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Rhine Falls water level at historic low

The historically hot and dry summer and autumn weather is having a dramatic impact on water levels – such as of the Rhine Falls.

The historically hot and dry summer and autumn weather is having a dramatic impact on the water levels of Swiss rivers and lakes, and natural landmarks such as the Rhine Falls.

The glorious summer weather has attracted many visitors to the Rhine Falls waterfall near Schaffhausen in northeast Switzerland. Owing to the low level of the river, tourist boats can get much closer to the spectacular waterfall than normal.

But the lower water levels are a concern. Normally, boats operating between the historic town of Stein am Rhein in and Diessenhofen further down river return to their boatyards at the end of the season, but at present they cannot sail due to the exceptionally low water levels.

In Basel, Switzerland’s key port on the Rhine that handles 10% of all goods imported into the country, the movements of container ships were suspended last Friday due to low water.

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