Conor Sanderson

Articles by Conor Sanderson

Decoupling America’s AI Capabilities from China Act: Another Overstep

The Decoupling America’s Artificial Intelligence Capabilities from China Act—introduced by Senator Josh Hawley, R-Mo.—is another attempt to stifle free speech, the free market, infringe on personal freedoms, and damage market processes.Senator Hawley, who introduced the legislation, said growing concerns over the threat from China’s development of AI warranted the proposal. The new bill would ban US persons from interacting with Chinese AI products, research, and technologies. Those found in violation would face up to 20 years in prison and significant fines. The aim of the bill is national security and protection of economic interests—all centered on decoupling America’s AI development from China—but the result would be stifling technology and limiting free speech and

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Netanyahu’s Seizure of Syrian Land

The recent seizure of Syrian land on the Golan Heights by Israel is an ominous example of expansionism at its worst, in complete violation of property rights, if not a total human rights violation as well. The claim of Benjamin Netanyahu that the Golan will “forever be an inseparable part” of Israel shows utter disregard for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. Netanyahu flippantly defied earlier treaties with Damascus using the dissolution of Syria’s internationally-recognized government after Assad’s departure as an excuse, claiming such treaties are no longer binding.Libertarians understand that political borders are a human construct and that the individual has a natural right to self and property. The notion of national borders is an institutional

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The Betrayal of Free Speech: Elon Musk Buckles to Government Censorship, Again

In April 2024, STF Justice Alexandre de Moraes of Brazil ordered the suspension of dozens of accounts on X for allegedly spreading disinformation. Musk denounced the orders as censorship and refused to comply. The dispute escalated, leading to the ban on X in Brazil. After months of defiance, Elon Musk’s social media platform has decided to comply with Brazilian court orders, censoring users at the behest of the government.As a staunch defender of individual freedom and limited government intrusion, it is disheartening to see someone like Elon Musk cave to the pressures put forth by government censorship. Despite his initial commitment to free speech—even taking over Twitter for just that reason—Musk’s X platform has increasingly caved to government demands for content removal and account

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The Pyramid Scheme of Home Insurance

I’ve always been skeptical of government-backed monopolies and coercive institutions. Insurance—particularly home insurance in hurricane-prone areas—has long been a prime example of such a scheme. In the past weeks of hurricanes, when the winds cause catastrophic destruction and the rain pours down flooding entire cities, the insurance industry’s true nature is laid bare—a pyramid scheme that preys on the vulnerable and enriches the few at the expense of the many.In areas prone to hurricanes and flooding, homeowners are forced to purchase insurance to comply with local building codes, mortgage requirements, and zoning regulations. This mandatory coverage creates a captive market, where individuals are coerced into buying a product they may not need or want. The insurance companies, aware

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Failure as a Design Imperative

The idea that “if it can fail, it should” probably seems oxymoronic to most people when applied to the economic realm. Isn’t the whole point of economic systems to succeed, to thrive, and to bring prosperity to all? So it would seem. But not according to the Austrian school of economics. Indeed, we believe that the possibility of failure is a prerequisite for genuine economic advancement.As Ludwig von Mises so eloquently put it, “Human action is purposeful behavior.” We, as humans, try to attain our goals and values by means we think are suitable. This is vital to our individual autonomy. Yet it’s vital to recognize that our cognition isn’t necessarily perfect. One can never comprehend the subtleties of human action, nor, for that matter, exactly what consequences our actions may bring.

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FEMA’s Incompetent Crisis Response

As I write this, another catastrophic hurricane barrels towards Florida, and I can only imagine not only the natural damage left in its wake, but the hopelessness many will feel when they realize the very agencies tasked to respond are not much more than political appointments, and far too inept to grasp the gravity of the task at hand. In the aftermath of a catastrophic event, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is tasked with coordinating relief efforts. However, FEMA’s very existence and response mechanisms are fundamentally flawed.Ludwig Von Mises argued that central planning—as embodied in government agencies like FEMA—is inherently inefficient and ineffective. FEMA’s centralized decision-making process, reliant on bureaucratic directives and arbitrary allocations, fails to

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The Fed Rate Cut Isn’t the Housing Market’s Dream After All

The rate cut by the Fed in September 2024 appears to be not much more than another performative song and dance. With many people, particularly in the real estate world, holding on to the idea that the rate cuts will stimulate buyers, the reality is not much will change, except for the worse.One can call the rate cut nothing more than a mere utterance from the Fed because it gives a message of assurance to the market and the public that it is doing something to stimulate the economy. Therein also lies a symbolic action likely to have psychological consequences for the players in the market as far as momentary turmoil and short-term asset price inflation are concerned.However, the Fed’s rate cut didn’t grapple with the root causes of economic problems. The Fed’s manipulation of interest

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Mises’s Framework Still Sets the Standard

As we wade through the intricacies of modern society, it becomes all the more imperative to go back to the works of Ludwig von Mises. Mises remains not only relevant but vital, providing a framework to view the modern world. Throughout his life, Mises set the standard with his insights into human action, economics, and politics. In an era characterized by government overreach, monetary manipulation, and degradation of individual freedoms, it is with his ideas that we can seek guidance regarding these issues. Mises’s ideas serve as a beacon of wisdom, guiding us toward a more just and prosperous society.Mises’s magnum opus, Human Action, laid the ground for the Austrian school of economics—putting the emphasis on subjective human choice, entrepreneurship, and the role of prices in

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Political Violence in American Society

The recent attempts on former President Donald Trump’s life have sparked concerns about political violence and the normalization of such acts in American society. It’s been no secret that over the past few election cycles the polarization and divisive rhetoric has ramped up. But with multiple assassination attempts on a leading presidential candidate, it’s worth noting that the political establishment doesn’t appear to be interested in quelling the issues that have led to these acts but relishing in them instead.Of course, these events can be analyzed through the lens of individual rights, property, and the consequences of government intervention. When government officials, such as politicians or law enforcement, engage in aggressive and violent behavior or promote divisive and

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Back to School—A Critique of the College Model

In a recent conversation with my college-educated friend, they expressed their sentiments that college, for many, was a waste, echoing a common critique among libertarians. Further, they continued, that if they were not led to believe that college would guarantee a well-paying career, they could have started working earlier, developing real-world skills, therefore, making closer to the comfortable pay of their non-college-attending colleagues. While some may view higher education as a necessary step towards personal and professional growth, others argue that the current system is plagued by inefficiencies, inflated costs, and a lack of connection to the job market.Libertarians argue that the current college system isn’t sustainable due to its reliance on federal guarantees for student

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The IRS Direct File Program: Making It Easier for the IRS to Take Your Money

Last month, in a move to curb another example of government overreach, Representatives Adrian Smith and Chuck Edwards introduced the IRS Overreach Prevention Act. This act aims to prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from continuing its “Direct File” pilot program. The program, which essentially allows the IRS to bypass the normal audit process and file tax liens directly with the courts, is nothing more than a clear violation of taxpayers’ due process rights wrapped up in the guise of convenience.To libertarians, the implications are clear—the program represents a violation of the non-aggression principle, where the government is using its power to impose its will by force on taxpayers without their consent.The IRS’s actions are reminiscent of the crony capitalism that Rothbard

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The Problem with Trump’s Agenda 47 for Homeschoolers

What is the Mises Institute?

The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.

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The Problem with Trump’s Agenda 47 for Homeschoolers

Homeschooling has never been an experiment. Parents teaching their children the individual and unique things which they believe they should know has not only been the way of life before the public school experiment, but is the most libertarian way to address the total governmental failure and inefficient model of so-called education.

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