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USDJPY Technical Analysis

Here's a quick technical analysis on USDJPY with some fundamental background. For more visit

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Unvermeidbar: SPD rutscht unter 10 Prozent!

Ich prognostiziere, dass die SPD wenn Scholz so weiter macht in den Umfragen nächstes Jahr schon unter 10% rutscht! 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD* Bildrechte:By Olaf Kosinsky - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App 📒...

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Sparen bei Netflix, Amazon Prime & Disney+ – Der Hack, an den Du nicht gedacht hast #streaming

Streaming: Mit Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Wow etc. ist die Auswahl riesig - und teuer. Dabei gibt es einen Hack, der so offensichtlich ist, dass die meisten ihn übersehen. Einfach monatlich wechseln, anstatt alle gleichzeitig zu bezahlen! Das spart Dir im Monat leicht 40€ – 80€. Welche Abos hast Du? Unsere Depotempfehlungen ►

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Das sicherste ETF-Depot! (Studie beweist es!)

► Sichere Dir meinen Report mit Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs - 100% gratis: In diesem Video geht es nicht darum, wie ich in einem bestimmten Zeitraum die maximale Rendite erziele. Es geht darum, wie ich mein ETF-Portfolio möglichst sicher und dennoch rentabel gestalte. Link zur Studie "Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment of Lifecycle Investment Advice":...

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Warum bin ich dein Top 1 Freiheitsinfluencer?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Uns gibt es wegen deiner finanziellen Freiheit. Und dafür stehen ich beziehungsweise wir, das ist ein Team von knapp 25 tollen Menschen im Hintergrund, jeden Tag gerne auf, um dich voranzubringen. Zum einen inspirieren, dein Entgelt Muskel zu trainieren, da noch immer besser und besser und besser zu werden auch mit deiner finanziellen Freiheit. Also konkrete Techniken und Strategien, die in der Praxis funktionieren,...

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Wie geht es mit der Rente weiter? 🩼 #rente #zukunft

Wie geht es mit der Rente weiter? 👴🩼 #rente #zukunft 📝 44,5 Mrd. Euro sollen Ende des Jahres bei der Deutschen Rentenversicherung als Reserve auf der Seite liegen, ein neuer Rekord. Mit diesem Geld sollen mögliche Beitragserhöhungen umgangen werden. 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Angefangen als YouTube-Kanal mit Erklärvideos, haben wir uns innerhalb weniger Jahre...

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Heftig! Cem Özdemir von der Bühne gebuht!!

Tausende Bauern legen Berlin lahm! Massive Proteste in der Hauptstadt! Sie protestieren gegen die Ampel und rufen "Neuwahlen Neuwahlen" 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App 📒 Mein Buch! Der Rationale Kapitalist ►► 🎧JETZT auch als Hörbuch...

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Has Market Exuberance Gotten Out of Hand? (12/18/23)

(12/18/23) It's the week before Christmas and on Broad & Wall, though Lance's shopping list is empty, he's not hitting the mall! Did markets mistake what Jerome Powell really said last week? The current market rally is long in the tooth: 7-weeks running a buying stampede; correction is inevitable. 46% of S&P is at all-time highs. Will markets drift higher through the end of the year? Santa Claus Rally defined (it extends into January). Has...

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Exploring Science in Davos: EP6 Lab 42 AI lab decoding the human brain

Artificial intelligence chatbots like ChatGPT generate remarkably human-like results. But how intelligent is it really? SWI visits Lab42, a new AI lab in Davos, which is deploying playful techniques to better understand the fundamentals of human intelligence. In addition to the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) gathering, Davos is home to several leading research institutes. The newest is Lab 42, which opened its doors in July 2022,...

