrow from the joint fund. Spain is currently experiencing significant problems because of high unemployment and the bailout of some of its banks.


The following table gives the outcome of the June 29th 2012 summit and clarifies certain issues.







George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.
See more for 2.) Bailouts ESM Eurobonds

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