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Yanis Varoufakis comes to King’s College London

Yanis Varoufakis made his way to Britain recently as part of his tours of the continent, aiming to mobilise support for DiEM25 and its Progressive Agenda for Europe. During his visit over the weekend, Yanis and some other leading DiEMers hosted an event in London at Conway Hall to assemble together Europe-minded British progressives and kick-start their mobilisation. The previous day, on the Friday, Yanis, along with Srećko Horvat and Elif Şafak attended an event hosted by The Guardian, again to spread the message of Democracy in Europe, and to galvanise Britons, demoralised by the unfolding course of Brexit. However, a lesser known event also took place earlier that Friday, as Yanis Varoufakis came to King’s College London and spoke to a room of over 200 students and staff to discuss Europe’s Crisis, and DiEM25’s Agenda to solve it. Hosted by the KCL European Society and the Department of Political Economy, we brought Yanis to the centre of London to speak to an enthused audience of students and academics who are concerned for Europe’s future and, we hope, were open to hearing the progressive message of DiEM25.
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