Blog Archive

Will the Fed Surprise or Pivot?

(7/27/22) The Federal Reserve later today is to make an announcement about interest rates, expected to boost the overnight lending rate by 75 basis points...but could Powell & o. cave to political pressure and pivot towards a kinder, gentler interest rate? In fact, there's a reason higher interest rates are healthier for the economy and individuals' financial well-being; there is a dark side to low interest rates, which prevent the natural...

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Renditekiller Aktienanzahl – Leben von Dividenden –

Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts:

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Günstig bewertet vs. optisch billig ⁉️ #Aktien #LarsErichsen #Shorts #börsenwissen

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Stefan Felder: Kleider machen Leute, Mondlandung, Political Correctness | Thomas Kovacs Podcast #2

Stefan Felder: Political Correctness, Erziehung, Mondlandung alles fake? | Thomas Kovacs Podcast #2

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Banken kurz vom Ende oder alles halb so wild?

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen.

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Google stock analysis & trade idea after earnings

Yesterday, Google reported earnings. GOOG's 3% after-hours gain after the results report reinforces the view that its 32.5 percent drop from its all-time high (in January 2021) to its most recent low (in May 2022) may be adequate. This may mean good companies have changed enough and bad ones need to shrink. The video presents a technical analysis of the Google stock, with a weekly Anchored VWAP from the COVID collapse bottom. VWAP considers...

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Egal was sie machen – Es wird schlimmer

Markus Krall: Egal was sie machen – Es wird schlimmer

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FOMC preview: Watch for a subtle shift

Signs of an economic slowdown are here but what will move markets on the FOMC decision are signs of a slowdown in the pace of rate hikes. The market can get laser-focused on the small difference between 75 basis points and 100 basis points but what ultimately matters is the terminal destination of rates. Don’t look for the Fed to say anything explicit, like that they see a peak in inflation. The Fed is missing its mandate on price stability badly...

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CLEAR WARNING FOR GOLD & SILVER PRICE| This Is About To Happen… Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price

CLEAR WARNING FOR GOLD & SILVER PRICE| This Is About To Happen... Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price #silverprice #Goldprice Economic collapse,gold price,stock market crash 2022,silver price,federal reserve,recession,recession 2022,market crash 2022,silver stacking,silver prices,silver price predictions,stock market,peter krauth,economic crisis,stock market crash,alasadair macleod,alasdair macleod,alasdair macleod latest,gold price...

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Bitcoin follows the key technicals that can lead to big dollar moves

In bitcoin, the most active digital currency, traders ask me if they follow technical tools like the ones I use in analyzing currencies, stocks, bonds, and commodities. The answer is .....YES. Traders like to define and limit risk and certain technical tools do just that no matter the instrument. IN this video, I look at the price action of bitcoin on the daily and hourly chart and show how traders can and did, use technicals that led to some...

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Great Reset & 3. Weltkrieg | Lexikon der Finanzwelt mit Ernst Wolff

Es ist Ende Juli 2022 und die Welt befindet sich in einem Umbruch von gewaltigen Dimensionen. Die Auswirkungen sind so immens, dass man sich die Frage stellen muss: Erleben wir möglicherweise nicht nur den Great Reset, sondern auch den Beginn des 3. Weltkriegs? Sehen wir uns, um die Frage zu klären, die beiden anderen Weltkriege einmal an: Der 1. Weltkrieg von 1914 bis 1918 war ein Kampf um die Nachfolge Großbritanniens als führender Weltmacht...

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Im heutigen Video spreche ich über die anstehenden Ereignisse, wie z.B. das FED Meeting, die Firmen Reports etc. und welchen Einfluss diese auf den Markt haben können. Gibt es bald einen weiteren Crash?

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EUR Kurs am Boden & Inflation außer Kontrolle (Kommt die Krise?!) (Video kann bald gelöscht werden)

EUR Kurs am Boden & Inflation außer Kontrolle (Kommt die Krise?!) (Video kann bald gelöscht werden)

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Rohstoff-Superzyklus & Long Gehen im Bärenmarkt?

Über Instagram (@jensrabe_official) wurden viele Fragen zum Thema Börse eingereicht. Jens Rabe beantwortet einige davon in diesem Video. 0:00 Märkte verstehen lernen & Buchtipps 2:34 Rohstoff Superzyklus? 5:17 Morgenroutine 7:20 Ist der Ausverkauf vorbei? 8:51 Aktien-Screening Vereinbare jetzt Dein kostenfreies Beratungsgespräch: Schaut auf dem neuen Instagram-Account vorbei:...

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GELDSOZIALISMUS in der EU! Wie die EZB Deutsche Bürger enteignet! (WUTVIDEO)

Die EZB macht Staatsfinanzierung und wir Deutschen zahlen brav für die Anderen, obwohl wir weniger Vermögen haben 💰 bis zu 2 Gratisaktien bei Depotempfehlung für ETFs & Sparpläne ► * 🐦 Kostenlose Anmeldung bei Spatz Portfolio Software ►►► MyDividends24 App Downloaden ► 📒 Mein Buch! Der Rationale Kapitalist ►► 🎧JETZT auch als...

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VIDEO: The morning technical look at some of the major currency pairs for July 26, 2022

The USD is stronger to start the day. How has that impacted the technical picture for the EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD and USDCAD

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Inventory Builds & Declining Store Traffic | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(7/26/22) Walmart blames inflation for a less-than-enthusiastic outlook, after previously warning about inventory builds. Monday's Q2 report underscored those concerns, as well as declining store traffic.

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The “No Recession” Myth is Nonsense

(7/26/22) Treasury Sec'y. Janet Yellen says there's no recession in sight, but yield curve performance would challenge that assessment. WalMart and UPS warnings it's no longer cheap to go to McDonald's. Watching Retailers' reports to reveal how American's are spending money.

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The Swiss army: your questions answered Part 6

In Switzerland, all able-bodied men complete compulsory military service, while others opt for a civilian service. But how useful is a conscript army in light of what Russia did to Ukraine?

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Ukraine works to resume grain exports, should begin again within days | World News | WION

Amid skepticism that the recent Russian strike on Ukraine's port city of Odessa might jeopardize the un-brokered grain deal. Kyiv and the United Nations have now offered a fresh ray of hope saying that the export of grains could start within days.

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