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Swiss Financial Top Twitter List

The Kuble List (by December 26, 2012)

The Kloud score list by Kuble AG contains more aspects than just the number of followers, but also:

  • Retweets: Retweets increase your influence by exposing your content to extended follower networks.
  • Mentions: People seeking your attention by mentioning you is a strong signal of influence. We also take into account the differences in types of mentions, including “via” and “cc.”
  • List Memberships: Being included on lists curated by other users demonstrates your areas of influence.
  • Followers: Follower count is one factor in your Score, but we heavily favor engagement over size of audience.
  • Replies: Replies show that you are consistently engaging your network with quality content.
    (see more about the Kloutscore)
Rank Avatar
1  swissroman Communicator, networker, banker, social media fan, kite surfer. And I’m working in financial communication, but these are my own views.

2  marcpbernegger Partner at @nextgfi, Co-Founder of @amiando (WEF Global Technology Pioneer, exit to Xing) and @usgangch (exit to Axel Springer), Finance 2.0 & Banking 2.0

3  adfichter Politologin. Social Media- Verantwortliche für OFWI (http://www.ofwi.ch). Ex- @politnetzCH . Kaffee-Junkie. Russkji. Twittert für @infocubech

4  CreditSuisse Credit Suisse Group is a world-leading financial services company, advising clients in all aspects of finance, around the world, around the clock.

5  UBS UBS is a global financial services firm which draws on a 150-year heritage to serve its clients. Follow us also via @UBSamericas, @UBSemea and @UBSschweiz.

6  marcfaberblog Marc Faber is an investor and economist known for his spot-on assessment of the world economy. He also manages his own investment company, Marc Faber Limited.

7  retolipp Am Puls der Wirtschaft: Der SRF-Moderator über bemerkenswerte News und kaum beachtete Zusammenhänge. Ein unabhängiger Wegweiser durch den Wirtschafts-Dschungel.

8  swissbusiness The Swiss Business Club is connecting business people

9  CarolinCNBC Swiss Market Correspondent for CNBC, based in Zurich when not travelling around Europe to report on eurozone crisis, News and Chocolate-junkie, Twin

10  DorganG Macro-based currency & fixed income portf. manager. Minskian, Richard Koo’s & libertarian ideas. The resource for SNB balance sheet & Swiss economics.

11  KatharinaBart Swiss banking journo at Reuters. Outdoors nut, girl-about-Zurich. My own views, retweets not endorsements. Story ideas katharina.bart(at)http://t.co/xxOIq8Iu

12  UBSamericas UBS is a global, client-focused financial services firm that offers a combination of wealth management, asset management and investment banking services.

13  finews_ch Ein Intranet für den Finanzplatz Schweiz. Und ein Treffpunkt der Finanzwelt.



Most members of the list, however, are either

  • not Switzerland-specific like UBS, Credit Suisse, marcfaberblog and even more UBSamericas.
  • no real financial tweeters like the social media guys swissroman, marcpbernegger and adfichter who mostly tweets about politics


Our data is as of October 4, 2012, only pure financial & economic tweeters with focus on Switzerland

We do not list here neither the global brands of UBS or Credit Suisse nor news tweeters (like e.g. @swissbusinessor the Swiss newspapers, but tweeters mostly concentrated

  • on  financials and economic news/analysis and
  • on Switzerland

The list is not necessarily exhaustive. It is ordered by the number of followers.


Russian Market 俄羅斯市場

Russian Market @russian_market

Russia | Russian Economy & Finance, Economics, Equities, and Forex. Zurich, Switzerland & Moscow, Russia | Schweiz

Zurich – Moscow – Hong Kong

(this is the guy who talks the most and because he talks so much, so many want to listen 🙂

SF Wirtschaft

SF Wirtschaft  @sf_wirtschaft

Offizieller Twitter-Auftritt vom Schweizer Fernsehen SF mit aktuellen Wirtschaftsnews

Switzerland · http://www.tagesschau.sf.tv/Nachrichten/Wirtschaft

Reto Lipp

Reto Lipp @retolipp


Am Puls der Wirtschaft: Der SF-Moderator über bemerkenswerte News und kaum beachtete Zusammenhänge. Ein unabhängiger Wegweiser durch den Wirtschafts-Dschungel.

Zürich · http://www.eco.sf.tv/


economiesuisse @economiesuisse

economiesuisse ist die grösste Dachorganisation der Schweizer Wirtschaft.

Zürich · http://www.economiesuisse.ch


Avenir Suisse

Avenir Suisse @Avenir_Suisse

Der unabhängige Think-Tank Avenir Suisse entwickelt Ideen für die Zukunft der Schweiz. Er wird von über 100 Unternehmen und Privatpersonen unterstützt.

Zürich · http://www.avenir-suisse.ch




Swiss Bankers Association, the leading professional organisation of the Swiss financial centre

Basel, Switzerland · http://www.swissbanking.org

Katharina Bart

Katharina Bart @KatharinaBart

Swiss banking journalist at Reuters. Outdoors nut, girl-about-Zurich. My own views, retweets not endorsements. Story ideas katharina.bart(at)thomsonreuters.com



cash @cashch

Wirtschafts- und Finanzplattform

Zürich | Schweiz · http://www.cash.ch

George Dorgan

George Dorgan    @DorganG

Macro-based currency & fixed income portf. manager. Minskian, Richard Koo’s & libertarian ideas. The resource for SNB balance sheet & Swiss economics.

·  https://snbchf.com/





BILANZ ist das führende Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin und deckt alle Facetten des Wirtschaftsgeschehens ab.

Zürich · http://www.bilanz.ch

UBS Schweiz

UBS Schweiz


UBS bietet Dienstleistungen für Privat-, Firmen- und institutionelle Kunden sowie für Retail-Kunden in der Schweiz.

· http://www.ubs.com/twitterschweiz


finews.ch  @finews_ch

Ein Intranet für den Finanzplatz Schweiz. Und ein Treffpunkt der Finanzwelt.

Switzerland, Zürich · http://www.finews.ch

Volker Strohm

Volker Strohm @volkerstrohm

Chefredaktor Wirtschaftsmedien Online | Axel Springer Schweiz +++ Tweets zu diesem und jenem. Über den Tellerrand hinaus – und noch viel weiter.

Switzerland · http://www.handelszeitung.ch

Swiss Economic Forum

Swiss Economic Forum @SwissEconomic

The Swiss Economic Forum is the most important annual get-together of leading Swiss entrepreneurs and decision makers.

Thun / Interlaken · http://www.swisseconomic.ch

Finanz u. Wirtschaft

Daniel Kalt

Daniel Kalt @daniel_kalt

UBS Chefökonom & Chief Investment Officer Schweiz

· http://www.ubs.com/global/en/about_ubs/follow_ubs/daniel_kalt.html



KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich Konjunkturforschung seit 1938 – fundiert, unabhängig, kompetent

Zurich · http://kof.ethz.ch



Peace, macro economics, comics, street basketball, cartoons, movie, functional training, freedom, blogger, asset management, end this depression, now!

Zurich · http://acemaxx-analytics-dispinar.blogspot.com/


George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on SeekingAlpha.com and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.
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