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Exploring Science in Davos: EP5 Snow and avalanche research in Davos

When and where the next avalanche will happen is hard to predict. In a special cold laboratory in Davos, researchers simulate the effects of wind on fresh snow to better understand the mechanisms that trigger avalanches. For centuries, avalanches have posed a threat to mountain farmers and their livestock. With the development of winter tourism, roads, railways and hydropower plants, the interest in avalanche research and protective measures has...

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Exploring Science in Davos: EP3 Why house dust mites, pollen and food additives cause allergies?

The small city of Davos in southeastern Switzerland, located at an altitude of 1,560m above sea level in the Swiss Alps, attracted tuberculosis patients back in the 1800s and 1900s after scientists discovered that clean mountain air had a positive effect on their health. However, with the development of antibiotics, the sanatoriums eventually lost their purpose. Today that same clean Davos air, marked by the absence of tree pollen, such as birch,...

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Exploring Science in Davos: EP2 Studying bones at the AO Research Institute Davos

Before 1960, broken bones were treated simply by using plaster casts or traction. Then 13 Swiss surgeons began rethinking fracture treatment: they standardised instruments, screws and nails, scientifically evaluated every operation, and started training surgeons. On their tour of Davos’s scientific communities, Sara and Michele go behind the scenes to see what new technologies are currently being developed. The AO Foundation in Davos has been a...

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Exploring Science in Davos: EP1 Orthopaedics gathering at the AO Davos Courses 2022

The Swiss town of Davos is famous for mountain slopes, winter sports and the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. But did you know that it also attracts scientists and doctors from all over the world? In this six-part video series, SWI journalists Sara Ibrahim and Michele Andina take you on a journey to discover five of Davos’s research institutes. In this first episode, they take you to the AO Davos Courses, a two-week...

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Using sound to find prehistoric ruins under Lake Lucerne

Construction workers got a surprise recently while laying a pipeline underneath Lake Lucerne in central Switzerland. On the lake floor they found the traces of a prehistoric village! This finally confirmed a long-standing theory among archaeologists, who believed that people had lived in the area thousands of years ago. But why were the traces of their home so deep within the lake? Across Switzerland there are about 500 pile dwelling sites, but...

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Why these Japanese patients wanted to die in Switzerland

In this second part of our two-part series on assisted suicide, SWI reporter Kaoru Uda tells host Susan Misicka what it was like to accompany two Japanese patients who came to Switzerland to die. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages about Switzerland for a global audience.

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Why this Swiss doctor supports assisted suicide

Every year, over 1,000 seriously ill people end their lives in Switzerland with the help of suicide assistants.     Assisted suicide is legal in several countries, including Switzerland, Canada and the Netherlands. A handful of other countries – like Germany and Colombia – are working out the legal and practical details. Some people even travel great distances to die in Switzerland because assisted suicide is illegal where they live. For example,...

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Meet couples saying ‘I do’ to gay marriage

Now that Switzerland has approved marriage for all, host Susan Misicka talks with some couples who explain why it's important to them. We also hear from opponents of Swiss legislation granting same-sex couples the right to marry. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages about Switzerland...

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Why we still need pens and pencils

In this encore episode of The Swiss Connection, we visit Swiss century-old pen and pencil maker Caran d'Ache. Podcast host Susan Misicka takes a tour of the factory and feels a bit silly when Caran d’Ache President Carole Hubscher sees her hasty choice of writing instrument. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and...

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Typeface designer is in love with letters

Swiss designers gave us the big-name Helvetica and Frutiger typefaces in the 20th century. Now a modern-day designer from Basel is collaborating on a new font that we might soon be seeing a lot more of.  Nina Stoessinger of Frere-Jones Type in Brooklyn talks about inspiration and challenges. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes...

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Decrypting cryptocurrency and blockchain

How soon will we start buying our groceries with Bitcoin? What kind of scams do we need to be aware of? And why is Switzerland so sweet on cryptocurrencies and blockchain? SWI finance correspondent Matt Allen gives host Susan Misicka an overview of what he's learned while covering this scene over the past several years. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern...

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